14. Confessions

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"What do you wanna say Edmund?", I asked him, still confused.
"All you should know is, Renesmee, you deserve to get loved. Pure, calm and loving as you are, you don't deserve the behaviour and suffering that Jacob's giving you.", he replied.
"You're wrong Edmund.", I disagreed.
"Are you proving it to me or to yourself?", he asked with his eyebrows raised.
"I mean, he loves me more than anything in this world.", I replied and looked straight into his eyes.
"And if I say that I love you, even more than him, then?", he asked, looking back into my eyes.
Those three words, that he had said to me, had made me numb! I didn't know what to say. My brain was giving me no answer and my mouth was not moving!
"You......what....?", I asked him with much difficulty.
"I love you, Renesmee.", he replied with much passion, taking my hands into his. Once again, I looked foolishly at him. He had locked me into his eyes so that I was unable to move or to speak.
"Be with me Renesmee. I'll give you love. Not just love but more love than Jacob.", he said, now getting closer to me.
"No......", was just that could come out of my mouth.
"Don't fool yourself Renesmee. You know that you love me too. You don't need anybody, you just need me.", he said.
"From how much time......I mean..when?", I asked him, foolishly.
"From the very first time, I saw you. I was not very much fond of girls, always avoided them, never talked to them, but you, you had that strange attracting power. I just couldn't resist myself.", he replied, now getting even closer to me.
"I am sorry....I just can't....I love Jacob....he means, everything....to me.", I replied.
Now he took my face into his hands, bringing me closer to his face. I could smell his scent.
"That's what you think, Renesmee. You can't spend the rest of your life with one sided love. If Jacob respected you, he would have never hurt you like this.", he said, "I'll give you equal love. The love that you deserve!", he continued.
Tears rolled down my eyes.
"I am sorry....", I said again.
"RENESMEE!", a loud shout was heard.
Both of us turned around to see that, it was Jacob. His black eyes were red with anger. His whole body was trembling. And I thought that now he will change into a wolf and will kill Edmund. But then, he shrieked in pain and fell down to his knees. The effects of the moon were prevailing on him, making him weaker.
"Jacob!", I jumped in concern and rushed towards him. Sitting next to him and supporting him, I asked, "Are you alright?"
But he pushed me away and looked at me with those blood red eyes. I witnessed his behavior, all surprised.
"Stay away from me! You, cheated on me. I knew that something was going on between you and him.", he said, with much difficulty.
"Jacob, no!", I protested, bit with a heavy throat. Tears had already rolled down my eyes, "You're getting it wrong."
"Shut up Renesmee! I don't wanna hear anything.", he said, rather retorted.
Then he looked at Edmund and got up. He starting walking in his direction. Edmund, watched him advancing.
"I'll kill you.", said Jacob, with clenched teeth.
"Listen, Jacob....."
"Shut up Edmund! You don't need to speak anything. I have witnessed your romance, from my own eyes. And now, I am not going to leave you.", said Jacob and took Edmund by his neck. He was helpless.
"Stop Jacob!", I shouted and rushed towards them.
"Jacob no!", I said again, with an effort to stop him.
Jacob threw Edmund away. He then held my shoulders, almost breaking them, looking straight into my eyes.
"Why? Why did you do this to me?", he asked. I could see those, big tears that he had in his small eyes. He was also talking with a heavy throat.
I was still crying and no voice was coming out of my mouth.
Mum-Dad, Aunt Alice, Grandpa Carlisle and others, had now arrived.
"Jacob! What are you doing? Leave her alone!", shouted Dad. He was unable to run, due to the moon but walked over to us and separated me and Jacob.
"What, were you doing Jacob?", Mum asked him.
"Dad!", I said and started crying loud. I rushed straight into his arms. He looked at me, surprised.
"Nessie, please calm down!", said Dad, caressing my head.
"Jacob, I always thought that you'll never let a single tear, come into her eyes.", said Dad, with a bit of frustration in his voice.
"Ask her, Edward. What was she doing?", said Jacob, still angry.
"Whatever she was doing, she didn't deserve such treatment from you, did she?", Mum asked him.
Edmund walked over to us. When he had almost reached us, Jacob, once again, took him from his collar.
"Stop Jacob!", said Mum.
Jacob stopped and stepped back, but continued looking at him in the same way.
"Edward, Renesmee's not at fault.", said Edmund. Everybody looked at him.
"What happened Edmund?", asked Mum.
"I want to hear it from you.", Dad, said to him.
Edmund was quiet for a while, reading the expressions on everybody's face.
"I love Renesmee.", he said finally.
Saying this, he had invited Jacob, who took him from his collar, once again.
"Jacob, stop it!", said Mum and pulled him back.
Whispers, started among people, standing behind us.
"I was just talking to Renesmee about this. I wanted her to be with me.", said Edmund, very casually but with decency.
"How dare you love him?", Jacob asked him, looking at him with those bloodshot eyes, "How dare you thought that she'll be with you? She's mine, and will be forever!", Jacob retorted.
"Have you ever given it a thought, Jacob?", Edmund asked him, calmly.
Jake was waiting for his question.
"You always talk about yourself. That's what the difference between you and Renesmee.", Edmund said.
Jake, now looked surprised. He didn't thought that the tables will turn like this.
"Renesmee, never talks about herself. She doesn't even cares about herself. All she's concerned about is, her family and you, the person, she loves, the most. I really wished that person was me, but I guess, I am not that lucky, so I can only wish. But you, you are that person. Renesmee deserves better treatment than she gets from you. How loving and pure she is! She didn't utter a word more than your name, Jacob. Then how can you think that she'll cheat you? You're so lucky, that someone like Renesmee, loves you, by all her heart. But you know what? I feel sorry for her, because she deserved someone better than you!", said Edmund.
Then he turned around and started walking towards the tower.
Jacob was silent now, realising his mistake, and thinking over the words he had said to me. I was not in a state to talk to anybody. Dad led me towards the tower. Others followed us, except for the wolves and Jacob, who was still standing there.
This night was so terrible for me that I had gone into a state of shock. Mum-Dad were talking to me, but I wasn't replying because this incident had gone straight into my heart. It was like a nightmare. Finally I said to Mum.
"Mom, I wanna sleep."
She nodded and I kept my head in her lap. I thought that insomnia was better than a heart broken sleep, but my mind was going into a state of sub-consciousness. I believed that this nightmare will end, when I'll open my eyes in the morning. Slowly and steadily, sleep took over me.

