Chapter 3

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"What ?!" Ed asked , puzzled .
"A Journal was left ." Emilia replied
"Why didn't you tell the officer that ?" Edward asked looking at Emilia .
"The man told me not to ...." Em said slowly .
"If the man told you jump into the well will you jump ?" Ed asked furiously .
"No. But....." Em began .
"But what ? Em do you realise that this man must have been killed because he had this journal !" Edward said .
"That's why we need to solve it !" Emilia shouted .
"Barbra , what do you think ?" Ed asked a very quiet Barbra .
"I think Em is right , we will solve the Journal . Who knows we might crack that no one will ever be able to !" Barbra said , for the first time without making fashionable or make up related sentence .
Em smiled , Ed sighed and shrugged . He could not help but shrug , he was too tired to argue anymore .
"Boo , can we um .... stay at your place ?" Ed asked ," Uncle is on a tour and , I don't want to leave you two alone after that !"
"Sure !" Barbra said smiling slightly .
"Great !" Em said breathing heavily
Ed drove towards Barbra's apartment . Barbra opened the door for them , her home was beautiful . It was decorated with pink and purple . Purple was her favourite colour and she thought that Pink would do as a good shade for it .

Em did not take her word seriously but now she was reconcidering it

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Em did not take her word seriously but now she was reconcidering it . The shade looked perfect , and the rooms were spik and span with a perfect view of the beach quiet far away from it .
"So this is my house !" Barbra said , proudly .
"Oh ! It's really pretty ! " Em said .
    "Yeah." Ed agreed
    "That's your couch there." Barbra pointed out.
    "Thanks." He replied as Barbra walked towards her bedroom door with Em on her heels.
Edward let out a big sigh , and laid down on the couch falling into a dreamless sleep .
He was unfortunatly woken up by the flash of a camera .
"What in the name of heaven ?!" Ed asked furiously .
"Awe you look like a little baby when you were asleep . I just had to get a pic !" Barbra said squealing a little .
"But I was SLEEPING !" Ed exclaimed , horrified at the fact . Who woke up anybody like that while sleeping ?
"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! You should've seen your face ." Barbra said , laughing .
"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! How funny !" Ed said sarcasticaly , getting up from his couch .
"Boo ! Ed ! Come to eat !" Emilia called .

They piled up onto the couch with their plates . Being a Saturday ( as in no TV shows they liked ) they agreed to watch Mean Girls .
Apparently it was about high school and how a girl survives it . Em enjoyed , Ed understood it to the core ( that's how he said ) and Barbera took fashion tips and sass notes .
"So the dairy .....?" Edward said reminding them of more important stuff .
"It's a Journal !" Em corrected
"Samething !" Ed retroted .
Em rolled her eyes , Barbera was painting her nails.
Ed picked up the journal and fliped to its first page .
"Pvs mpwf xjmm mbtu vq jogjojuz & cfzpoe ." Edward read .
"What ?" Em asked
Ed gave the book to her .
"It's English alright . It's just coded . We need to crack it !" Em said reading the line again .
"I think I could use a decoder ......" Ed said unsurely ," I mean we never know whether it's a language or not . Just like Shakespeare , his english is different from the english today ....."
"I think he's right , it's just like cosmetics , the product remains the same but it becomes more efficient by time ." Barbra said drying her nails .
Em agreed and walked up to Barbra's room and switched on the computer .
"All right now ......" began Ed and instructed her as she tried to decode the sentence . An hour later they came the conclusion that it was English and it had just been coded for unkown reasons .
"It's English !" Ed declared .
"You take longer to do this than me when I'm choosing a dress for a party ."
"Yeah ......" Emilia said sarcasticaly .
"What ? It takes me 4 hours exactly to find the perfect dress for a party ." Barbers said .
"Now that's what happens when you work with girls ....." Edward murmered .
"What !" Em and Boo asked , apparently they heard what he said .
"Nothing ....." Ed mumbled

Barbra ," If there is a party at 9:00 , I get there only by 11:30 . So if I need to get there in time I have to start getting ready by 5:00. Same goes here , we need to work quickly ."
"You're right , so how do you suppose we decode this thing ?" Em asked picking the journal up .
"I don't know ......" Ed said , just then Barbra's phone rang .
Em began humming a tune as she re read the pages. It was coded and so there must gave been something that was valuable revealed in the page. Only when squinted her eyes did she see tiny wordings on the very edge of the page.
"Hello ?"
"Daddy !"
"Yeah "
"No , not at all "
"No , I swear on my Mascara I won't . I do it this time ."
"Yeah ! Bye ! Love ya !"
"Who was it ?" Ed asked .
"Daddy , he wanted me to score well this time ."Bera replied .
"One step closer ...." Em said looking at the line again , in tiny letters on the very edge of paper were these words.
"One step closer . One step closer ..... One step closer !" Em said .
Ed looked at her as if she had gone insane . Barbera stared at Em .
"Guys I think I cracked it !"

Hello ! Do you think you guys can crack this line . Let me know if you can .
Hint: It's written , 'One Step Closer'

Chapter is dedicated to - KatrinaElise12 and ZeanaMalik159

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