Chapter 5

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Classes ended by 1:30 that since it was the last working day before the winter vacations . But unfortunately Em got detention for not paying attention in class . Who would when you have a major mystery to solve ?
At this school's detention one had to read or do ones homework . Em decided to write in detail so far about their findings . Luckily , for her history teacher was sitting in detention as her invigilator .
Em decided to find out more about Dr.Perseus .
"Ma'am can you tell me more about Dr.Perceus ?" Em asked as innocently as she could .
"Well , Dr.Perceus was a very well known scientist of his age . He was a historian worth praising , his work is still well renowened . Other than being a scientist he was a well known author as well . Why do you ask ?" the teacher asked . She knew that Em was not very devoted to her history lessons and that a sudden interest in history was shocking .
"Just curious . Can you tell me where he worked ?" Emilia asked .
"He worked in the academy of historians . It was called the department of lost documents ." the teacher said suspicious . Now she thought that Em was making fun of her .
"Where did he live ?" she asked .
"Do you think I'm his wife ?" snapped the teacher Em became quiet . She ducked and jotted it down in her notebook . This was interesting , he was an author .
Em walked down the lane to her home . Detention was real bore , it was horrible to sit and do absolutly nothing than read .
As she walked down Chrisford lane a usually crowded lane but today being a bit cold there were no pedestrians , but she got a suddenly cautious . She could hear not one but two foothsteps . She knew turning back would be a bad idea . So , she pulled out her phone and set it on selfie mode .
Nuts, she thought , a man was following her . It was the best that she did not run , she wanted the man to think that she didn't realise he was following her .
"Oh let me take a selfie !" Em said in the most girly voice she had . She pretended to be the most girly girlio in the past few minutes .
She pretended to take a selfie but she took a pick of the man a meter behind her . She send it to Ed .
get me out of chrisford lane !!!!!!!
Ed replied almost immidiatly giving her directons . She entered various shops and finaly lost the man . She practicaly ran for her life when she lost the man .
She was panting , huffing and breathing heavily when she reached home . Em was sweating like there was no tommorow . Beads if sweat covered her face as if she was wearing woolens in the desert . Emilia fell on the couch , her eyes watering . Due her lack of oxygen level she was breathing heavily .
"Em what happened ? Who is this guy ? 'Get me out of chrisford lane' what does that mean ?" Edward bombarded her with questions . She held up her hand to tell him to stop .
"That .... man .....huff... was..... following .... me puff ." Em said slowly .
"What ?! That means they know ! They know we have the journal ! " Edward exclaimed horrified .
"But how ?" Barbra asked comming back from the kitchen .
" I think they have a tracking device or a spy for them ! " Emilia said .
"True , but how do they know that we have the journal ?" Edward said .
"Em , keep this ." Barbera said giving her a lipstick .
"Lipstick ? Earth to Barbera ! A guy was following me ! What can a lipstick do ?" Emilia asked furious at Barbera .
"Open it !" Barbera smirked .
Emilia opened it and gasped , instead of finding a normal lipstick . She found a blade .
"Thanks..." Em muttered .
Barbera smirked .
"I told her about , Carrie Darth ." Edward said .
"Yeah , I loved that story . A love story ." Barbera said plating her hair .
"Did you get the point of the story ?" Em asked .
"Yep !" Bera said popping the 'p' as she applied lipstick .
"I found out more !" Em said with a smile .
"About ?" Ed asked
"Dr.Perseus . He was a historian and a scientist . He worked in the department of lost documents and was also an author ." Em said recalling briefly of what the history teacher had said .
"Dr.Perseus ." Ed said and sat down in front of the computer .
He switched on the computer and google searched Dr.Perseus .
In the brief discription of his name came the following the discription which he read out loud -
"Dr .Perseus (1960- 2002) was a renowed scientist of the 21st century . He worked in the department of mysterties also known as the department of lost documents . He specialises in the study of the lost documents during the the reign of Chief Fernandez . Chief Fernandez's tribe had been split by the Europeans by the fire they set on their homes . All documents were lost . He is the author of the book called 'Lady Carrie Darth' . " Edward read .
He went to different sites but all said something similar and nothing more .
"We need to find out more about the department of lost documemts . I mean , where he lived and stuff ." Emilia said .
"You're right . Search for department of lost documents ." Em said .
"Can you search where it is ?" Emilia asked .
"Sure." Ed said .
"Hey is this the guy who followed you ?" Barbra asked .
"Yeah ." Em said glancing at her and quickly turning back to the screen .
"Eh , he looks horrible . I mean he's good looking for a almost-forty-year-old man but then look at the scar he has on his face ." Boo said examining the pic carefully .
"What ?" Em exclaimed .
"Yeah , look !" Barbera said pointing to the scar .

"Oh my ! I did not notice that !" Em said

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"Oh my ! I did not notice that !" Em said .
"So that's another clue !" Edward said .
"What ?" Em asked confused .
"Well , we can keep an eye out for a guy with a scar ." Ed said .
"But , can't he disguise himself ?" Em asked .
"With a scar like that I don't think so . But if only he didn't he'd be a nice man....." Barbra began .
"Gosh ! Here we are trying to solve this 'journal' and there you are looking no drooling over a guy who must be around forty and who was following me . Honestly Boo !" Em said .
     "I'm not drooling!  Besides he is above 29 most probably he has a kid as old as us. , has no fashion sense and....." Barbra began
But Ed held up his hand. They were quiet . Suddenly, they heard the creak of a door .
The door opened and they gasped .....

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