1. Flashbacks

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I saw black hooded figures, entering into the clearing. Then there set a long silence. And after that there was a clash, the clash between us and the black hooded figures. There was bloodlust everywhere. Thousands of those hooded figures were killed. I saw my hand, smirched with blood. And then I saw the mutilated body of Marcus. Then there was a blackout. And that's when I saw Marcus again. He was standing just in front of me. His blood red eyes were expressionless.
"You're the cause of my death.", he said, pointing his finger at me. It was so dreadful that I shrieked and jumped. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my room. I sat up in my bed, breathing heavily. It was a dreadful dream.
Three years had passed, since the war between us and the Volturi took place and every night, I used to have the same dreadful dream. It was like something was wrong, or something wrong was going to happen. On the other hand I used to think that thousands of innocent people, who were turned into vampires, died because of me and technically, the reason behind their change was me.
Dad dashed into my room.
"It was just a dream Ness, just a dream!", he exclaimed, dashing to my side.
"Dad, I am alright, okay.", I replied back.
"No you're not. Your face tells.", he said.
"And Dad, do you know, what your face is telling?", I asked him.
"It's telling that you're taking stress, without any reason.", I replied.
"I don't have a reason to take stress? Miss Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you are my daughter!", he replied. I don't know whether he was proving it to me or to himself.
"Look at me Dad! I am young enough to take care of myself.", I replied.
"See who's talking! You're only seven years old.", he said. He still doesn't understands. I am fully matured.
"Dad! Calm down! I know it was just a dream! Moreover, I am used to it now.", I said as an effort to soothe him.
"But you don't have to Ness! Why don't you get it? Whatever happened it was not because of you!", he replied, as an effort to soothe me, now.
"Oh yeah it was! That's why my past is haunting me.", I replied the obvious.
"It's alright, it's alright, it's alright Nessie!", someone was shouting from outside my room. Dad and I waited for the surprise guest. And, Jacob entered into the room. His face, expressionless, there was tense kind of feeling in his eyes. He dashed to my side too.
"It's alright. It was a nightmare. Oh! I should just quit going home.", said Jacob in an ambush.
"Jacob, what are you doing here? It's two in the morning.", I asked him, confused.
"Nessie! Both of us are related. I could feel your anxiety out there at my house.", he replied.
"I was not getting anxious. I just had a bad dream.", I replied, making a face.
"Where's the bad dream catcher, your Mom gave you?", he asked.
"It doesn't work. It didn't work for Mom either.", I replied.
"What? How do you know? What else your Mum told you?", he asked getting serious all of a sudden.
I looked at Dad. He was seriously listening to our conversation and was waiting for my reply.
"Dad! What?", I asked him.
"Nothing. Yes Bella! I am coming.", he said and shot out of the door.
"You came here to ask me this particular question?", I asked, getting back to Jacob.
"Yes....no....I mean......c'mon! From the last three weeks, you are having these stupid nightmares. Its impossible for me to sleep at night just because I am worried about you.", he replied.
"You don't have to. I am alright.", I said, placing my hand gently over his warm cheek.
"It's decided, I'lll not go back home. Do you have rooms in here?", he asked.
"No we don't!", shouted Dad from his room. He grinned and I smiled.
"He still has some problem with me.", said Jacob, still grinning.
"He has no problem with you. His only problem is that you are dating his daughter.", I replied.
"It isn't. You won't understand the feeling of a parent until you have your own children.", I said, sarcastically.
"You mean, until we have children?", he asked and grinned. He could feel the warmth over my cheeks.
"It's too early Jacob.", I replied, without meeting his gaze.
"C'mon Nessie, one day we have to get married.", he said, turning my face at him.
"Eleven years still. I am only seven yet.", I said bursting his bubble.
"Only seven? We were talking about children. For that part, I love children. I'll take care of them and prove to be a good father.", he said.
"Stop it Jacob!", it all sounded really embarrassing, after all Mum and Dad were listening too.
"Okay, but have you decided any names? I often try to think but it's actually very boring.", he said.
"You don't have to. That's already decided."
"Really? Tell!"
"Alright. If it's a girl, we'll name her Ella."
"Ella?", he asked.
"Yeah, from Edward and Bella."
"And if it's a boy?", he asked, grinning.
"Then, Jared.", I replied, blushing.
"Jared?", he asked again.
"From Jacob and Edward.", I replied.
"None of them includes you.", he said.
"I love others, more than I love myself.", I replied.
"Nice creations.", he complimented.
"Well you are not the only one with imagination thing.", I replied, "Now you should go, it's quite late."
"I don't want to go.", he said taking my hand into his warm one's.
"You should go and sleep. Otherwise you won't be able to attend the party.", I replied.
"Oh yeah, tomorrow is your reunion."
"Yeah, two years have passed, since I graduated from school."
"Okay, guess I have to say good night then."
He kissed my forehead gently.
"Night Jake.", I said and waited for him to leave. He went out and switched off the light on his way.
I sat in silence and dark, thinking over my dream but soon dizziness took over me and I slept, though my mind was filled with the same dream, that was driving me insane.

