20. Plan B

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As soon as Edmund made his way out of the castle, my eyes had started asking him that one question, and he knew it too, what it was. So he paced straight into my direction. Finally, he reached me. He was standing still, staring right into my eyes, not speaking anything. I understood his unsaid words.
"She didn't agree.", I predicted the obvious.
Edmund nodded silently.
I turned around and walked towards Jacob.
"Then I guess it's time for plan B.", I said to him.
"But Nessie, don't you think it's a bit dangerous.", Jake complained.
I knew nothing could be more dangerous than living with a guilt of death. So I replied.
"Jake, I want people to be safe, and the best we can do is avoid war, and that could happen only if one of us secretly rescue the captives and the other challenges Elizabeth for a face off." I looked at Edmund, who was still silent and busy in understanding my words. I looked at Jacob again.
"I'll challenge Elizabeth for a face off and Edmund will go and rescue the captives with other wizards. You, wolves and the vampires stay here." I continued and waited for his reply.
"Nessie, are you out of your min..."
"Ness is right, Jake.", said Edmund, interrupting him, "This is the best way of avoiding the war and rescuing the captives. I know everything about the chamber. Another advantage will be that if Ness is outside with Elizabeth, we'll get less guards and ogres inside. Once we have rescued the captives and we have a strong army, Elizabeth will never fight back.", he continued and then looked around.
"Edmund's right.", I replied.
"But what about Volturi?", Dad inquired.
"I don't think the Volturi would want to fight without Elizabeth.", Edmund replied.
"And what if they did?", Jacob asked again.
"That we will see later, lets not jump to conclusions. Right now, one of us, has to go to the castle and keep the proposal in front of Elizabeth.", I said and looked around if I had any volunteer, who was brave but also smart.
"I'll go, if you're all agreeing to this plan.", Jake volunteered.
"Perfect Jake, I know you'll persuade her.", I said with a gleam in my eyes.
"I'll baby. I can do this for you.", he said, placing his hand over my cheek, and smiling warmly.
"We should not waste anytime now. You should go Jake." Edmund suggested him.
Jake nodded and then looked at me.
"Take care, nothing is more important to me than you.", I said, fighting back the tears I had in my eyes. I wanted to strengthen him, not to worry him.
"I love you, Ness. I promise, everything's gonna be alright.", he said and leaned forward to gently kiss my forehead. At this moment, I didn't want him to go. I was fighting with myself from inside.
Finally he parted from me and then started walking towards the castle. My gaze followed him, until he disappeared through the front door. The wait had started once again.

As I entered into the castle, through the front door, I was not at all surprised by the ogre that greeted me there. He was double my size. His big green eyes, were staring me with anger and hatred. He was growling too. I didn't want to be rude, so I decided to make him understand.
"Hey Dude, I wanna meet your Queen. I have a message for her from Renesmee.", I said to him.
He stared at me once again and the growls had started to increase in number.
"Behave yourself Otis!", someone shouted from behind. I peeped behind the giant ogre and I saw the same guard that had delivered Elizabeth's message to us.
"The Queen will see you in her Grand Hall. Please wait here, till I inform her about your arrival.", he said and turned around and quickly paced away into that direction.
I started looking around the castle. The anterior was vintage, as expected but royal and beautiful. The ogre was still growling and still giving me those same looks.
I stared back into his eyes, rather than avoiding them. This always worked. Finally, he turned his face away from me.
The guard made his entry again, stopped at a distance and then said.
"The Queen's ready to meet you. Please follow me." He turned around and led me through the corridor into a wide open room.

This room was bigger than the grand hall of our castle. It's anterior was warm, brown ceilings with hanging chandeliers. Walls were embraced with big windows, along the entire length of the room. High wooden chairs were placed along the length of the red carpet, running in the mid of the room. The carpet led to a raised platform which held the seat of Honour of the Queen. The wooden chair held velvet cushions, and was studded with diamonds.

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