Chapter Eight

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One month later

It was now December just five days before Christmas and what was I doing? Christmas shopping? Going outside enjoying Chamberia in snow? Having fun with my family and friends?


I'm snuggled up in my sheets with my blinds shut, my room in complete darkness except for my tv screen showing Love Actually.

I feel as if every teen can relate to my situation.

Did I care that I was acting like a social outcast having nothing better to do than having to relate emotionally with characters from a mediocre movie? Yes, do you know why? 

Well because yet again I've have been ditched by everyone in my life and I am feeling incredibly annoyed with everyone. So I'm just in my room on a Sunday, five days before Christmas wallowing in my pity.

Connor went to some Christmas fundraiser and Jasper decided to come with him but from a far so that his identity wouldn't be given away. Blaine was with Anne, Christmas shopping for presents and my parents were away at a neighbouring country returning in two days time.

I was stuck alone at the palace with Parker somewhere roaming the grounds like a mourning widow except with the expression of a blank sheet.

After our little argument a month back it was extremely awkward and when I mean extremely awkward I mean 'Oops I didn't mean to jump to the conclusion that you broke up with your girlfriend which technically meant that I just indirectly called you out for being a massive coldhearted, playboy jerk with no emotions or feelings but don't worry you took it the worst way possible storming out of my room and ignoring my presence like it's your life mission'  level of awkwardness.

But who needs guys right. I have my nutella and rom-coms to last me through life. I mean screw society for it being the norm that we as a women have to have men in our lives to strive and be prosperous. No, I mean look at Susan B. Anthony the woman who was a suffragette fighting for voting rights for woman, she's successful and single and she did pretty well for herself. Well you know what society I can be like her because this is the twenty-first century and I can be anything I god damn want to be.

I haven't slept or had any human contact for a long time.

While I was still wallowing in my self pity crying because Sam a 10 year old kid found love before me, my bedroom door opened revealing a surprised Blaine and Anne.

Blaine threw some kind of water towards my fragile state of a body, while Anne turned on the light.

"FAWN!" they screamed.

"Why are you screaming I just got wet from the liquid you just threw, what the hell is it anyways?" I screamed back.

"It was meant to be a snowball but it melted on the way up to your room," Blaine said sheepishly.

"Aww, Fawn what happened? Other than my idiot of a boyfriend drenching you in water when I specifically told him not to," Anne glared towards Blaine, walking over to my bed sitting on the edge.

"Why can a boy 9 years younger than me find someone. The world's just not fair, I haven't even kissed a guy yet and the boy's just throwing around the L word," I sobbed out. To be clear if it wasn't noticeable before, I'm on my period.

"Fawn he's just a character from a movie don't beat yourself up because a director told an actor to act like he's falling in love," Blaine replied.

"But you guys found each other."

"Yeah well we were a just a lucky case," Anne said looking lovingly towards Blaine who looked back at her with the same kind of affection.

"Are you guys are really having a moment now! This is the reason for my tears."

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