15 - U.S.A. Wolf

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This is more like a note to the story that probably is a good time telling now; this hole thing, like the hole story, is kind of happening between season 4 and season 5A. I think that I've said it before, but the timeline from the show is different in this hole story. I just thought it was important to know...
WARNING: a little cursing.
Felix' POV:
We were all gathered in the living room. There was a anxious tension between our pack and their pack. Their pack was settled on one couch, and our pack was settled on the opposite of them, in another couch.

"Where's Kayla?" Scott asked, making everyone confused.

"She is checking up on your be- I mean Liam," I said.

"I swear, if you're planning to hurt us again, and Kayla went in there to hurt Liam, then I'm gonna freak out," Stiles announced.

"We are not gonna hurt you anymore, that was never a part of the main mission. We just really need your help, with something we can't deal with on our own," Max practically yelled, which coursed everyone to turn their attention to her.

"We're listening," Lydia said.

"Alex, why don't you explain it," Max said, her voice lower than before, while nudging Alex on the shoulder.

"Well, there is no easy way saying this, so I'm just gonna say it like it is," Alex started, standing up from the couch.
"We work for USA Wolf," she said out loud, her arms flying up.

"Yea, that's cool and all, but, what the hell is that?!" Stiles asked, clearly irritated, annoyed and curious about why we kidnapped him and his friends.

"USA Wolf doesn't stand for 'United States of America Wolf', it stands for 'Undercover Secret Agents Wolf'. We are just one out of many packs in this community," Alex explained.

"And you want us to join you?" Scott asked, clearly confused.

"No, your jerk. Didn't you listen at all. We need your help," Max practically yelled at Scott.

"Jeez, chill out, Max," I said, rolling my eyes at her.

I got a glare in return.
Maya cleared he throat.

"If the siblings stop death glaring each other, we could maybe move on," Maya said, finally looking up from her phone and actually paying attention to something else.

"Wait, are you guys siblings?" Stiles asked, pointing between me and Max.

"You haven't even figured that out yet?" Lydia asked, kind of mockingly.

"Me and Max are twins, I'm ten minutes older than her. Felix is our little brother, an we are two years older than him," Alex explained.

"And how do you and Kayla fit into all of this," Lydia asked pointing at Maya.

"Kayla is my little sister, I'm two years older than her. And Alex is my best friend. Oh, and our parents used to be friends..." Maya answered, her voice cracking a little when she reached the part with our parents.

"But if Felix and Kayla are the same age, shouldn't he be going to our school?" Kira asked, looking at me.

"Non of your business," I snapped, coldly.

"Okay, chill out, everybody. Now, let me just get to the point of this," Alex begins again. "We need your help, because there is a threat out there, way bigger than one we can take down on our own."

"And why should we help you?" Malia asks.

"Because it have taken something from you, as well. Something you care about," Alex explains.

"What?" Scott asks, now looking worried.

"Derek Hale," Alex says.

Just as Alex says that, the front door open. I turn around just in time to see Kayla running out the door, Maya's car keys in her hand, and slamming the door behind her.

"Sh*t," I mutter under my breath, "not again."
To be continued...
QOTD: what or who do you think it is that has done something to Derek?

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