6. The Note

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The plane landed in Seattle and an anxious feeling, spread through me. A sudden urge was arousing in me that something had definitely gone wrong. And I prayed that my fears fail me.
It was 8'o clock in the night, as we started for Forks. After an hour's drive, we were at home. Forks! My town!
As we reached home, a dead silence welcomed us. Lights were turned on, but there was not a single sound. I thought that they all were planning to startle us. As soon as I stepped out of the car, and kept my foot on the ground, I felt a kind of syringe.
"What happened?", asked Jacob.
"Nothing.", I replied. If I would have told him, he would have thought that I had gone mad.
"No one's home?", asked Dad. We were still standing outside the house.
"Seems like it.", replied Mum.
"I know. Your weird family is planning to startle us now.", said Jacob.
"Yeah. I think the same.", I replied.
As we entered into the house, I felt an another syringe. No one came to startle us or to greet us. There was silence everywhere.
"Weird! No one's at home, in real.", said Mum.
"There's no one. Where are they?", asked Dad.
"I checked. They are not at your cottage.", replied Jacob.
"What's their plan this time?", Mum mumbled.
The house was empty. There was no sign of my family. Jacob was unable to find them at the cottage, too. Mum Dad were confused, whether it was a serious matter or one of Aunt Alice's pranks.
I was thinking about that fringe, that I had felt, as soon as I had stepped out of the car. Something, somewhere was wrong and in a negative way. I was searching for that one clue, that could tell me that what was wrong. Just then I saw a note like thing, lying on the table in front of the LCD. I walked over to the table. I unfolded it. Something was written over it. The writing was beautiful but seemed ancient. It said,
"Your family will stay,
As lonely as a solitary loon.
In a place you call,
Summer Moon."
"Dad, come fast!", I shrieked out, after reading the note. Dad was there, before I could complete my sentence. He took the note from me, read it and then looked distressed. He handed the note to me. I looked at the words again. For a few seconds, I was unable to understand anything. But at last, it made sense. It had only one meaning. It was crisp clear in my mind, and echoed through me.
"Summer Moon.", I mumbled to myself. I knew, what I had to do now. There was only one person, who could tell me about this place. Hermione. I decided to call her.
"Hello.", she said.
"Hey Hermione! Renesmee here."
"Hey Ness! Long time! How's you and your family?"
"They are all great."
"So, how can I help you?"
"Hermione, um.....I was wondering, if you could tell me something about a place called Summer Moon."
"Summer Moon? Oh yes, I do remember reading about it in a book based on weird places."
"Great! Can you remember something?"
"Not much, but just that it's an island situated in the mid of Pacific Ocean on the equator and also that it is magical."
"Well, where can I find that book?"
"Sesame Street, for sure."
"Thanks Hermione."
"Is everything alright Ness? You seem upset."
"Yeah, everything's fine. Okay, will give you a call later, bye."
"Bye Ness.", she said and hanged up.
There was not a second to waste. So at once, I got ready to go to Sesame Street. Others were in the library, searching.
"Any luck with the search Dad?", I asked him.
"Not much. But just that it's a magical island situated in the middle of Pacific Ocean, on the equator."
"Any pics?", I asked.
"No pics. It says that people don't even like to go to that place. Because in almost ten years, ten thousand small yachts and ships, have disappeared from the very place. No one heard of them, ever since.", he replied.
"What did Hermione tell you?", asked Mum.
"Pretty much same. But that's not enough. I have to go to Sesame Street.", I replied.
"I'll go with you.", volunteered Jacob.
"No Jacob, you should......."
"Listen Nessie! I am very depressed from this kidnapping thing and whether you like it or not, I am not going to leave your side for a second now, you get me?", said Jacob, cutting my sentence, frustrated.
I looked at him, then at Mum-Dad. Both of them turned their face to the Mac then.
"Alright, let's go then.", I agreed.
I did the usual magic, to get to Sesame Street. Now this place was much familiar to me, as I soon spotted the library with iron door. The librarian was now my friend, as I had visited this place for like thousand times.
"Hey Ness.", she said, as soon as Jacob and I entered in.
"Hey Nate.", I replied.
"This must be Jacob.", she said looking at him. Jacob nodded and said, "Hey."
"So, what are you looking for today?", she asked.
"Nate, I am trying to find a book on weird places.", I told her.
"There you go. You know. Just follow the arrows.", she said, flicking her wand.
"Thanks Nate.", I said.
"Anytime Ness."
Jacob and I started following the arrows and they stopped in front of a long book shelf.
"Just what I wanted!", I exclaimed joyfully, seeing the book, with the same title on the last shelf.
"I'll help you Nessie."
"No need.", I said, taking my hand out. The book came directly into my hand.
"How did you do that?", asked Jacob, amazed.
