Chapter Five

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"WE'RE WHAT!" I screamed.

"Honey, you're acting as if eating dinner with Parker and his father is the worst thing in the world."

"Well yeah mum it is."

"Oh come on Fawn. You practically eat with him every time at lunch in school it's the same thing," Jasper said leaning his back on the wall across the room not wanting to be near me.

He made a wise decision, because I wouldn't want to be near me either in my state. I was like Hera after finding out Zeus cheated on her... again.

"No, it's not the same thing he's like one hundred metres away from me. At the dinner table he's gonna be one metre away," I responded. "Dad why do we have to do this?"

The king sighed standing up from the chair making his way to join mum, Jasper and I. He didn't want to be in the discussion. Yeah well bad luck.

"It's common courtesy for the hosts, who are us," he said pointing all of us in the room.

"To accommodate the guests who are them." Pointing behind his back towards the door.

"I'd rather eat dinner with the rats," I spoke blandly.

"Connor going to be there," my mum said.

My eyes shot up.

"He's back from the Royal Navy!" I asked surprised.

This was the first time I was going to see Connor since six months ago when he left to complete his military service to Chamberia as a royal heir. So you could imagine my surprise when I found out he's back home with out any of my knowledge.

"Yes, now he's busy with Parker's dad so you can't see him until dinner. That is if you still want to go... and see him," my mum said slyly.

"Fine, fine. I'll go," I relented before walking towards the door but before I left I asked her a question.

"Why didn't you tell me before that he's back?"

"So I could sneak one up behind you and convince you to be at the dinner."

"I really do get my genes from you," I said out loud.

"I thought she got that from me?" my dad argued.

"Don't worry dad I got your charm," Jasper said cheerfully putting his arm around dad's shoulder.

"Well you haven't made much use of it," I heard dad respond before I left to my room.


I was upset when I found out that Connor couldn't make it to the dinner. I was practically dragged out of my room by Jasper while being angry that mum and dad lied to me about it. Connor was instead out in North Chamberia checking up on some factory workers who were on strike. He wasn't going to back for another week.

"So Fawn, how has the royal life been for you the past years? Overwhelming yet?" Parker's Dad King Albert asked me pulling me out from my thoughts of disappointment.

"Oh uh.. It was pretty hard to take it all in at first but after I got used to it I started to adapt to the change," I responded kindly he nodded smiling before joining in the adult conversation with my parents.

"That's what she said," Parker mumbled quietly to himself but with me being the only one of the table who wasn't in a conversation I heard him. So I 'accidentally' threw a bread roll at him I didn't need his irritating comments right now, I was in a pissed off mood.

"Hey!" Parker whisper-shouted.

"Hey to you to," I said smiling sarcastically at him.

"So Parker have you enjoyed your time here at Chamberia for the past three years," my mum asked Parker while giving me a behave look obviously seeing me throw the bread roll.

"I've enjoyed my stay so far, I lived with a friend's family, he was also from Angloria but went to a different school. He's now in Angloria for his senior year," Parker replied kindly.

Parker's capable of being kind. Plot twist. I hadn't realised that I had said that out loud but luckily no one heard it, well except for Parker of course because why on Earth would my life be any easier.

The rest of the dinner was mostly answering awkward questions with the adults all while having to ignore Parker's insistent glare towards me. Though Parker and I always fought in class, it was strictly only in class but this dinner released the gates of hell and I think I had just made an enemy of Parker Bryton. Well good for him because the feeling was mutual.

Just a typical dinner with the royals.


"I don't know how I'm gonna survive the next six months," I complained to Blaine putting my hands on my face, massaging my temples.

It was lunchtime so Blaine and I were in the cafeteria at our normal table.

"I know right when I found out about it, I was thinking if you would even make it to school today. I thought you were in jail for murdering Parker when you found out."

"I don't hate him that much. We just have a mutual dislike for each other..." I said before stopping. "Wait you said when you found out that you were thinking if I would even make it to school today, but I never told you about it yesterday," I thought out loud before for coming to a realisation.

"You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me!"

"The topic never came up," Blaine shrugged.

"That's why you tell me before I get ambushed and why would I ever bring up a topic about Parker?"

"Well I thought that if I didn't tell you, I wouldn't have to hear you complain."

"Well you're gonna hear me complain now Blaine."

"Well my strategy didn't work for shit."

"How did you even know that Parker was staying at the palace anyways?"

"Because I'm Blaine and I can do anything."

I rolled my eyes at his answer knowing him I would never get the answer out of him. No point wasting my energy.

"But seriously how do you think you'll hold up," Blaine asked me.

"Well yesterday we had some talks then dinner with his family. We only argued twice maybe three times," I answered looking up to Parker's table.

It was only him by himself as he used to sit with Natalie but since they broke up I guess he was alone. I was curious as to why they broke up but I don't think I'm close enough to ask him yet or more like I don't think its safe to be in a close proximity to him. Parker was now reading a book with his normal emotionless face on.

"Quit staring at Parker its weird. If you're like this back at the palace I'm afraid for the poor guy, fending off a stalker by the likes of you," Blaine said snapping my gaze away from Parker.

I glared at Blaine.

"I'm not staring at Parker. I was merely glancing around and my eyes just caught Parker's table."

"Caught more liked attracted towards it. Fawn I'm not sure I like this obsessive part of you, its not becoming."

I threw pieces of lettuce from my salad to him hitting him in the face with dressing dripping down. I threw my head back laughing as it stuck to his face. He responded by throwing hot chips towards me. Which was extremely hot by the way.

It resulted into a mini food fight within Blaine and I's table.

Oh how I wished life was this simple and easy. But that's life, it gives you the good things for now before it fucks up everything else after.


That was the fifth chapter. I am going really slow for my updates sorry like once every week.

I want to try finish this story before October so I have to update like 2 or more every week. So if you guys can comment 'update' it'll push me to update. Thanks.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share.

Continue Parker and Fawn's adventure in chapter 6 of Young Crowns.

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