Chapter Ten

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- Parker -

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said instantly walking towards the bathroom.

Once inside did I finally let out a breath, sure I could handle spending alone time with Fawn when other people were around but when it was just the two of us, that was a situation I did not want to be in. I feel that if we attempted to converse it would end up with me injured as the conversation would of led to another argument.

Honestly, I didn't have a problem with her, messing with her was fun and her reaction was slightly adorable, well for the first minute or so before she turned into a crazed demon.

The past month my time at the palace was tolerable mostly due to the fact that I barely saw Fawn, she would constantly hide or changed direction not so subtly whenever she saw me. I couldn't really complain because in truth I was still at odds with her because she thought of me to be heartless and cold, she didn't say it but I'm guessing that's what she was thinking of.

She knew nothing, not a single thing about my situation and she judges me. Sure I may be a conceited and a jerk to her but that was all guys defence mechanism, if any guy denies it he's lying.

I was just confused with everything and my location situation wasn't helping. I was supposed to be in Angloria learning how to rule my own country not in a neighbouring country under the rule of another royal family.

For the past 7 minutes I was trying to waste as much time as I could before I had to endure the long wait until someone picked us up. I stayed extra long in the stall, washed my hands 3 times with soap, dried it off, walked around the bathroom all while checking my watch, the minute hand only moved 3 places since I last checked.

Arg this was slowly killing me, when I decided that I just had to suffer through the pain, I walked out the bathroom. I glanced around the empty cafe but no one was here not even Fawn, what the hell! Where was she!

I checked outside to my complete and utter shock, there she was, being hauled into a black van, her screaming for help.


I rushed out to the carpark attempting to chase after the van only for me to be left in the dust. I rushed to the street they had driven out on, cursing Blaine to choose such an isolated cafe, which was literally in the middle of the woods. Only a few cars passed on the long winding road. I had to act fast the van was moving fast, it wouldn't be long before it was out of sight and Fawn would be in bigger trouble.

With my trembling hands, I fumbled dialling the palace security informing them of the situation. They told me to keep calm and stay where I was, while they couldn't even do so themselves as the guard asked me frantically where my location was, behind him I could hear a ruckus of orders being made and footsteps resounding against the floor.

I hung up on him. I wasn't going to stay where I was, by the time anyone came it would be too late so with the worst impulse thinking ever I ran on the road 20m away from a motorcycle, I waved my hands over my head signalling the driver to stop.

"WHAT THE HECK MAN!" cursed the driver.

"I need your bike it's an emergency, someone's been taken," I blurted out in desperation.

"No, who the hell do you think you are?"

In the moment of the most stressful situation I had been in, a fuse broke inside of me. "I'M THE BLOODY PRINCE OF ANGLORIA AND I DEMAND YOU HAND OVER YOUR BIKE TO ME OR ELSE AN INNOCENT PERSON WILL LIKELY DIE!"

The man was startled by my outburst, but I didn't give a damn. I tried to take another approach.

"Please lend me your bike and I will return it to you shortly, take my watch as an exchange, but please I'm desperate," I handed over my $150,000 watch to him as he ogled it in suspicion but nonetheless he had dismounted the motorcycle. I took this gesture as a way of him accepting and immediately mounted the bike.

"Ring the royal palace if you want a return for the expenses, but that watch is already $150,000, you can check with someone to see if its real. What is your name?"

"Jeremy Felder."

"Ok Jeremy I'll make sure to thank you immensely later but I must leave now."

"Wait take my helmet."

I took the helmet from his hands giving him a grateful smile.

I urged the bike forward with the clutch before speeding away from the bewildered man. In my rush to convince the man to lend me his bike I had forgotten to give the man the palace number, I didn't care, the only thought that was pressed into my mind was to find Fawn and bring her back.

The road was luckily just one long winding slab of concrete so unless the kidnappers had barrelled into trees to create a path, I suspected that they were still on this road. I had wasted 5 minutes calling the palace as well as convincing the man, hopefully I could make up that time to reach Fawn before anything happened. I twisted the throttle, accelerating down the path.

"Oh god Fawn, what kind of trouble are you in," I mumbled to myself.

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