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°March 12 2015°

-Kyung Mi's POV-

It's been 3 days since he kissed me. I felt bad for what i said to him after.

"Because you're here"

"Wei, i want to go home. Please get off me." My eyes were starting to get watery.

"Did i do something wrong?" He asked, clearly worried and got off me. He gave me his hand, i took it and he pulled me up.

"How could you kiss me? You barely know me. You have yet to know everything about me. Why would you even kiss me? You can't just kiss me for your own pleasure. What is wrong with you?!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry." His voice does not only sound apologetic but i could hear his heartbreak.

"Just please, take me home." I started sobbing.

End of flashback.

I wanted him to kiss me, but it reminded me of something. Something that i don't want to remember. Something that only my brother knows.

If only i was more honest with him before that kiss, things wouldn't be so weird. I wish i told him everything and not just end it there.

-Wei's POV-

"Hyung, what do i do?" I paced back and forth across the living room.

"Just forget about her." Kuhn replied while eating potato chips on the couch.

"How?" I sat beside him.

"What do you mean how? If you dont have any special feelings for her, it would be easy for you to forget her. Plus, she's just a toy to play with remember??" He trailed off, "Unless you already have feelings for her."

"Aniyo. You're right.. I should just forget her and find other girls."

"Good." Kuhn hyung patted my back, i walked into my bedroom and sat on edge of the bed.

I know she's just a toy to play with, but i miss her.

"Wei, are you okay?" Kogyeol was standing just outside my opened door.

"Yes. Why are you asking?"

"Well, i kinda saw you pacing back and forth. You can't hide since you're tall as a pillar." He laughed and sat beside me.

"What would you do if you made a bet  with someone and the bet is rude because it is what you're doing to someone but you still do it anyways?"

"Well, it depends if that someone gets hurt," Kogyeol turned to face me, "tell me about this bet."

I explained to him everything.

"Do you love her?" He asked and my heart started aching.

"No. I don't." Well, that is the truth. I didn't felt any spark during the kiss. That kiss felt one sided.


I looked at my phone

Incoming call

"Hyung, she's calling. Ottoke?" I started to panic.

"Just answer the call. Goodluck.." He walked out the door.

Here goes nothing..

Me: Yeoboseyo?

KyungMi: Can you come over? We need to talk.

Me: Now?

KyungMi: Ne~

Me: See you..

I ended the phone call and thoughts came polluting my mind.

What is she up to?
'We need to talk'? About what?
Should i even go?
What if this is a set-up?

I threw on a black tshirt,jeans and nike airmax.

"I'M GOING OUT FOR A WHILE" I shouted, letting the boys know so that they won't be worried.

"DON'T COME HOME LATE. I WILL COOK DINNER!" Sunyoul shouted back.


"Come on in.." she opened the door, she looks so beautiful with her bare face.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked her straight up. I didn't want to waste my time coming here and leaving without knowing anything.

"It's about the kiss."

I knew it.

"Look, if you hate me, it's fine. I could leave this house right now and will never disturb you again." Am i being too harsh to her? I have to force myself to be harsh so it would be easier to forget her and find other girls.

"No.. i just want to explain why i did what i did." She reaches out for my hand.

Her hand feels so soft, and those puppy eyes.. dammit. This would be harder than i thought.

"Explain it to me then."

She dragged me to the sofa and told me to sit down, i did. She crossed her legs, faced me and took my hand into her hand.

"Well.." she started, "It all started because of my brother's bestfriend."

"What has he or she got to do with this?!" I started to get annoyed.

"Just listen.." her voice was soft, "it happened a year before my brother passed away. I was at home all alone and my brother was out working. There was a knock on the door and i looked through the peephole and it was his bestfriend. He went in and.." she stopped. I already know this is hard to explain for her.

"Go on.."

"He locked the door, dragged me by the hair to my brother's room and threw me on the bed. He held my arms together while ripping my clothes off with the other hand. He started kissing me and touching me in places that i don't want to be touched. " She explained. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry.. i didn't know."

"It's okay. I was lucky my brother came home in time to push him off me. My brother was pissed and started punching him. He got scared and ran away. I got traumatized since that incident." She tried to gave me a smile but that smile turned into helpless cries.

I held her and let her cry all her tears out.

This girl has been through so much and i would be the cause of another sadness.

The thought of me breaking her heart and her trust, got me feeling sad. I started crying along with her.

"Wh-why a-are you cr-crying?" She was trying to catch her breath after so much crying.

"I just feel bad for you.." I said and she giggled.

"You silly giraffe, don't be. You are not the one that broke me." She planted a kiss on my cheek.

I am not the one that broke you then, but i will soon..

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