19 - Engulfed

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Please, start answering the QOTD's...
WARNING: a little cursing.
Kayla's POV:
I was running through the woods. Branches snapped underneath my feet, and leaves made crunchy sounds as I was running.
It was very dark, and it didn't help that my vision was blurry from tears, and little black spots appeared in front of me from anxiety.

I made it to a clearing, and stopped, trying to catch my breath, and make the spots go away.

But nothing helped. I dropped down on my knees and just started screaming. I bend over, so my head were touching my knees.

All of sudden, someone dropped down in front of me, and engulfed me in a hug. I was still crying my eyes out, but I was a little suspicious about, who it was hugging me, and I stopped screaming. I looked up, locking eyes with a very worried Felix. I swung my arms around him, and buried my head in his neck, crying even more now.

"It's alright. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay now. We're all here to help you," He murmured against my neck, while his hand were going through my hair in a soothing way.

I just hugged him even tighter, never wanting to let go.

Liam's POV:
Scott and I sprinted towards the scream. When we reached a little clearing, the others were already here. Kayla was laying on the ground, her legs pulled up under her, while Felix was hugging and comforting her.

He whispered things in her ear, and her loud cries turned into small sobs. He kissed her forehead, and pushed her back by her shoulders, locking eyes with her.

As he kissed her forehead, and was all sweet to her, I couldn't help but feel a slight pain in my chest. I think I was jealous? Maybe, I don't know...

They gave a little nod to each other, before Felix stood up and pulled Kayla up with him.

Kayla turned around to the rest of her pack. They pulled her into a tight hug, causing Kayla to let out another sob.

"Did you tell them yet?" Kayla's low voice asked.

What the hell were she talking about?!

"Yea," Alex said, her voice just as low, but her voice was altso filled with relief, probably from finding Kayla...

"They didn't really get to react, though. Because the sound of someone slamming a door and running away, kind of interrupted," Maya said, kind of annoyed, but not mean.

"Sorry..." Kayla said, looking down.
"Nah, it's okay. I'm just glad you're okay," Maya says, pulling Kayla into another hug.

"But do you want our help getting him back?" Alex asks, turning to look at Scott.

"Yea, and we will help you. You just kind of have to explain to us what it is going on and who took him," Scott says, locking eyes with Alex.

"Of course. But why don't we go back to the house, then we can put you in to what's going on," Alex suggests.

Scott and Stiles look at each other with a suspicious look.

"This time, I swear to God, we are not gonna hurt you," Alex confirms, smiling.

"Fine," Scott says, and all of us start walking back to the cars...
To be continued...
QOTD: what or who do you think it is that did something to Derek? (I know this question has been asked before, but no one answered, so here it is again)

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