2. Vacations

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All of us were sitting together at Grandpa Carlisle's house, conversing about our day. I told them that my day was great, as I got an opportunity to meet my old friends. I told them the story that I had made out to Kate and hearing that, Dad surprisingly agreed that if I liked, I could continue with my studies in Phoenix.
But the only problem was the distance between Phoenix and Forks.
And I was simply not agreed to leave my family.
"But Dad, Phoenix is too far from Forks. That's okay, I can live with Granny Renee and all but I'll miss all of you, and that's not done.", I said, making a face.
"How about Seattle then? It has good colleges too and it's only an hour drive from Forks.", suggested Grandpa.
"That sounds great!", I replied, joyfully.
"That's settled then. Tomorrow, Carlisle and I will go to Seattle to look for the best college and we'll get you admitted.", said Dad.
"Thanks Dad."
"Edward, Edward, Edward!", said Aunt Alice, "Take a deep breath, ease out your worries and just take a look at your family.", she said, pointing at me and Mum, "Since you joined the hospital, you get to spend so less time with your family."
Mum and me agreed to that. I missed my old Dad, who used to spend most of his time with us. Dad kept on looking at us for a long time, then he sighed.
"You're right Alice.", he replied, finally.
"That's good. I have got a plan for you four.", she replied.
"Including me?", asked Jacob, surprised.
"Including him?", asked Dad with the same expression.
"Edward! Isn't he a part of your family?", asked Aunt Alice, a bit irritated.
"But Alice......"
"No buts! I have got a plan for you four. You need some vacations.", she replied.
"Vacations?", asked Jake, me, Mum and Dad in chorus.
"Yes! To Isle Esme. Remember Edward?", she asked.
"But Alice...."
"No buts!"
"But Alice....."
"Alice's right Edward.", said Grandma, "You need to spend some time with your family."
"But Esme, Isle Esme.....me and Bella.....Jake and Ness....agh!", he said and got up from his place and shot out of the door.
"He hasn't changed a bit in these hundred years.", said Grandma.
"Mum, please pacify him.", I requested her, "I wanna see Isle Esme."
"He's just dramatizing a bit. Don't worry, he'll be coming. Tell us Alice, when we'll have to go?", asked Mum.
"Day after tomorrow. Your tickets are ready.", she replied.
"Day after tomorrow? Aunt Alice, how do you get time for all this?", I asked her.
"Your Aunt is a super woman.", she replied and grinned.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Nobody's asking my opinion.", said Jacob.
"Nobody asked so, because you're coming.", I said to him.
"But what about Billy? I can't leave him alone.", said Jacob.
"He can live with Grandpa Charlie and Grandma.", I suggested.
"I'll give it a try.", he replied.
"How about now?", I suggested.
"No, not now. At night when he'll be watching baseball. He usually agrees to everything when he's watching a game.", he said and grinned.
That night, Jacob left early, as he had to talk to Billy and when I was about to sleep, he called me and told that his Dad had agreed. It was great. There was excitement and happiness, flushing inside me. And I was sure, that this vacation will bring us closer.
Another rainy morning welcomed me, as I got up and saw out of my window. Today was the last day of the month but it seemed that the law of changing seasons due to the rotation of earth was inapplicable to Forks. Wet and cold, always. After I was done with my morning routine, I had to help Mum in packing.
Mum and I, are not so good in deciding, as everything seemed good. Aunt Alice helped us out. She wanted me to pack my shorts. But I knew Dad, moreover, I never felt comfortable in such clothes. So I packed, denims, some cool tops, my favorite shoes and everything I considered comfortable. Mum did the same.
Dad had already done the packing. He had left early in the morning, with Grandpa Carlisle, to Seattle, to look for a college.
I knew Dad will fulfill my any wish. He's the best in the world. I wish I had asked for a new car!
The day was spent in total excitement. It was now noon. Dad called me and told me that he had finally found a college and got me admitted. The classes were going to start in the mid of May. It was great. Now I need not kill hours at home.
I decided to go for practice in the clearing, as there was nothing much to do. At least noons were easily passed. I had learnt quite a lot of new things. Everything happened in just a flick of the wand. I never used to iron my clothes, or wash the dishes, in short, I never did anything manually. Being a wizard was an awesome thing.
I practiced and revised all the spells, for almost two hours. When I was quite tired, I sat down on the ground. Hardly I realized that it was the same place.
The place where I had seen the dead body of Marcus, and every time I looked at it, it used to send shivers down my spine. Everybody told me that I was not at fault. But it's difficult to believe them when you know you're at guilt.
