Chapter 20

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Barbera ran into the house followed by Edward . In midst of the drawing room lay Darcy , her arm drenched in blood .
"Darcy !" Bera called .
   Mr.Samuels came running in to find Darcy on the floor with a pool of blood. He fell on his knees , took hold of Darcy's wrist and checked her pulse .
   "She's alive but only just." He said choking , Darcy had meant a lot to him .
    The ambulence arrived a few minutes later and carried Darcy to the nearest hospital.
    Bera sat on the chair shocked , she was worried on how Nate would take the news . He has been through so much , she thought , why anymore ?
    The mere thought of losing Darcy was tearing her apart , Bera felt that her world was comming to a close. Her eyes were brimming with tears ,  she wiped them away .
    She looked down to her feet , there next to the stain of atain of blood that was left lay a finger nail.
    "Ah ! Look a finger nail !" Bera said .
    "Bera it's not the time to think about fashion ." Edward began .
   "No just look at it carefuly ! Do you remember that shade of nail polish ?" She asked
    "Erm No ..... wait ! I've seen that on er ...... " He began .
     "Even I can't remember who ." Bera said .
    "Aunty !" They gasped
   "She was wearing it on the day we discovered she was Dr. Anson !" Edward
    "But we need to prove it !" Bera said .
   "Exactly ! We look for Dr. Anson's house search it find a clue and prove our point !" Ed said .
   "What if Nate and Emilia come back ?" Bera asked .
    "We write a note and leave it here , we don't have time Bera ! It's already 3:30 !" Edward said .
     They scribbled down a quick note .
     __||__Nate __________________
     __||______I know this is short
     __|| but we did not have time
     __|| we came to find Darcy on
     __||the floor with a pool of ___
     __||blood . I am sorry but she
     __||is in the sun hospital. I am very
     __||sorry that as a friend I'm __
     __||not there to console you ._
     __||We have a hunch on who _
     __||did this , we're going after _
     __||him. We'll go to the lawyer_
     __||you don't have to. I'm very_
     __||sorry for not being there__

     "There !" He said as he dragged Bera with him to the car.
     "Where are we going ?" She asked .
     "We are following this red spot ." Edward responded .
    "Why ?" She asked
   "Remember we had a fight at Dr. Anson's place ?" He asked .
   Bera nodded .
   "I had noticed that Aunty was able to track our every move as she came everywhere we went to most probably she must have been tracking us. The day we went to the department I noticed a chip on Em but kept quiet so that I wouldn't freak her out and you saw the consequences. Now , when she whipped her hair back when she saw Dr. Anson , the chip flew out and stuck onto a book. That was the very same book that threw at his henchmen. If I'm correct the henchmen if they , didn't go the hospital or anything of that sort , will lead us to Dr. Anson's home." Edward explained.
    "It sounds far fetched ." Bera said
    "I know but we have to follow them it's our only chance in finding Dr. Anson's home." He said
                               * * *
      Nate stepped out of the tunnel into the broad daylight. He was happy to see it , he gave Emilia a helping hand and they both smiled .
     The fresh air was a change from the dark tunnel and discovering the necklace was  reason to celebrate.
    They both walked into the house , holding each other's hands. The door had been closed , as in locked from outside. They guessed their parents must have gone out. Nate used the spare key to get in . The dark rooms gave an eerie look to the house.
    Emilia clung on to Nate , she certainly  wasn't fond of the dark . Nate switched on the lights when his eyes fell on the blood stain on the floor.
     Their widened with fear , they looked at each other . Em's eyes fell on the note , she quickly grabbed it and read it out loud .
    "No !" Nate said once she finished reading.
   "This can't be ! No !" He whispered
   "Nate ...." she said
   "Why does this happen to me Em ? Why does this always happen to me ?" Nate asked .
   "Nate listen to me ! You can cry as much as you want , I won't say a thing . It's just you and me ." She said as she embraced him.
     He cried , and it broke Em's heart to see him like that. Tears ran down his cheeks , reddening them even more than before. His blonde hair ruffled and his deep blue eyes reflected his past and sadness.
   A little while later Em shook Nate , she thought that if anything happened it would be best if he , Nate visited Darcy.
  "Nate , I think it we should go to the hospital." She said , Nate nodded and got up.
    They both climbed into the car and set out to pay Darcy a visit at the hospital.
                              *  *  *
    "We're getting closer to the destination." Edward said as he looked at his phone.
   "Just a few more blocks ......." he said .
   Finally , they arrived at 64 Avenue , a lane full of small apartments. It was a small lane .
     They both got down , the car had been parked right outside the lane to prevent suspicion . Edward looked at the device he figured that he was close to the red spot. 
     They climed onto the 3rd floor  and walked up to the fifth house.
     They heard shouting and the door suddenly banging open .
     There was no way out , they could be spotted .  
    Edward pulled Bera into his arms and kissed her .
      The henchmen and Dr. Anson sneered at them and walked off muttering something like adolecents ....
      They pulled apart breathing heavily and refused to look at each other. Edward walked upto the door and swung it open. Inside was a plain room with dusty furnitures and half shattered windows .
    They walked in and looked around , there seemed to be nothing of their use. There were loads of beer bottles and cigarettes .
     "I'm glad we didn't bring Nate." Bera said .
    "Yeah. This would have got him more depressed." Edward said
   "I found it !" Bera said before she began to pick the nail polish bottle up
    "No ! Don't pick it up ! The fingerprints on it are our only clue. Here take these gloves !" He said as he gave her the gloves he had in his pocket.
    "Where did you get these ?" Bera asked .
    "From your garden , loads of them were there in the garage ." He said .
     Bera picked the bottle up and they both rushed back to the car. It was 6:56 they had very little time left .
         The family lawyer worked not far away from their house. The California Criminal Court was situated in W 21st Street. It was huge court or so Bera thought.
     They both walked into the court rooms to find their lawyer waiting for them. Thry apologised and gave him whatever information they had. The lawyer observed them carefully and wished them the best .
     As they walked out Bera remembered that she hsd left her purse and went back in to get it. On her way out she spotted two shadows talking .
    "Henesly , listen our friendship will be ruined ." Said a vouce which Bera recognised as Dr. Anson's
    "This little assistant of mine did a little what do I say mistake. Accept this and I can even double the money." Said a cold voice.
      The Judge sighed .
      Bera ran out to the door breathing heavily . She had to do something.
      "What is the matter ?" Edward asked .
     Bera looked at him , his brown eyes sermed to glow with a faint of hope but it was etched with worry. She could not do this to him , she would do something by herself .
    "Nothing ." She replied and looked ahead. Something was up and she knew what it was .
       The Judge Henesly had been bribed .
   hey guys ! Sorry I did not update but I hope I will finish this book before the 21st of May. I 'll be out of station and with no Wifi until June .
      Let me know if you liked it through the comments .

Ps Thank you soo much for reading , it really means A LOT  to me  .

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