8. Edmund

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The very next morning, we all were planning to go to the island of Summer Moon through some means. And also we were waiting for the wizards.
"If, our powers work only during day, on the island, then we have to stay put during night.", said Dad, checking out the map of the island on Mac.
"You're right Dad. The first and the foremost thing to do on the island is, to search for Aunt Alice and others. They can be anywhere.", I replied. He nodded.
Just then, the four wizards, entered into the house.
"I am upset Renesmee. I thought you considered us friends.", said Harry, as soon as he entered in.
"It's not like that Harry. I was just going to tell you....."
"When Renesmee? When were you going to tell us? When it would have been over?", asked Hermione.
"Guys! This time should not be wasted in arguments.", said Jacob.
"Okay. Tell me everything from the beginning, Ness. Maybe I can remember something.", said Hermione.
I told her everything.
She remained silent for sometime and then she took the Mac from Dad.
"Edward, will you please?", she asked him.
Dad handed her the Mac. She then took out a site. We were unable to understand how it came out. She then typed, 'Summer Moon' in the search box and then all of us gazed at the screen. Everything was pretty much same, except of a small paragraph under the picture of the island. It said:-
"The island is guided by a strong shield, put around by none other then the queen herself, which can be broken only by a special kind of magic. It is said that there's only one person except for Elizabeth, who knows how to break through that shield, but there are no whereabouts of that person and he/she left that place when Elizabeth was taken to Azkaban."
"So, we can't enter the island?", asked Mum.
"Right. We need to know who this person is.", replied Hermione.
Hermione looked at me and exchanged a smile.
"We need to go somewhere.", I said.
"Where?", asked Jacob.
"Don't worry Jacob. I know what I am doing.", I replied.
I and Hermione then went to the Sesame Street, to the same library and took the same book, that three years ago, had told us about Wavell.
"I think that's what we are searching for.", said Hermione, suddenly stopping on a page.
I saw that there was a picture of the island. The other picture was very shocking. There were two people in the picture, a girl and a boy. The girl was Elizabeth and the boy, younger, but quite identical to her. The book said:-
"Edmund White, brother of Elizabeth White, was once an advisor to the Queen, her sister and moreover, ruler of part of the island. Unlike his sister, Edmund was a great wizard and he always opposed the methods of his sister's way of ruling. It is said that Edmund knew that his sister casted black magic over the island, so he studied how to break through her magic. He was the one, who told the people of the island about the cruel deeds of his sister and helped them to hand her over to Ministry Of Magic. From that day, he himself, left over the island to the people. It is believed that now he owns a shop in Sesame Street, itself."
"We got to find Edmund, or it's the end.", I said.
"But Ness, there are so many shops in Sesame Street. It will take years to find him.", she replied.
"I have an idea! How about we make magical posters and post them all around the Sesame Street.", I suggested.
"Good idea Ness. Lets do it.", she said.
Both of us them bought some magical paper and drew the posters. It said:-
"Edmund White. Whosoever with this name, is present in Sesame Street, please contact us. Urgent help needed."
We posted the posters all over and then went back home. We believed that we'll find Edmund out.

It was nearly noon, when we were waiting for some news about Edmund White. All of were sitting in the living area of Grandpa's house. I and Hermione, had already told everyone about Edmund White, whatsoever we had read in the book and the posters.
Just then, there was a loud knock on the front door.
"I'll go.", I said and went to the door. I opened it and was surprised to see the guest, that had come.
There was a man, standing on the door, who looked like Elizabeth, had same black hair, the only difference was, his hair were short.
"Are you....", I was going to ask, but he cut off my sentence.
"Edmund White.", he replied.
"I am..."
"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I know. You're the one who put posters, all around the Sesame Street. Who are you and what do you want?", he asked, in a bit husky voice.
Dad arrived on the door. He put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and moved back.
"Please come in Edmund.", said Dad.
Edmund entered in and stared everyone, present.
"Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.", said Dad.
When he was all settled, Dad began.
"I am Edward Cullen and this is my family. The rest of my family has been kidnapped and I don't know it will sound good to you or not, but your sister is also involved in this kidnapping."
"What?", he asked, a bit confused.
Dad told him everything from the beginning.
"I knew her. I always knew that she will do something wrong."
"Only you know how to break through her shield. Please help us. For our family and for the good of the people, living on the island.", I requested him.
A long silence set through the room. Edmund was in deep thinking. But at last, he said.
"Alright. I'll help you."
"Thanks Edmund. That means a lot to me.", I said and smiled. He also passed a smile in my direction.
"C'mon let's prepare now.", said Jacob and took my hand and led me out of the room.

