Chapter Three

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I quickly made my way down to the palace stables.

Contrary to what I had said before, I did hear what my father said, especially the part about Parker staying here.

How was I supposed to act? Give Parker a 'Welcome to my home' party. No, I'd rather run away from the problem itself.

My last 8 months in High School were meant to be blissful. Just having him near me in school irritates the cells on my skin to find out he's now living here just completely combusted them.

I should just run away and go to another country with a new alias. Bandito Conunciva.

Oh yeah! That's a bad ass name.

I quickly erased that thought. I can't leave Chamberia, my family, my friends.

I sighed making my way through the stable entrance.

I walked towards a certain white stallion of mine.

"Seeing you is exactly what I need right now boy," I smiled

"Let's just say my life just fell apart 10 minutes ago and a lot of things are gonna change around here."


I jumped at the sound. What the hell? 

I peeked at the stall beside Charm, there stood a large black mare. It was agitated, neighing and stomping its hooves on the ground.

"Woah, easy girl, easy," I said softly, trying to calm the horse down. "What's your name," I said as I was looking down at the stall door. "Aeris."

"What a magnificent name for a magnificent horse."

Aeris was now slightly calm so I opened the stall door and stepped in, closing the door behind me as I slowly stroked her muzzle.

"So where did you come from? I haven't seen you around the stables boy," I asked the horse softly.

Suddenly loud footsteps resounded in the stables accompanied by an equally loud voice.

Oh course it would be Parker's.

Why is he everywhere when I want him to be nowhere near me?

My eyes widened when he yelled, "Aeris girl!"

Crap really!

I tried to think of a way out of the stall with out him noticing that I was in it in the first place. He was now halfway before he reached the stall.

Well escaping was now off the table. Hiding would have to do.

I looked around for a place to hide but all there is in a horse stall is hay and a horse. The hay was probably dirty and Aeris still doesn't look stable enough for me to hide behind her, unless I enjoyed sporting a hoof print on my body. No thanks.

"Hey girl," Parker said once he reached the stall.

I had no choice but to slowly crouch down behind the stall door until he left.

"The guards said that you were acting up in here," Parker's voice was strangely sincere and soft when he spoke.

Well this is new.

"I know this is different from Angloria, trust me I know. But we're gonna be staying here for a while so we're both gonna have to try to cope with the change," Parker said while leaning his folded arms on top of the door, stroking his horse.

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