21. Face Off

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I was ready. I guess, I was getting ready for this day, from the very beginning. The very reason behind my existence was this minute, and the minutes that we're following it. Time had come. It was either going to be me, or her. I was not going to give up. I was sure that I would fight till my last breath for my family and for all those people, whose lives were depending on it.
Harry was waiting for me, standing alone, away from the crowd, near the very fringe of the clearing. I hurried towards him, halting myself just in front of him.
"I am scared.", I told him honestly.
"You shouldn't be. Everything's gonna be alright.", he replied, very casually, as if it was just going to be an another practise round.
"I never had a duel before!", I exclaimed.
"Ofcourse you had, so much of them with me.", he replied more casually.
"That's something different, Harry!", he was getting on my nerves. Why was he not understanding the seriousness of the situation?
"So just imagine, that it's the same. Don't take it as a duel.", he said turning towards me. He gently held me from my shoulders and then said, "You remember how you tackled her on the Totem Hill. Do you know what gave you the energy to do it?"
"No, what was it?", I asked him.
"Love.", he replied gently, "Love for your family, Renesmee. When you saw your family in trouble, you got that energy from inside, to fight her off.", he continued, explaining, staring right into my eyes.
"Every wizard has to go through this one day. Your day is today. Remember who you are and what you're here for. Remember your family and the people that you've to rescue. Remember that you've to bring back Emilie's parents." he said signalling towards her.
I turned to look at Emilie. Aunt Roaslie was giving her an apple to eat, and she took it delightfully, smiling hugely at Aunt. I smiled and then turned towards Harry.
Somehow I was feeling good. Harry was an expert, in filling me up with courage at all tough moments.
"Thanks Harry, I suddenly, feel good about it and I hope I'll do my part in helping Edmund.", I said and then turned to look at Edmund who had gathered all other wizards around him and was busy in discussing his plan with them.
"Well..", said Harry leaving his grip on me. I glanced at him.
"I was just making things easier for Jasper." he said and looked over my head.
I turned around. Uncle Jasper was standing with Aunt Alice, at a distance, staring us. He smirked at Harry when he mentioned his name.
"Ah! I see it was Uncle Jasper after all, using his powers.", I said. How dumb could I get? A minute ago I was anxious and I now I was feeling as good as a tropical breeze. Who could possibly do that?
"Yup, we had exchanged a look when you came all but anxious to me.", Harry replied and grinned.
"And I thought that somehow, your words had motivated me.", I replied grinning.
"Hey!", he said punching my shoulder lightly.
"That was one of the best inspirational speeches that I ever gave, okay!", he said again, smiling.
I grinned and gave him a light hug.
"Thanks Harry.", I said, when we parted. "I could have never get a better teacher than you.", I continued.
"You know, sometimes, I see young Hermoine in you.", he said.
I turned to look at the gathering of the wizards. Hermoine was busy in discussing the prons and cones of Edmund's plan.
"I can never be like her. She's an amazing witch!", I said, looking back at Harry.
"Sure she is, and I hope you do better than her." he replied, looking at her too.
"Now", he said turning towards me, "Let's go and see what they're discussing."
As soon as Harry and I walked into the big gathering of the wizards, Edmund stopped and looked at us, and so did the others.
"So, Edmund, share your plan.", said Harry.
Edmund nodded and then looked at me. It seemed that his eyes were asking me something. I understood at once, and nodded. He smiled and then began.
"As soon as Ness, gets involved in the duel with Elizabeth, we'll make our way, out of the clearing. We'll enter into the castle through the back door, and we'll do so by going round the forest, so that no one could see us. Next comes the part, where we have to deal with the ogres. They will be on the door and on the balconies. We'll split as we had before, if you remember the last time.", at this moment he looked at me again and grinned. I clearly remembered the last time we had entered into the castle to delimit Elizabeth's shield.
"Once we have entered into the castle, I'll meet the rest of the group, that would enter through the balcony in the hallway. From there I will lead you to the chamber. It will be guarded as well. We have to keep ourselves undercover, so as to not alarm the guards. If they raised the alarms, everyone outside will know."
"Once we enter the chamber, we'll head toward the prisons. The only problem is the door guiding it. I know the password but what about the eye scan?", he stopped and then looked around.
"That, should not be a problem.", all of us turned towards Hermoine, who had swiftly replied.
"I know a spell that can give you her eyes, I mean, can replicate your eyes for about five minutes.", she finished.
"Great Hermoine! So that, is the plan guys. Any questions?", asked Edmund.
I raised my arm. Edmund looked at me.
"Yes, Ness, what is it?", he asked me.
"How are we going to get all the captives out of the castle, without the guards knowing it?", I asked him.
"We can apparate, can't we?", Harry suggested.
"You can't apparate so many people, Harry.", Hermoine replied.
"Portkey?", it was Neville who spoke.
"Portkeys are used for teleporting to distant places! Seriously people! Hasn't anyone ever read, Hogwarts: A History!", exclaimed Hermoine.
I looked at Harry. He swayed his head to and fro and then grinned. I grinned too.
"Well we can apparate them to our castle then, it's quite far from here.", Neville suggested again.
"Neville, think it the other way! What if we need the help of the villagers, after we rescue them?", asked Luna in her magical voice.
"Well any other suggestions?", Hermoine asked.
"I have one.", said Edmund and looked at others.
Everybody looked at him.
"We can use the chamber.", he replied and looked at others again.
"Chamber, for teleportation? Is that even possible?", Hermoine asked him.
"Hermoine, I know you've read every book, ever based on magic, but you can't find my chamber in any book. So I know it better than anybody cause I built it.", replied Edmund, confidently.
"Okay, tell us how're you gonna do it?", Ron asked him.
"Leave it to me. Just as Elisabeth used it to teleport the army of new borns, I'll use it to teleport the villagers here, outside the castle.", he replied and then looked at others.
"Let's do it then!", said Jacob and then all of started waiting for Elizabeth.

Time passed by and now it was exactly noon. And as we waited, there was only one thing that I wanted, the captives to be rescued.
Finally, it was time. Elizabeth's arrival was announced by beating of the drums.
She glided perfectly, towards the clearing. She was wearing her usual black gown. Her jet black hair swayed to and fro behind her. Her black eyes were already blazing through me. She was being followed by her army of new borns, who all were wearing black robes and their heads were hooded. She was being accompanied by William, Colin and Henry. All of them marched into the clearing, their footsteps all perfectly synchronised.
Finally they stopped at a distance. Elizabeth moved forward into the clearing.
I looked at Jacob, who had transformed by now and so had the rest of the wolves.
I looked at Mum-Dad and others. Harry was already looking at me, he nodded.
I took a deep breath and stepped into the clearing. Elizabeth was continously looking in my direction. Her black eyes blazed through me. If the eyes could kill. Right.
As we faced each other, with our wands ready, waiting for Harry to announce the start, Elizabeth said to me.
"Any last wish, Cullen?"
I laughed hysterically. She looked at my face, surprised.
"See, Elizabeth, I never thought of that, give me some time, I might think of one during the face off.", I replied calmly.
This, unintentionally had provoked her even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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