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-Kyung Mi's POV-

I ran as far as i could, away from Wei. I never knew how dangerous he could've become. He didn't even spared a thought for Kuhn. Tension happened between them, i needed to know what is it but I am too afraid to even talk to Wei.

What if he hurts me?

I saw a park and took a seat at one of the benches. Swinging my legs back and forth, thinking about Wei. I was panting like crazy. How far did i ran? I closed my eyes and did some breathing exercises.

"Excuse me, you seem out of breath are you okay?" A person spoked to me. I looked up. He is tall and his hair is burgundy coloured. I examine his features closely, he is very handsome.

"I just had a run. Heh" I avoided his eye contact.

"In that?" He scanned me from head to toe and chuckled.

Oh yeah..i am wearing a sweater,jeans and high cut converse. Nice going there, Kyung Mi. He probably thinks you're a nutjob now.

"I ran away from someone."

"Oh, are you safe now?" He looked around in suspicion.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I ran away from a friend. He was being super annoying." I laughed.

He sat down beside me and gave me a bottled water from his backpack, signaling me to drink it.

"Sorry for being rude by not introducing myself. My name is Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you." He smiled.

Awww, his bunny teeth is showing and it is so cute.

"Nice to meet you too, My name is Kyung Mi, Lee Kyung Mi." I began touching my earlobe, he notices it.

"Ah.. Are you nervous? You're touching your earlobe. Nervous people tend to feel heathy and touch their earlobe to feel cool, because you know, earlobes are the coldest part of your body?" He looked me in the eyes, searching for some answers.

"I am nervous, yes." I started to fidget about.

"Well then, I'm sorry if i cause you any trouble but i have to go now. I'll see you when i see you?" He stood up and gave me a reassuring smile. I simply nodded and he left.

Wei. Wei. Wei...
Aren't you supposed to call me by now? I am lost..
Aiish, I could've asked that Jungkook guy to help me out. Yah KyungMi, you're such a babo.

I finally realized that there is absolutely no point for me to find my way back home or at least back to his place since I don't even recognize where i am. I looked at the time,


Nice, it's getting late.

I took out my phone to call Wei but my phone battery was flat. I decided to just spend the night here, alone, in this park, with frogs croaking and the sound of leaves rustling. I sang to myself a few songs and I looked at the time.


Are they not going to find me??!?! I am exhausted and hungry.

I looked up and started counting the number of stars i see up in the sky.

And i slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Kyung Mi, as you know, your brother loves you alot."
"Of course i know and I love you too" i hugged my brother.
"You do know that your dad hates your brother,right?" His hug tightened.
"Wae? Appa hates you?"
"Appa hates me because i am not what he wanted. He wanted me to be a genius, to be like normal teenagers but too bad, i am not a genius which explains why i work at the cafe most of the time." He let go of me and held my shoulders,
"Mianhae Kyung Mi-ah.. Brother doesn't know how long i could take it." His body started getting further away from me, his silhouette starts blurring and i screamed.


"KyungMi! WAKE UP!" I felt someone shaking me. I awoke from my dream, i was sweating and out of breath.
"It's okay. It's okay, i am here." He pulled me into a hug, swaying me left and right to calm me down.

"Wei, what t-took you so long?" I looked at his face, he seems grateful for some reason.

"You ran so far away. Your stamina is quite great, i must say. I searched for you everywhere and I remembered you told me that you hate crowded places. This park was the last resort." He touched my face and placed his forehead on mine, "I'm really grateful to have found you. I understand if you hate me now. Let's bring you back to the house."

"Why not back to mine?"

"Your house is wayyyy far away from here." He ruffled my hair and laughed.


He went infront of me, turning his back on me and bend down his knees, "Get on, I'll piggyback you home. You seem really tired." And i did.

"Wei, what time is it?" I rested my head on his.

"It's 2:15am. Sleep if you want to, it's going to be a long way back."

-Wei's POV-

While carrying Kyung Mi back home, i realized how light she is. Is she eating well?

Hearing nothing other than her snoring made the way back home kind of relaxing.

"Don't worry Kyung Mi-ah, I'll protect you from anyone who tries to touch you." I whispered, knowing she won't be listening.

But I can't protect you from me, a bet is a bet. Mianhae.


At the house.

I placed her on my bed and tugged her in. I kissed her on the forehead and smiled to myself.

She looks so cute asleep.

I prepared a pillow and comforter for me to sleep on the floor. I closed my eyes and flashbacks of the incident swarmed me.


''Your parents doesn't love you and that is why they left you here with those 9 geeks'' He scoffed.


"Come on Wei, you know the truth. They will only give you your monthly allowance and thats it. They don't even bother to visit you. It happened to me and it's now happening to you. You knew that they left me alone with Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook. THEY WON'T COME BACK FOR YOU!"

I grabbed his neck and start strangling him.


"I'm s-sorry. L-let me go. Jebal" I threw him onto the concrete floor. I heard him let out a small chuckle.

"YOU'RE NOT SORRY ENOUGH." I started punching him, grabbing his hair and hitting his head on the wall. Just as soon as i saw blood coming out from the back of his head, i stopped.

"I'm sorry. I was just angry." I kneeled down beside his laying body, waiting for him to reply me.

"Ji-jimin?" My hands started shaking. I checked his pulse, nothing. He was dead.

End of flashback.

I turned to my side and looked at my hands.

These hands aren't made for killing.
These hands aren't made for killing.
These hands aren't made for killing.
These hands aren't made for killing.

I chanted those words in my head and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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