I was still busy in fumbling through my faults, when I heard some footsteps. It was a werewolf, I could tell from the scent. After a few seconds, I could hear some more footsteps. All wolves. Jacob was bringing along his friends. And I was right. Jacob, Quil and Embry, entered into the clearing.
"Hey Ness.", said Quil.
"Hey there Quil.", I replied.
"Jacob wanted to talk to you.", said Embry.
"First he decided to call you.", said Quil.
"Then he decided to talk to you, face to face.", said Embry.
"Okay, shut up now you both, and let me talk.", said Jacob, making a bad face.
"Yes, what is it Jacob?", I asked him.
"He can't decide between two shirts.", said Quil, and started laughing out loud. Embry joined him and both of them gave each other a high five.
"What?", I asked confused, " You told them?"
"I didn't, Nessie.", replied Jacob.
"Yes he did Ness.", said Quil.
"Ness, you should have heard him, thinking.", said Embry.
"He was like, 'yeah yeah, I am going out with Nessie', sorry Jacob, but you need to control your thoughts.", said Quil. My smile changed into a grin.
"Okay, that's enough now, or I'll give you a punch!", said Jacob, a bit frustrated.
"Okay, guys, let him talk now.", I said to them.
"And pray tell, if we didn't?", asked Quil, smiling crookedly.
"Then you see this.", I said pointing at my wand.
"Will she harm us?", asked Quil.
"Or will she not?", asked Embry.
"I will!", I replied.
"She will not!", both of them said in chorus.
I pretended to use the wand.
"Say, she will harm us Embry.", said Quil.
"Okay, keep the wand back, we are going.", said Embry.
"Bye Jake, have a nice talk.", said Quil winking. Both of them walked out of the clearing.
Jacob seemed embarrassed. I looked at him with my eye brows raised.
"I am really sorry for that.", he replied. My expression didn't change.
"What?", he asked.
"I thought you're here to talk about something.", I reminded him.
"They told you.", he replied, sincerely.
"Seriously?", I asked. I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing. He waited for me to end that.
"Oh! Okay.", I said to myself, as an effort to stop myself.
Jacob crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at me, with his eyebrows raised.
"What?", I asked.
"That was not something funny.", he replied, making a bad face.
"I am sorry, tell me now, I'll help you.", I said to him.
"Alright, one's grey and the other's blue, and both are gifted by you, so what do you think?", he asked.
"Blue.", I said without any doubt.
"That's what I was thinking too.", he said, grinning.
"We have some much in common.", I said.
"That's why we are together.", he replied.
"Right", I said, twining my arms around his neck. He held me from the waist and looked straight into my eyes.
"We'll be alone Jake. Alone, as always we wanted to be.", I said.
"Yeah Ness.", he said and smiled.
He leaned forward, to kiss me gently but just then some faint footsteps made us to separate.
"Someone from your family is disturbing us.", he said and turned into the direction of the sound. It was definitely a vampire and soon we saw Uncle Emmett. He told me that Mom was looking for me. But that was not true. Guess Uncle and Jake wanted to have some men talk.
For time pass, I started practicing the spells again but it was not much of the help. I was somehow, unable to control the butterflies jumping inside my stomach, imagining myself alone with Jacob at Isle Esme. It was going to be so much fun. All I cared about now, was the time, Jacob and I were gonna spend together.
It was exactly midnight and I was unable to sleep, pre occupied with my thoughts.
My thought process was broken by an occasional knock on my window. I turned towards my window and thought to call Dad, but on the second thoughts, I decided to take the risk myself, after all, I am a wizard. I took out my wand and then started for the window and fling it open. But there was nothing to worry about.
"Whoa, whoa! Renesmee, calm down!", said Jacob.
"Jacob? What are you doing here? It's already midnight.", I asked.
"I came here to meet you.", he replied.
"Very sensible, can't you use the door?", I asked him, keeping my wand back.
"It will not be fair. What will your parents think?", he asked grinning.
"Very funny, they will be already knowing that.", I said and smiled. He smiled back, standing on the window.
"Won't you ask me to come in?", he asked.
"Oh yes. I am sorry. Please come in.", I said.
"Nah! Just joking. Actually I was unable to sleep, thinking about tomorrow.", said Jacob.
"Me too.", I replied.
"Your Dad's coming. Gotta go bye. See you tomorrow.", he said and then he was gone. I smiled to myself and then headed towards my bed.

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