Finally, the day dawned. I opened my eyes and woke up. As I got up, I saw Jacob, sitting near me. He had placed his head in his hands.
"Jacob?", I asked.
He looked up. There were tears in his eyes.
"Jacob! Why are you crying? What happened? Is everything alright?", I asked, getting closer to him.
He took my hand into his and said in a broken voice, "I am really sorry, Renesmee. I didn't want the things to happen, that took place last night. I don't know, what had happened to me. That selfish monster had risen inside me!"
"Hey, hey, it's alright Jacob. It's not your fault. I know you're not selfish but a bit possessive. You don't need to cry for that. I love you.", I said, wiping away the tears from his cheeks.
He took my face in his hands.
"Why are you so nice, Renesmee?", he asked, smiling.
"Because, my Jacob's nice!", I replied, taking his face in my hands. He smiled, and I smiled too.
"I am sorry again.", he said.
"It's okay!"
He took me into his arms. Both of us, hugged each other, tightly. This, gave me a warm feeling.
"I love you.", he said. Sincerity sounded in his each word.
"Love you too, Forever!", I replied, honestly.
After a long while, we parted. He then gently kissed my forehead.
"Now get ready!", he reminded.
"Ready for what?", I asked him.
"You forgot? We have to help Edmund.", he said and smiled.
"Alright.", I said.
Once again he kissed my forehead and then, he walked out of the room. I saw that Mum-Dad were staring us from out of the room. Both of them looked happy and I was extra happy. Not only happy, but contented too as I had got back, my Jacob.
When I was ready, I made my way out of the tower. Everyone had that same expression on their faces, asking me that same question. I knew that the big smile on my face, was giving them their answer.
Crossing the crowd, I reached the boundary of the forest, where Edmund was standing. He was silently staring the forest.
"Edmund?", I interrogated him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He turned around.
"Renesmee...I am really sorry....for whatever happened last night.", Edmund replied. Guilt pounded in his eyes.
"You don't have to feel sorry. I came here to thank you.", I said to him.
He seemed confused.
"It's because of you, that I realised, how much Jacob loves me. Not only did I realise but I think, Jacob did that too.", I explained.
He looked more confused.
"Actually this morning, Jacob apologised to me and expressed his undying love.", I explained again.
He smiled now.
"Now, let's go, we have to go to the village.", I reminded him.
"I..I don't think so...", Edmund replied hesitantly. Now, he saw me confused.
"Actually, Jacob doesn't likes my company for you and I think you should....you know distance....yourself...a little from me.", Edmund explained.
"It's not true.", Jacob replied, now standing next to me.
All the smile from Edmund's face was gone.
"I should go now, Renesmee.", said Edmund and turned towards the forest.
"Wait Edmund!", Jacob stopped him. Edmund turned around and looked at Jacob.
"I am really sorry, Edmund. I don't know why that selfish monster had risen inside me, last night. I love Renesmee so much, that I can't bear to see anyone, especially good looking boys, near her.", Jacob said the last line, grinning.
Edmund grinned too. I smiled.
"I hope you understand.", Jacob said again.
"It's alright Jacob, I understand. But to be very honest, Renesmee", he said and looked at me, "I love you, and I will, until my last breath and Jacob", he looked at Jacob again, "I am afraid, that's the truth and I am not afraid to say that.", Edmund confessed, honestly.
"Thanks Edmund. But my heart belongs only to Jacob.", I replied, honestly.
"He's a lucky guy.", Edmund replied, looking at Jacob.
"Right, everything's cool?", Jacob asked Edmund, offering his hand.
Edmund looked at me again. I nodded. He smiled and then turned towards Jacob.
"Cool.", Edmund replied, shaking hand with Jacob.
"Now let's go, we should get ready to leave.", said Edmund.
We followed him, to start the preparations to leave for the village.

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