Chapter 40

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Your POV

You woke up to find yourself lying in a very comfortable king sized bed in one of the many guest rooms of Wayne Manor. The first thought that came into your head was: 'I feel like shit.' You heard the familiar tone of the heart rate monitor machine beside you and it took you back to the time you were in this situation before and you were instantly reminded of the look on Damian's face when he saw you wake up from your trouble in paradise. However this time the room was completely empty, and suddenly all the memories smacked you hard.


He had given up himself to the League of Assassins to save you. It was your fault he was now being turned into everything he has spent the past 5 years trying to escape. You immediately jumped out of bed, and as you did so every bone and muscle in your body screamed at you to lie back down again. You ignored the pain and went straight to the Batcave. You needed to gain all the information you could on the league to figure out the best way to find them and more importantly, get Damian back.

On your way you noticed that you seemed to be the only one in the manor, you figured the others were all busy saving the world or at least a city. When you arrived at your destination you were greeted by Alfred, "Miss (Y/N) what are you doing? You have multiple severe injuries across your body, I insist you must rest!"

"I'm fine Alfred, I've got lots I need to do, I honestly don't feel a thing." You smiled and limped over to the Batcomputer, you could see the expression on the old man's face wasn't convinced.

"I should at the very least give you some medication to ease your obvious discomfort."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Alfred, but I'm in a hurry I need to find Damian."

You heard a clatter from behind you, Alfred had dropped his tray and gave you a death glare, it was even worse than the one you once saw on Bruce's face to Jason.

"I will not allow you to go after a large amount of highly trained killers in your current state Miss (Y/N). Not after I allowed Master Damian to go after that monster. I cannot let another young life end by my hand." He crouched down to pick up the tray and brought over some painkillers for you to take.

"What happened to Damian all those years ago wasn't your fault, it was Talia's. And who knows what else that woman will do to him if he stays with the league. They could brainwash him to kill again, he deserves so much better than that. I'm going after him Alfred, you're either with me or against me." You swallowed down your tablets and got back to work on the Batcomputer.

"As you wish Miss (Y/N)," Alfred sighed and walked off.

You sighed as well, you felt a little bad for being so harsh to him, you knew he only wanted you to stay safe, he was the one that stitched up your wounds and pretty much saved your life when you came back from that ship with Talia and Deathstroke.

30 minutes had passed and you had gathered information on the style of which the assassins are most probable to attack with and where you needed to go: Nanda Parbat. You had a plan forming in your head of what to do when you got there, you just needed to find a way to get there. As you sat in though you heard footsteps from behind you.

"A-hem." You turned around to see Alfred was standing there, holding your Swift suit. "I've taken the liberty of making a few alterations to your suit Miss (Y/N). The material is now bullet, and katana proof despite the fact it's extremely lightweight. I have also implanted a mechanism in the right leg of the trouser, which will support your injury, so you won't have to limp your way through the assassins. I concluded that if I can't stop you from an almost certain death, I would have to lower the probability."

A huge smile formed on your face, you were so grateful for everything Alfred had done for you. "Thank you, Alfred," you said hugging him.

"That's quite alright Miss (Y/N)."

You took your new suit from him and quickly got changed. When you came back, Alfred had already called the Batplane.

"I have set a course for Nanda Parbat considering you don't know how to fly a plane. At the vehicle's top speed you should be arriving in 25 minutes approximately. I presume you have a plan?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know exactly what I'm doing." You were lying straight through your teeth. The only plan you had thought of was to just kick the shit out of anyone that got in your way. You had the element of surprise on your side, no one will see you coming, everything was going to be fine, you kept reassuring yourself.

"If that's all, you must get on your way. Do try not to get hurt."

"Don't worry about me, Alfred." You said as you climbed into the plane and took off.

Alfred was right, it was about 25 minutes until you arrived at Nanda Parbat. The scenery from where you are in the sky was beautiful, such a shame it was population by crazy ninja assassins. On the journey, you had come up with an adequate plan, and you also had Alfred in your earpiece for friendly advice.

"Ok, here's the plan: I'm gonna find the biggest place where the most assassins are and I'm gonna drop in a tear gas surprise. They won't know what hit them and they'll fall to the ground and whoever doesn't will get a punch in the face. In the meantime, I'm gonna need you to find some sort of map of the place and try to find where about Damian is, he had his Robin suit on his the last time he was seen so we can trace that tracker. He's smart, he'll keep the hidden tracker on him without being noticed. Got it?"

"Understood Miss (Y/N), do be careful!"

"Of course." And with that, you jumped out of the plane and followed through with the initial plan. Everything was successful so far, you had taken out most of the assassins with your tear gas and right now you were just fighting the last few who just happened to be prepared to have fucking tear gas thrown at them.

All of a sudden one jumped right at you from nowhere but before you could block the attack, they fell straight to the ground.

"What the fuck?" You muttered to yourself as you edged closer. And out from the clouds of gas emerged a Nightwing.

"Hey, (Y/N) I'm glad you're doing well. Alfred said you'd need my help."

"Sorry Miss (Y/N), I forgot to mention I called for some backup. I couldn't let you do this alone."  Alfred said through your earpiece.

"You know what they say, it takes a Robin to save a Robin."

"A-hem. You mean it takes 3 Robins to save a Robin." And out from the gas emerged Red Hood and Red Robin.

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