15. Excelsia

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Soon, Edmund, Jake and I, met in front of the tower. Others were going to stay. Wizards, Sam, Seth, Quil, Embry, Paul and Leah was coming with us.
"So, where do we have to go?", I asked Edmund.
"Excelsia.", replied Edmund.
"Whoa! Is that the village's name?", asked Jacob.
"Of course. Trust me on this, it's better than the name, our Druid had kept.
"I can't and I don't wanna imagine that.", I said, making a bad face. Edmund smiled and said, "Let's go. We should not waste time."
He started walking. We followed him through the forest. We kept on walking for a long time and by looking at the sun, directly overhead, it seemed that it was nearly noon. Jacob and others, felt more active. So it proved that it was noon.
"See, can you make out that gate?", Edmund asked finally.
"No, I don't see anything.", replied Hermione.
"I can see it.", I said.
"Maybe, it's a bit sooner for our eyes, Hermione.", said Harry, grinning. Edmund chuckled.
"I can see it too, Don't you Seth?", asked Jacob. He nodded.
"I can see it more clearly.", I replied, giving Jake, a challenging look.
"Oh really?", he asked with his eyebrows raised. I nodded. Once again, I quickly glanced at the village gate. I could easily see the encryptions, engraved over it.
"There are some ancient pictures, drawn over it. Beneath them, something's written in a writing that seems out of this world.", I replied.
Edmund chuckled again.
"I don't think so.", said Jacob.
"She's right, Jacob.", replied Edmund, bursting his bubble.
Jacob looked at me, and gave me an ugly expression. I smiled and sticked out my tongue at him. Now, he smiled.
Finally, walking for ages, through the forest, we reached the gates of Excelsia.
The gates were humongous!
There were some fine, hand made, wooden carving on the gates. There were pictures of the God, they used to worship and also, dragon like creatures. Again, there were several places where the 'out of this world' languages were engraved over them. The gates, looked old but colourful and it was hard to believe that, people of such tribal area, can have such a wide range of thoughts and such a wild imagination.
Then there were huge walls, surrounding the village and complimenting the gates. The architecture was an example of modern engineering! These people were so peculiar about the security of their villagers!
All this while, we had been standing in front of the gates, judging them.
"It's Egyptian, isn't it?", it was Hermione, who spoke first.
"To me, it seems, outcrossed lines and entangled circles.", said Ron.
"Told you, out of this world.", I said, smiling.
"You're right, Hermione. It's Egyptian. You're just what I had heard about you. Smart and quick witted.", said Edmund.
"Then you must have also heard that she's my wife and mother of my children.", said Ron.
All of us laughed out loud.
After some time, once again, we were lost in the thoughts of this monstrous obstacle, standing on our way.
"I'll go alone from here.", Edmund said, finally.
He stepped in front of the gate. As soon as he did, the Egyptian carving on the gates, started glowing.
Eventually, all the carvings, glowed and the gates, started opening. When they were all opened, we saw Excelsia.
It was not a bit of what I had imagined. Excelsia was not some ordinary village but, what we could see from outside was a total modern colony. The houses, though wooden, yet, were beautiful. They had those same carvings, which were engraved on the gates. But that, didn't help them to look tribal, as we had expected them to be.
"You may pass, Prince Edmund.", said the gate. Yes, the gates were talking!
"Strangers, stay back! If you favor your lives.", it said again.
"I'll go and check if someone's present in the village.", Edmund said to us.
"Do you expect someone to be there?", I asked him.
"No. But might as well, we check.", said Edmund. I nodded.
He turned towards the village and walked in through the gates. As soon as he was inside, the pictures on the gate, glowed once again and the gates, started to shut. Finally, they were closed.
We waited for Edmund, for a long time, but there was no news from him and we were getting upset.
"Hermione, do something.", I said, sick and tired of waiting.
"No, Hermione, don't!", Ron, stopped her, "Renesmee, are you out of your mind? Didn't you hear the gate? I don't wanna risk her life."
"But we can't sit and wait here like this.", said Jacob.
"We don't have any other option.", said Harry.
"There has to be some way.", I replied.
Once again, a long silence was set up in the atmosphere.
"The gates are enchanted, isn't it, Renesmee?", Hermione asked me, breaking the long silence. I nodded.
"That's it!", she replied and grinned.
"What?", I asked her.
"Renesmee, the gates are magical.", she said again.
Suddenly, this started making sense.
"The door is magical.", I whispered to myself.
And finally, I found the key to all our problems. The one answer that was the solution to all our troubles.
"My magic goes through magical shields!", I exclaimed.
"Exactly, and this gate is also a magical shield.", Hermione added.
"But do you think it will work?", I asked her.