Things had changed a lot in these three years. I had turned seven now and almost resembled my mother. Dad had joined the hospital, so as a reason, Grandpa had to leave. He joined Seattle's hospital. Aunt Alice was also doing her dream job. She now used to teach dance to children in town. She had started her own dance classes. Others, including me, spent their time at home. It now seemed that we had to change the place. It was very boring, back at home as there was nothing much to do. But Grandpa liked to live in Forks. All of us liked to live in Forks.
I was now a trained wizard. I used to practise myself and often used to visit the 'Sesame Street', to get some books on various spells to try on. The wizards visited often and whenever they used to come, Harry would share a new thing with me and used to see how I was doing in magic.

I woke up in the morning and looked out of the window. It was a cold March morning. Dim light was enlightening the forest. The sky was overcast with black clouds, which seem to unburden themselves anytime. I had to go to school for the reunion. I was excited as I was going to see school after two years. I took a bath and got dressed up. Aunt Alice had designed a beautiful deep blue coloured gown for me. There was not much of the jewellery, but only silver plated earrings. I let my hair open. I was going to wear a silver bracelet that Jacob had gifted me on my seventh birthday. I was wearing a silver pair of heels, that Aunt Alice had brought for me. No one was in the cottage.
As soon as I reached Grandpa Carlisle's house, I saw Jacob, waiting for me. Dad, Grandpa and Aunt Alice were already gone. Uncle Jasper and Uncle Emmett had gone for hunting. So Mum, Aunt Rosalie and Grandma Esme waved us off.
Jacob and I left for the school in my Bugatti. It had started raining now, making the surroundings misty, the road was almost invisible but Jacob had no problem making it out. Finally in the amidst of heavy rain, we reached school. A heap of memories flooded back.
The school hadn't changed a bit. It was as it is. There were lots of cars in the parking lot. It was almost full but somehow we found a place for my car. Jacob and I entered into the school. The small hall was filled with lots of people. Soon I spotted Kate and my friends. Kate hugged me, as soon as we met.
"Renesmee! I missed you so much.", she exclaimed.
"I missed you too Kate."
"Hi Jacob!", she said.
"Hi Kate!"
"So Renesmee, what's happening? Have you met Brendan and others yet?", she asked. She called out their names. All of them turned towards her and then walked over to us.
"Ness!", said Aleena and hugged me, "You look pretty."
"Thanks Aleena and same to you."
"Cullen! It's been long!", said Steve.
"Hi Renesmee!", said Brendan.
"Hi Brendan."
"So what's happening guys?", I asked them.
"Well luckily, Brendan and I got admission together in Oxford University, London.", replied Kate, "We visit home during vacations."
"Fashion designing.", said Aleena.
"Computer Engineering.", said Steve.
"And you?", asked Kate.
"Well, Jacob and I just joined Medicine in Phoenix.", I lied.
"Phoenix? It's hundred times different from Forks.", said Steve.
"Yeah it is. It's great. Always sunny and warm. No cold, nothing wet, no rain.", I replied. Mum had told me how it was in Phoenix and it always used to bring excitement and warmth inside me.
"Well that's great.", replied Kate.
Just then we were interrupted by the principal, who was going to give a speech. He told many things which brought back a heap of memories. Every class, even the gym, loomed up in my peripheral vision. After meeting all the teachers and eating snacks and a lot of talk with friends and exchanging our numbers and promising to meet again, we returned back to the house.

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