It was when us wizards were practicing in the clearing and strategizing to go to the island, tomorrow itself.
I was trying a new spell that Hermione had just told me, but I was unable to get it. I was unable to ask for her help as well, because she was busy. So, I was lamely rotating my wand, here and there and saying the spell and obviously, it was not working.
"Whoa, whoa! Easy girl. You'll harm yourself or others.", someone said.
I turned around and saw that it was Edmund.
"Sorry. It's just that I am unable to get it.", I replied. He smiled.
"It's a real difficult spell. Only a trained and an experienced wizard can use it.", he said.
"Well, in that case, I maybe trained but I am not that experienced.", I replied.
He stood at my back, held my hand in his own and showed me how to move the wand.
"One loop, then the other and then you say the spell."
"Alright, thanks.", I said and looked at him. He looked back and then I felt that I was locked in between his eyes. We stood there like that for a long time and after that he moved back from me. I could hear him chuckle.
"So that's how you do it.", he said.
"Now I know what I was doing.", I said and smiled.
"Yeah, you were just trying to pop out somebody's eye.", he replied and both of us laughed out loud.

Most of my rest of the time was spent with Edmund. He showed me many amazing spells and I showed him, the beauties of forest.
When it was nearly dusk, I took him to the round meadow, where Jake was planning to meet me.
"This place is my personal favorite.", I said, as we entered in.
"It's, beautiful.", he said.
"I know.", I said, sitting on the ground, "Come sit."
As we both were sitting together, Edmund looked at me and asked.
"So tell me something about yourself."
I looked at him and smiled.
"What will you like to know?"
"You're a wizard, right? Then what are you doing among Vampires?", he asked.
"Because, I am myself a half vampire.", I replied. He looked at me. I could easily read the confusion in his eyes.
"Don't get confused. Its just that my Mom met my Dad, here. They fell in love, got married and my Mom, gave birth to me, while she was still human. So I am, kind of a vampire-human hybrid. I am only seven years old and I have matured. I live, both on human food and blood. Three years back, when wizards paid a visit, they figured out that I was a wizard too. Harry trained me and here I am.", I finished and looked at him, if he had further questions to ask. He was smiling.
"What are your powers?", he asked.
I took out my hand close to his cheek. He moved back and looked at me, surprised.
"Don't worry. I am not going to hurt you.", I replied and placed my hand over his cheek. He waited. I showed him a vision of his arrival. When I was done, I moved back.
"You're unique and nice too. Will you like to be my friend?", he asked, taking his hand out.
"Friends.", I replied. He looked into my eyes, once again. He was doing it again. I was locked. He moved back then, still smiling. I smiled too.
Just then I turned my head, right in front of the meadow and I saw a pair of big brown eyes staring us.
"Jacob.", I said, standing on my feet. But even before I could say something, those brown eyes, disappeared.
"Jacob, wait!", I shouted.
"What happened?", asked Edmund.
"I am sorry Edmund but I have to go for Jacob. He might have got upset, seeing us together. He's a little bit possessive about me."
"But Ness, our conversation was not over. You can't leave just because someone interrupted us."
"He's not just someone. He's Jacob, my life.", I replied.
"I am your friend too."
"He's my boyfriend. Sorry Edmund but I have to go.", I replied and started for the direction in which Jacob had gone.
I was in a hard search. I was unable to find him anywhere. I was unable to get his scent as well. I decided to go to La Push, to his home. He was standing there, backing me.
"Jacob?", I said, but before saying anything else, I saw something unusual. He was not alone. Leah was standing with him and both of them were completely lost in the moment. My eyes were filled with tears and I started for our cottage. The cottage was empty. I dropped myself on my bed and started crying heavily.
Just then a warm hand was placed over my head.
"Get out of here!", I said sobbing.
"I'll go. But first let me tell you what happened."
"I don't want to know anything. Get out of here, it's the end.", I replied.
He took me in his arms and then hugged me tightly, while I was still crying.
"I felt the same when I saw you with that guy.", he said.
"Edmund?", I asked, parting away from him.
"Yes. When I saw him, holding your hand and looking into your eyes, rage aroused in me. But I controlled myself and thought of teaching you a lesson. Leah and I were just pretending."
"I can't believe this Jacob. Don't you trust me? Edmund and I are just friends.", I replied.
"I am sorry Nessie. It's not about trust. It's love. I love you so much that I can't bear to see you with someone else."
"Me either."
"It will never be an end for us Nessie. It has been and always will be Forever for us."
"I know Jake. I am sorry.", I said.
He smiled and then took me on his arms. This was the best part of today's day.

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