Chapter Seven

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I woke up in darkness, the curtain blinds were shut but I could see some light seeping through the edges so I knew it was morning. Slowly I sat up from my bed rubbing my temples.

My throat was parched so I checked my bed side table to find a glass of water. That's strange. Someone must've placed it there for me. This was a first for me, normally I would walk down stairs to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water in the morning. I grabbed the glass before placing it on my lips chugging it down while my eyes scanned my room. My tennis clothes were carelessly thrown at the end of my bed.

Wait tennis!

It was if a trigger was pulled causing a dam of memories of yesterday to flood to my mind. I fainted on court playing Parker after I had played Jasper.

I fainted well that definitely took a toll on my dignity. I wasn't one to be saved.

Realisation dawned on me. OMG, someone changed me while I was unconscious.

The doors of my room flung open as a figure walked into my room.

"Good morning sunshine," he said before walking towards the blinds abruptly pulling them outwards shinning in the early morning sun.

"Oh god, close them now before you commit brutal murder to my eyes," I said squinting from the bright rays.

"Now is that anyway of welcoming back your favourite brother."

"Fine, welcome back Connor now shut the bloody blinds."

Connor chuckled ignoring my request.

"Oh and Jasper's my favourite brother," I said poking out my tongue at him.

"No, but I'm your favourite older brother."

"I only have one older brother, which is you."

"I claim the title by default then, they're the best kind of victories anyway."

I rolled my eyes at his childishness, getting out of bed and walking up to hug him.

"I really did miss you," I muttered into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly as he pressed his lips to my hair.

"Same, little one."

"Don't call me little, I'm 5 feet 8."

"Well your maturity sure didn't catch up to your height did it."

I whacked his chest playfully.

"I'm not childish and besides if I am I only learnt from the best."

"Damn right you did. I was the prank master in high school," Connor said proudly.

I rolled my eyes at him.

A knock on my door interrupted our conversation. Who the hell is that? This is the most amount of guests I have ever had come to my room at the same time. Achievement unlocked.

"Who is it?" I called out, hoping for whoever it was to leave so I could spend more time catching up with Connor.

"Its.. uh.. Parker."

I groaned. Great the last person I needed to see.

"Busy!' I yelled at the same time Connor yelled, "Come in."

Connor gave me a look that read talk to him.

I gave him another look reading I don't want to.

We practically had a staring conversation. It was probably longer than Kristen Stewart stares during Twilight.

"I can come back later, if it's inconvenient for you now," Parker said awkwardly.

"No, no! Stay," Connor said already walking over to the door to let Parker in.

"So you must be the infamous Parker, I have heard a lot of things from you," Connor stated as Parker walked in timidly.

"I hope all good things," Parker chuckled awkwardly.

"Well they did come from Fawn."

"Is that so then you must be surprised that I don't have a german accent and a thick moustache if Fawn told you about me," Parker said smiling looking over to me.

"I'm not sure about you, but I like you so far. Don't ruin it. Anyways I'll leave you guys to talk it out and Fawn I don't want to see any satanic rituals you discussed to me, to be applied on Parker. He's slowly growing on me," Connor said sternly before walking out of the room.

The awkward tension in the room was suffocating.

"I just came here to say sorry for pushing you into playing the game yesterday. You were already tired, I pushed you to breaking point then caused you to faint from exhaustion," Parker apologised.

I was shocked I didn't know Parker had the guts to apologise to me, I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought.

"Oh uh its okay, thanks for apologising," I replied.

"No problem," he said.

"One question though, how did I get to my room? Did Jasper carry me up?"

"No, I did," Parker said nonchalantly.

My eyes widened.

"Did you dress me as well?" I was afraid of the answer.

"What! No, of course I didn't, I asked a maid to do it."

I let out a relieved breath. I was not ready to for that conversation if he had said yes.

"Oh okay never mind then."

It was another awkward silence pause.

There was one question that was bugging me the entire time since I witnessed it, I had to know.

"Why did you break up with Natalie?"

Parker looked up at me in surprise.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was just curious as to why you would break up with her after so long. You both looked happy all that time you guys were together."

Parker suddenly looked angry.

"Why do you think I broke up with her, because you think I'm heartless, cold, that I have no feelings what so ever!"

"No, I didn't mean it, it just looked like you broke up with her when I saw you guys in the carpark."

"Well you saw wrong," he said angrily before storming out of the room.

Its always One step forward but Two steps back whenever it comes to him.


This was chapter 7 please vote, comment and share this story. If you could follow me as well that would be awesome. 

You were finally introduced to Connor. Thoughts?

Continue Parker and Fawn's journey in chapter 8 of Young Crowns.

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