08 - HydroAntiSuperSerum

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WARNING: a little cursing.
Liam's POV:
I woke up, my hole body in pain. I tried to move, but I was tied up. I started growling slightly.

"It doesn't work. Trust me, I tried," Malia's voice said next to me. I looked to my left, only to see Malia tied to a chair. I looked to my right to see a unconscious Scott, next to him a lightheaded Kira.

I tried to figure out where we were from our surroundings. We were in a square room, it was quite dark in here. On the left was a door, and to the right was a window. I tried picking out the curtains but there was completely dark outside.

Then I looked forward. In front of me was Lydia and Stiles, both knocked out and tied up in a chair. Stiles had a blueish-purple bruise on his forehead.

Suddenly the door into the room opened, and in went Alex. I started growling along side Malia. After Alex, came a boy, who looked my age and a little simular to Alex and Max with the strawberry-blond/ginger hair. Scott started to make muffled noices next to me, indicating he was awake.

"It's good to see you're all awake. Well, except for the banshee and the human," Alex said mockingly. Then Kayla came into the room along side Max.

"What do you want from us?" Scott asked, anger in his voice.

"Simple, we need a blood sample from each of you, except Liam," Alex said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Wait, why don't you need my blood?" I asked, a little confused.

"You're not important," Maya said coldly, walking into the room.

"Then why the hell did you bring me here?!" I almost yelled.

"We couldn't just leave you. You knew who we were. Then you'll just get in the way," Maya said, really pissing me off.

It felled like I was about to change, but instead of changing, I started yelling and crying out in pain.

"Sh*t," Kayla murmured under her breath and went over to me and took my hands in hers.

"Hey! Hey, Liam! Focus! Focus or the pain won't go away and then we can't help you or your pack," Kayla said, starring at me.

I looked up to her face, her eyes were shining the amber-yellow color of a beta, while they were trying to be serious, but was filled with concern. She was biting down on her lip in pain. My eyes wandered to our hands. She had black veins coming from hers, indicating she was taking my pain. It actually helped a little.

"Just focus on your breathing, not on the pain," she said.

I calmed down. "How did yo..." I trailed of, but was cut of by Kayla letting go of my hands and turning to Alex.
"We need to get the hydro-anti-super-serum out of his body. His body is to young to handle the toxic," she said to Alex.

"What have you done to Liam?" Scott asked, still anger in his voice.

"Kayla, Max and Felix, why don't you take Liam into the surgery room, then me and Maya can take care of the rest," Alex said, completely ignoring Scott's question.

Max and the boy, who I assumed was Felix, then stepped towards me, and I slightly growled at them.
"We are just trying to help you. Just go along with it, it will make everything a lot easier," Kayla whispered to me.

I went along with it, since I didn't have much of another choice, but Scott seemed to have other plans. "Don't touch the him!" Scott practically yelled at them, not wanting them to do anything to me.

Felix and Max seemed to ignore that completely and picked the chair up with me in it, and starting walking out of the room with Kayla right behind us.

Scott and Malia started growling. Then Scott started yelling out in pain, before he got quite. Then Malia started yelling out in pain, before she got quite. Then there was a muffled noice from Kira, whom I completely forgot was there.

"Hey, what's going on? What are you doing to them?" I yelled, not being able to see what was going on behind me in the dark room. "Put me down! Put me down!" I yelled at Max and Felix who didn't even flinch, but carried on walking away from my pack and the dark room...
To be continued...
That's what you get for today. Please, tell me what you think so far of the story in the comment below.

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