13. Captives

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I woke up myself in my sub conscious mind. It was pitch black. My body ached with pain. I opened my eyes and saw myself on the Totem Hill. I had no strength to get up. Somehow, I collected myself and managed to raise myself on my knees. There was a shrill pain at the back of my head and the vivid memories of whatever happened in the last 20-30 minute was in front of my eyes and suddenly, they were red with anger. At this moment, there were just two thoughts, revolving in my head. First, how could my own brother deceive me. Second, I wanted revenge from that half-immortal.
Suddenly, I could feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up. It was Henry.
"Are you alright?", he asked me.
"I am fine. I'll live.", I replied. I tried to get up but my legs gave away.
"Here, let me help you.", Henry offered.
"No, it's alright.", I replied. From very beginning, I was not so much used to getting help.
"I may not have feelings, but I can see you need help.", Henry said again.
"I am not weak. I don't need anybody's help.", I replied with clenched teeth.
He sat on his knees, near me.
"Listen, I know that you're not weak. You're a strong woman. Only a strong woman can have the guts to fight against her own family."
At the mention of the word 'family', my eyes flickered towards him.
"I am not going to fight against my brother.", I replied.
His face expressions changed. He seemed to be a little confused. But I knew. Whatsoever the circumstances maybe, I can't fight against my brother.
"You'll fight Elizabeth.", an another voice echoed through the hill. I saw Wavell and Colin advancing towards us.
"Did you hear me? You'll fight Elizabeth.", Wavell repeated himself.
"You heard me too. I am not fighting against him. I wanted the kingdom for both of us. But now, he hates me and I don't need this kingdom anymore. I am going, Wavell.", I replied, looking right into his blood red eyes.
"Are you forgetting something, dear lady?", he asked me in that cunning voice. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.
"You forgot that it was us, who helped you to escape Azkaban.", he replied.
"That was not a favor on me. It was for your own selfish interests.", I replied with a bit of frustration in my voice.
"Don't forget the reason behind your twelve years of imprisonment Elizabeth.", he said again.
"I know Wavell. It was my brother, who sent me to Azkaban. But for this reason, I'll not fight against him.", I replied, with strong will power.
He chuckled under his breath.
"The real reason is that half-immortal.", he replied. This was a bit confusing.
"Renesmee? How can she be a reason?" I interrogated him.
"Your brother helped her to reach to you and rescue her family. He could have come to meet you. But he didn't. Don't you think, he loves her, more than you?", Wavell replied in his cunning voice.
"William!", I retorted. My eyes were blood red with anger. The till now, calm and peaceful wind blowing over the hill, changed into a terrible storm that uprooted the trees. I couldn't bear the words, Wavell had said to me.
"Please Elizabeth, calm down.", Henry said to me by placing his hand on my shoulder. I listened to him and the calm atmosphere was restored once again.
"Face your fears Elizabeth! You can't let that person escape, who stole everything from you. Maybe not for your kingdom, but you'll have to fight for your self respect.", Wavell said.
He was right. His words made sense. I had to teach her a lesson, for stealing those things, that once belonged to me.
"Okay Wavell. I'll fight. But I swear to God, I'll not pick up my wand against my brother. And I won't, I repeat, I won't let anybody hurt him.", I said and got up, while Henry helped me.
He smiled and led me out of the hill. Still, I could hear Wavell, speaking to Colin.
"It's alright Colin. I need her. I want to take revenge of my master. After that, she'll be of no use to me. Then we'll settle her."
I knew, that I can't trust any of them. After the war, I had my own plans, but right now, I need to keep mum.

