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Decicated to  The_Indian_Chick


“Rishu I think its your phone ringing.” I heard Anya say as she cleaned up the living room. My living room was , as of now not at all suitable for living.  She was making me work too as she did most of it herself.

“Rishu I said attend your phone.”

“Sorry I was thinking something. Chill babe” I said and she glared at me.

I looked at my phone and it was Niveda.

“Hey Nivi” I said.

“Rishabh Bhai( Term used for brother in hindi) , heard that you got engaged”

“Really? Who told you?”

“A little birdie”

“Birdie? Did I tell any?”

“Yeah one named Vihaan Kapoor”

“Oh him? I knew it” then we both laughed.

“Congrats bhai, I love you both together. You guys make a really cute couple. Just made for each other.”

“You think so?”

“I do” she said.

“Thanks sis, too bad that you cant be here tonight.” 

“Who told you that I wont be able to come?”

“Your own brother Mr. Vihaan Kapoor.”

“I thought that I wont be able to come, but a while ago Liam told me that he wont be able to tolerate my Dad for long and we would be leaving earlier. So we decided to  come there. Maybe around ten we will be there. “

“Thank god you’ll be coming. I really wanted you guys to be here. Make sure to get here before dessert.

“Very well. Now don’t tell Vihaan bhai. We’ll surprise him. Okay?”

“Okay, and be here soon, there is a surprise for you guys too”

“Same one you promised bhai?”


“Just tell me Rishabh”

“I can only say that now. Because the surprise may change after Vihaan   reaches here”

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