"It's like a ray of light. I am keeping my fingers crossed.", Hermione replied, doing the same.
I looked at Jacob. There was a gleam, back in his black eyes. He smiled.
"Go for it, Baby!", he said. I smiled and nodded and turned towards the village gates. I took out my wand and taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I was ready.
"Inspirito teleporto, Edmund!", I said and flicked my wand.
After a few minutes, I could see something. I was so happy, to see the village around me.
"Yes it worked!", I murmured. Now, I had to look for Edmund.
I stood at the start of a gravel road that cut its way through the heart of the village like a knife. The village was quiet, as I quickly worked my way down the road. The houses were well-planned. They were built on the same model and style, not huddled together. They were sufficiently apart from one another. The streets were wide and paved. There was no haphazard growth anywhere.
The sky had darkened further and that was an another difficult task. The village was unending, enormously and unbelievably big. So, I decided to give him a loud shout.
"Edmund!", I shouted at the top of my lungs but to no avail.
I thought of doing it again. But I had to face the crisis.
After a few seconds, I heard faint footsteps. I looked around and I finally saw Edmund, making his way toward the gates.
He was not alone. He had made it. He had found a villager.
This villager was a little girl, round about, ten years of age. She was very beautiful. She was blonde, round face, pink cheeks and sharp pointed nose. Her lips were small and pink. Her round cute face was creditable for her sweet looks. Her eyes were blue in color and were filled with tears. Big round tears were racing down her cheeks too.
Edmund looked confusingly around, searching me.
"Renesmee?", he asked.
"Yes Edmund, it's me.", I replied.
"You can now take off the spell. I am fine and I am coming out.", he said.
"Alright.", I replied, "Finite incantation!", I said and flicked my wand and with that, I opened my eyes. We waited for the gates to open.
Finally, Edmund walked out through the gates with the girl. Once they were outside, the gates were closed.
"Who's she, Edmund? How did you find him?", I asked him.
"She's a villager.", Edmund replied, "Roaming around the village for long, I had found nothing. Just I was planning to return back, I heard her cries. It was difficult to find her as she was hiding in the basement of her house. She said that she saw Elizabeth and three men, taking her parents and other villagers, towards the castle.", he continued.
"So how did you escape them, dear?", I asked her.
She didn't reply but continued staring us with wide open eyes.
"Go on.", Edmund said to her, as she looked at him.
She hesitated a bit, but then finally replied.
"When my Mom saw Queen Elizabeth coming, she asked me to hide in the basement. I did. She asked me to not to come out. I was surviving on things that my mother had given to me. I don't know what happened then."
"You're a strong girl.", I said caressing her cheek. She started crying again.
"Hey, don't cry.", I said and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back.
"Please bring me my parents back.", she said, sobbing.
"Okay, I promise we will. But please stop crying.", I said as she parted from me.
I rubbed her cheeks. She smiled.
"What's your name, pretty girl?", I asked her.
"My name is Emilie.", she replied.
"That's a beautiful name. My name is Renesmee.", I said.
"Renesmee. Will you like to be my friend?", she asked, taking her hand out.
"Sure!", I said, shaking hand with her.
"Let's go now, we'll get your parents back, Emilie.", I said.
She nodded and smiled.
"We should go back to the tower now, that's all I wanted to check.", said Edmund.
"Now, are you sure that Elizabeth, William, Henry and Colin, took the villagers to the special chamber in the castle?", asked Jacob.
He nodded and then started leading the way. We started following him. Finally, we reached the tower, where everyone was waiting for us. I told them about Emilie and Elizabeth.
The person who was touched the most by Emilie's story, was Aunt Rosalie. She loves children and not to forget that Emilie was a lovable girl too. And up to very extent, she looked like little Aunt Rosalie. So, there was no doubt as to why she was loved the most by Aunt Rosalie.
She spent almost, all the time with Emilie. And Emilie was so happy with her, as if she had known Aunt Rosalie for ages.
We were happy, and happiest of us all was Uncle Emmett, who was dying to see that smile on Aunt's face for thousand of years.
Finally, when night fell, we sat together, to look upon things.
"Edmund, we'll all help you to rescue your people.", I said.
"Thank you, Ness. I know I can count on you.", he said to me. Then he looked at others and said, "Not only on Renesmee, I can count on all of you. I know, you're strong and will easily defeat them, as you did last time. We just need each other, because unity is strength and when we'll be together, no power can stop us."
"You're right, Edmund. We'll all stick together, after all, I have a promise to keep.", I said and glanced at Emilie. She gave me a beautiful smile. I smiled back.
The very next moment, we were planning to attack Elizabeth's castle. Jacob asked me to look at Emile, who was sleeping soundly in Aunt Rosalie's lap, as if she had got her mother back.

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