Finally we reached the tower. We were deciding to return back home.
"I think we should now think of getting back.", I suggested.
"Yes. This place is getting on my nerves.", said Jacob and grinned.
"I agree with Jacob.", said Uncle Emmett. All of us exchanged a smile.
All this while, Edmund was quiet and silently looking out of the window.
"What happened Edmund?", I asked him.
"I can't go with you Renesmee.", he replied, still staring out through the window.
I was unable to get it. Why he didn't want to go back? Any sensible person would. Was it because of his sister?
"But why Edmund?", I asked him. He remained silent.
"Is it because of your sister?", I asked him again. He turned to look at me.
"No!", he replied.
"Then why?", I asked.
"I have to rescue more people, Ness.", he replied. This confused us even more. What was he talking about?
"Who others, Edmund?", I asked him out of curiosity.
"There's a reason behind Elizabeth's power, Renesmee.", he replied.
"Listen Edmund, I can't make a head or tail out of it. Will you please elaborate?", I asked him.
"In our castle, there's a special chamber, that once, I had designed to collect more power. I wanted to put that power to a good use, like, a defence against foreign attacks or even to cut down Dark Magic. Elizabeth knew about that chamber and now in my absence she used it for Dark Magic.", he all but replied.
"Okay. But how does it relates with rescuing people?", I asked.
"That chamber can't work with one person's power. You need several people for that. And I am afraid that the reason behind Elizabeth's exceptional powers is that she has captured the villagers to use their power for operating the chamber and making her powerful.", he replied.
"Holy Crap!", said Jacob.
"That's so cruel.", said Grandpa Carlisle.
"And so, being the prince of this Kingdom, it's my duty to rescue them.", said Edmund.
"But I think you should first go and check the village.", I suggested him.
"You're right Ness. I'll go and check the village. It's not that far from here."
"Mind if I come? I wanna help you.", I offered him.
"I don't think so Ness. You should go back home. It's entirely my matter.", he said, looking straight into my eyes.
"You helped me to rescue my family even when it was not your matter. I want to help you too.", I replied.
He smiled and then nodded in affirmative. I smiled back.
I looked at Jacob, who was not at all interested in listening to something that was related to Edmund. He was pretending to talk to Uncle Emmett.
"Jacob will like to help too. For long, he has been waiting for this time.", I said.
Jake looked at me, gave me an angry expression and then said, "I am not helping anybody."
"Oh! So you were listening to us, which means you were pretending.", I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Yes, I was. Because, I am not taking part in anything, that's related to him.", he replied, furiously and then shot out of the room.
"He seems upset. Did something happen between you and him?", asked Mum.
"No Mom. I'll go and talk to him. He's making me suffer.", I replied.
"Mind if I talk to him?", Dad volunteered. I threw a disbelieving look at him.
"Well, I think, it's not that good option.", he replied.
"Edward, Renesmee is smart. She'll handle everything. Am I right Renesmee?", Mum asked me, with an eyebrow raised. I nodded and then glanced at Edmund, who was busy in noting everyone's expression. When our eyes met, once again, it felt that I was locked into his eyes. I wanted to move but my feet felt like lead. Finally, he turned his face towards the window. I could feel myself, free and without wasting anytime, I headed outside to talk to Jacob.
He stood backing me, looking silently at the Totem Hill. I reached him and waited for him to say something.
"Jacob.....", the words had came barely out of my mouth when he turned around and held me forcibly, such that my arms hurt. I looked at him, surprised.
"What's happening between you and Edmund, huh? From the time of his arrival you have stopped, like, even talking to me!", he retorted, looking furiously at me. His black eyes blazed through me. It was so fearful that years rolled down my eyes, some out of fear and some out of his behaviour.
"Jacob, you're hurting me!", I said with a heavy throat.
He looked at me with that furious expression, once again and then let me go. He turned his face away from me.
I was so much in shock to see his this side that my brain was giving me no answer. Without any other second thoughts, I walked over to him, turned his face towards me and kissed his warm and surprised lips. When we parted, he looked at me, confused.
"Maybe this will bring you back to your senses. I want my Jacob back. He can talk to me after sometime.", I said to him and then started for the tower. Tears, still running down my cheeks. When I was about to enter the room, I wiped them away and pretended to look as cheerful as I could.
But, Dad had read those tears, behind my fake smile.
"What happened Nessie?", he asked.
"Nothing Dad. He said he'll talk to me later.", I replied. He nodded.
"So when are we going, Edmund?", I asked him.
"It's getting late Renesmee. We'll leave tomorrow in morning. The gates get closed by this time.", he replied. His was still looking out of the window. He didn't meet my gaze or anybody's.
"The gates?", I asked him.
"Yes. The gates that guard the village. They have a particular opening and closing time. And there's an another problem, nobody except the villagers can enter through the gates.", he replied.
"Wait! Then how will you enter the village, dude?", asked Uncle Emmett.
"Our family is an exception.", he replied.
"Then how Renesmee and Jacob will enter the village?", Dad asked him.
Edmund turned his face towards us. He glanced at me.
"They'll not enter the village. Because, there's no way that they can do it.", he replied.
"But you said that we can help.", I reminded him.
"You'll help me, but you need not enter the village for that. I can manage that on my own.", he replied.
"But can't you find us some way through it?", I asked him.
"I am sorry, but that gate was built by our Druid. So only he knew its secrets and that, nobody knows.", he replied. I nodded.
"All of you need some rest now. Maybe not physically, but mentally.", he suggested.
"Edmund, I think we should let others go back to Forks. Jacob, I and the Wizards will stay here with you.", I said to him.
"Excuse me, Renesmee Carlie Cullen! Who gave you the right to make decisions?", exclaimed Aunt Alice. I looked at her surprised.
"Aunt Alice, you should go back. Any sensible person would, after suffering so much.", I said.
"In that case, I may not be sensible, but I am not leaving my niece here, alone.", replied Aunt Alice.
"But Aunt Alice..."
"Alice's right Nessie. I am not going anywhere without you.", said Mum.
"I am in it with Bella.", said Dad.
"We are all with you Edward.", said Grandpa Carlisle.
"But Grandpa, Sam promised me that he'll not get married until we have rescued you and he kept his promise. His bride is waiting for him back home.", I said, pointing Sam.
"But I and Emily won't enjoy our marriage if Jacob and you don't come.", Sam replied.
"Okay! You won. Stay!", I replied and crossed my arms over my chest. Everyone smiled. This, for a while, lighted up the atmosphere.
And then I could hear Jacob, climbing up the stairs and I knew that he had entered into the room but I hadn't had the guts to look at him and to meet his gaze. The very next moment, he was standing just behind me. I could feel his warmth and could listen to his heart. He was making me feel his presence! He was going to make me suffer, more!
Finally, he moved away, right in time, saving himself from that lust of mine, pouring outside. At least he came to know that he had made me upset with his behaviour.
He acted perfectly normal in front of everyone, deviating himself from what had happened just a few minutes ago. He had continued his conversation with Uncle Emmett.
Jacob wanted to keep things only upto us. That's one of the best things about him. He knows how to be private.
I decided not to think much and let go that Adrenaline rush. So I went to talk to Aunt Alice. I had many things to tell and to ask from her. Engrossed so much into this, we lost the track of time. It was nearly midnight but there was no sleep in my eyes, so I decided to take a brisk walk outside the tower.
The big moon looked so enchanting. It had that magical power with which it was attracting me towards itself. The cool night breeze ruffled through my hair.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and I hoped and prayed it was Jacob, but, it was Edmund.
"Hey, I knew I will find you here. What happened? You look glum.", Edmund asked, gently.
"Nothing.", I sighed.
"Did something happen between you and Jacob?", he asked again.
"That's none of your business.", I replied, looking straight into his eyes.
"But, that's not fair Ness.", he disagreed, "You're not born to be hated like this.", he continued and I looked stupidly at his face.

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