Chapter Eleven

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- Fawn -

I was not handling this situation well. My hands and legs were tied behind my back while I was stuffed in the back of the van. My attempt to approach this situation was to straight out annoy the heck out of both of my kidnappers by asking a million questions.

"Why did you take me? Where are you taking me? Who are you two? Who's your boss? What does he want with me? Why am I here? What's with the van, you both are too cliche? Why did you both had to kidnap me, couldn't they at least send someone attractive?"

"ENOUGH! I swear you're so irritating, I'm about this close to killing you," Carl growled.

"Carl. You can't harm her at all," Kidnapper #2 warned. He was the one driving while Carl was slowly sharpening his knife. I hoped that the van would hit a pothole and the knife would be wedged in him.

I kept quiet but my mind was slowly churning the entire ride there was one question I needed to ask that was distressing me. How did he know I was a princess?

The palace had kept it under locks about my brother and I's identity, only a few handful of people knew, the palace staff, some politicians, my friends and now Angloria's royal family. Had someone betrayed us and told the wrong kind of people?

I had to get out of here, as much as I wanted to know who my kidnapper's boss was I needed to get out before I was in bigger trouble.

I needed some kind of distraction for them to pull over so that hopefully Parker had some kind of plan to reach me or he was spiteful enough that he decided to leave me to fend for myself. Crap what if he did! No, as much as Parker was a conceited jerk he still wouldn't do that to me, I just had to pray that I was right. Now the only thing I needed was a distraction.

"I have to pee," I blurted out.

"Ha, sorry girly but I ain't believing you," Carl snorted.

Shit now what!

"Oh, ow, my god the pain, it hurts too much," I faked as I crouched into a fetal position holding my stomach.

"Great now what does she want."

"I'm on my bloody period and I'm having cramps."

"Suck it up princess you'll live.'

"Oh but your van won't, you see when I have cramps I have to pee or else my bladder will burst," Not true but honestly what do men know.

"Don't care about your bladder just need you."

"I'm gonna pee when I want to and if it happens to be in this van good luck having to smell pee and period blood mixed together."

My kidnappers looked at each other in alarm. To be honest I was about to throw up myself, what I said was completely gross, but I had to figure something and this was my best bet. Make guys uncomfortable when talking about menstruation. Check.

"Carl you know I have a weak stomach if she pees I'm gonna puke then the van's gonna smell like shit."

"Not really it'll just smell fishy."

"Fuck man, I can't do this I'm pulling over."

"Shawn don't do this we have to get to base before sundown. Shawn!" Carl stressed.

But too late Shawn had already pulled over on the side, fumbling out of the van before running into the woods. He started to vomit his guts out. I turned away from the scene.

I smiled to Carl victoriously gesturing for him to release my bonds so I could 'pee'. He groaned getting out of the door before opening the back pulling me out. He cut the ropes around my hand and legs, I rubbed at the place where the rope cut into my skin. As I was about to head into the forrest Carl roughly grabbed me by my wrist pulling me towards him. I winced at the pain as Carl growled at me.

"If you run away or do anything stupid, I'll hunt you down. To make sure you heed to my command remember this." 

He held the knife to the side of my neck slowly pressing it into me, I felt my skin pierced as blood seeped through the wound. He released me as my hands flew to where the blood was.

He pushed me towards the bush for me to pee.

"I can't relieve myself if you're watching," I remarked slowly drawing it out so whatever Parker had planned would happen quickly.

"I've already seen a women naked, you're all the same."

That gave me chills, not the good kind but the kind that made you want to cower in the corner.

"Let me at least go behind a tree. I'm not stupid enough to run away knowing your capabilities."

He relented as I walked behind the tree.

New strategy, try to charm your way out of this.

"You must be really strong to be able to lift me up on your shoulders like that."

"Charming me won't help you girly."

I grunted in disappointment.

"How do you know that I'm the princess." Next strategy, be blunt, straight to the point.

"Oh isn't that the million dollar question. Let's just say the palace can't hide this big of a secret, people are bound to find out, some already do and they aren't the ones who you want to know."

That wasn't the answer I was looking for. I walked around the tree towards Carl once again.

"I didn't hear any peeing sounds."

"Well when you're on your period your pee is silent," I remarked giving him my best innocent smile.

"Women." He then tugged on my arm pulling me forward.

Crap what the hell, where's Parker. I had to do something now or else the next trip would be straight to their base where I had no chance of escape. I glanced towards Carl, his knife was sticking at the back of his pants, if only I could get it.

An idea sprung into my mind, I pretended to faint on Carl hugging his body.


I grabbed the knife and swiftly stabbed it in his abdomen shoving him to the ground.

"Arg you bitch!"

I ran as fast as I could away from him towards the road, I stopped a moment realising that it meant towards my other kidnapper. I ran around the van keeping a 20m radius from it in case Kidnapper #2 saw me.

I ran on the road and started to sprint the way back trying to put as much distance as I could from them.

A motorcycle was driving down the road, I waved my hands back and forth, I had to get out of here before they caught up to me.

The motorbike slowed down next to me. I sighed out in relief.

"Excuse me please you have to help me, there were these two men who kidnapped me, we have to leave before they catch..." Before I could finish the guy lifted his helmet and at that moment I could have leapt for joy except all I could do was smack him in the arm before jumping on the back.

"We have to move now! GO! GO! GO!"

With that Parker did a U-turn before we sped along the road once again.

I hugged onto his torso leaning my head onto his back. Everything slowly rushed to me as I was in shock.

"Hey are you alright?" Parker asked me in a soft voice.

"Yeah great," I replied in a small voice.

He didn't say anything else after that for the next 10 minutes we rode in complete silence. I was afraid to death that they would catch up to us, that I would constantly check behind me.

"The calvary's here."

I looked up to see 5 police car with another 5 black sedans trailing behind, all driving towards us.

We were finally safe.

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