"Magic!", I replied, grinning.
Both of us then spotted the right place, to read the book. This book titled, "World's Top Most Mysterious Places". I opened it. After all the introduction thing, there was an alphabet wise index.
"S-S-S, where's the S?", I mumbled, fumbling through the index, "Here's S, now where's it? Yes! It's there. Jacob, it's there. Summer Moon on page no 804."
"Yes Ness. Calm down. Turn to that page.", said Jacob. I quickly turned to the required page.
On the page, there was a big picture of the island. It was taken during night. It was very obvious that this picture was achieved through some kind of magic trick. The island was quite big and even bigger, was the moon, shining above it. The paragraph under it said:
"The island of Summer Moon is perhaps the second most mysterious places in history of magic. This island possesses magical properties, partly due to its location and partly due to the creatures, living on it. This island is situated in the mid of Pacific Ocean exactly zero degree on the equator. The island shows it effects due to the ever shining moon, because of which, the island has a negative nature towards all supernatural things with an exception to Wizards. Others can gain a part of their powers, only at noon."
On further reading, I found out that the island was once ruled by Elizabeth White, a wizard, who ruled over the island for over fifty years. She was deceived by her own people, who handed her to Ministry Of Magic, from where she was sent to Azkaban jail. According to the former residents, she was performing dark magic over the island, which was resulting in a change in the atmosphere of the island. There was her picture too. I finished reading.
"Now I get it. Jacob, it's very simple.", I said to him.
"Is it?", he asked with a confused look on his face.
"Yes, it is. Let's go home. I need to tell this to Mum-Dad.", I replied and then both of us set for home.
As soon as we reached home, Mum-Dad were waiting.
"What is it Nessie? What do you found out?", asked Mum.
"Mom! Relax. I'll tell.", I replied. I looked at Dad. His expressions were unreadable. I bet he had read my mind. I told them what I had read in the book.
"It's very simple. Wavell has collaborated with Elizabeth, promising her rule on Kingdom. In return she'll help him to defeat his biggest enemies, no doubt, us.", I said.
"Then he's not alone.", said Dad.
"Not alone?", asked Jacob.
"Yes, his old friends are helping him.", replied Dad.
Just then, my phone rang up.
"Hello.", I said picking it up.
"It's me Hermione, Ness, did you find something?"
"Yes I did Hermione."
"Is everything alright, in real, Ness. Don't hide anything from me."
"Everything's fine, Hermione. Well, do you remember something else about Wavell?"
"How can I even forget? He was an old Volturi member and......"
"Not that, Hermione, but something about his company. Something, about his friends?"
"Wait, yeah, I seem to remember something. Yes. It was mentioned that when he went into hiding he met and joined the group of other vampires.
"Can you recall their names?"
"Of course I can! Colin Havelock and Henry Campbell."
"And their powers?"
"The former is a, way too great planner and the latter is a replicator."
"There we go. Say, thanks dear.", I replied.
"It's okay. But why are you asking all this? See Ness, don't hesitate to ask for help, if the circumstances are demanding for it."
"Everything's fine, dear. Positively. I'll call you later. Bye!", I said and hanged up.
"What I have figured out from all this is, Henry replicated himself into, most probably Dad. He convinced them and took them to Summer Moon. Elizabeth would have helped him. I could sense dark magic as soon as we stepped into the house. If the vampires have no powers on that island, it means that they are dependent on Elizabeth. So we must be beware of her.", I said, sharing my thoughts, predicting the most obvious. Mum-Dad agreed to it.
"I didn't get it. Why Elizabeth is dangerous?", asked Jacob.
"Why is she dangerous? She's a witch, Jacob. She performs dark magic. Do you have any idea, how dangerous it is? It's illegal. It can kill people.", my voice broke down at the mention of the word 'kill'. Tears rolled down my eyes.
"How's Aunt Alice and others? What will happen to them? We still don't know, whether they are alive or not.", I said crying. I was unable to control myself. The mere thought of losing my family, sent shivers down my spine. It had pierced my heart.
I ran straight to Mom and hugged her and continued crying.
"Hey hey! My baby. Everything will be alright. Nothing has happened to them. We'll go there, save them, bring them back and we'll live together, forever.", said Mum caressing my head. I separated from her. She rubbed my cheeks and then smiled. Dad, hugged me gently and then kissed my forehead.
"You're my brave girl, right? So buck up!", said Dad, smiling.
"Thanks Mum-Dad.", I said. It felt better. In such times, you realise the real importance of parents and family.
"Bella, let's go and start the preparations to go to the island.", said Dad. Mum nodded. Both of them walked out of the room.
I looked at Jacob. Both of us remained silent, talking through our eyes. Finally, I gave up, and turned my face away from him and walked out of the room, with Jacob, still staring my back.

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