Wait?!?!?! what?!?!?!

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Sorry guys I was too excited to wait to see how many readers I got or suggestions to start the next chapter.

Oliver's p.o.v

It has been 3 months since Kaz left me. I have been taken cared of at Mighty Med making sure the babies were fine. Today I just stayed home and watched T.V and remembered that night Kaz left me.


"Me or the kids." I froze as I was waiting for Kaz to say 'just kidding this is a miracle' but he didn't. He already new the answer and left. I don't want to get rid of an innocent life and I also I didn't want to lose Kaz, but in the end I chose the kids. I ran to my room thinking of Kaz. Anything I had left of him I tried getting rid of it, but I couldn't. I realized I had to raise my own children by myself and had to go through everything in my life without Kaz.

I heard a knock on the door and I approached to it. "Hi Skylar come in. I haven't gotten any visitors and it would be nice to have company." I looked at her, but she didn't she had tears in her eyes wanting to release."I actually came here to talk to you." I just gave her a confused look. But before she started speaking I ran quickly to find a bathroom. When I came back she started to cry. "Whats wrong Sky?" "It's Kaz he crashed into a car accident and he is in the hospital immobilized. He was on his way here to say that he was sorry and wanted part of a life with you and the kids if you kept it. Which I see you had." Tears were rolling down my cheeks at the thought of Kaz coming back. "C-can I visit him?" "I think you could. Want me to give you a lift?" I nodded. We were checking in and we followed a nurse to a room. I just started to cry again. Hormones. "Oliver?" I sat up immediately and went to Kaz."I am here" He looked down at my small curved stomach. "Y-you kept it?" "Of course I couldn't abort." "I missed you so much Oliver." I was speechless. The next day Kaz was able to come home, but he was in a wheel chair.

It has been 9 months now and I was looking huge. "Kaz can you bring me ice cream and pickles?" He just nodded and went to get it. My cravings were going crazy especially since I was having twins. My due date was due not until 2 weeks, but I still had to be careful because I heard some mothers give birth earlier than their due date. I was visiting Mighty Med to see Horace, Alan, and the other superheroes. They were very excited when they heard I was pregnant. I felt a strong kick from one of the babies but I just ignored it.

Hey guys again sorry for not waiting. I know I forgot about Oliver's sister birthday but I guess it's okay right? Anyway I am still open for gender suggestions.

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