09 - Mad Max

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WARNING: a little cursing.
Felix' POV:
The beta kept twisting and turning, but Max and I didn't give in so easily. Max had a stern look on her face, but her eyes showed horror. Kayla was walking behind us, looking like she was about to throw up. She better not throw up now.

We made it into a little room, where there was an examination table stood up in the middle of it.

Me and Max put the chair down and started removing the duct tape that tied the beta to chair, not the tape that hold him in place. We layed him down on the table, while he was still duct taped. He would still try to get free, but it only made the hydro-anti-super-serum take even more effect, which coursed the beta to yelp out in pain.
That coursed Kayla, who had been silent the hole time, to flinch a little. I don't know what was up with her, but this boy had some sort of effect on her.

There was some muffled noices from the toxic beta, as he tried to come free again. He then stopped, probably realising that it will only course more pain. But I was wrong. He started twisting and turning like a maniac, and Max and I instantly grabbed him to hold him down.

"Kayla, you have to take the toxic out of his body, while Felix and I hold him down!" Max yelled at Kayla, as she tried to hold the beta down.

Kayla took the needle-thing and walked over to us.

Then out of nowhere, Alex and Maya burst through the door.

"C'mon Kayla. Just do it!" I yelled as I fight to keep the maniac down.

She was very hesitant. She looked down at the beta, who by the way had duct tape on his mouth.
"I-I can't. I'm sorry," Kayla said, with tears in her eyes and stormed out off the room without looking back.

I knew we had to do something, so I took the needle-thing Kayla left behind, and stuck it into the beta's shoulder. He cried out in pain before closing his eyes and going into a peaceful sleep, which he indeed needed after this.

Max looked over at Alex and Maya.
"You have to go talk to her," Max said to them.

Alex and Maya looked at each other.
"Go talk to her, she is you beta," Maya said, referring Alex to go talk to Kayla.

"But she is your sister. It should be you who talked to her," Alex, almost, snapped at Maya.

They, kind of, started arguing about it, until Max spoke up, "for f*ck sake! Will you two, please, just shut the f*ck up! This is ridiculous! I'm going to go look for Kayla before she decides to run off. When I get back, you two better have gotten your sh*t together or, and I swear to God, I'm gonna murder someone!"

She then left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Wow. Max only curse when she is pissed or mad, and that doesn't happen a lot.

Nobody said anything, so I decided to brake the extremely awkward silence, "Well, eh, I'm just gonna go take the, eh, beta upstairs. So, eh, you two can figure things out," I hesitantly said.
I took the beta and put him over my shoulder. I left the two girls to figure things out, as I walked upstairs to find a bed to the heavy-sleeping beta. I bet I could find the rest of the McCall pack somewhere...
To be continued...
That was chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think in the comments.
QOTD: what do think of Felix Gãzia?

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