Chapter 10

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    The doors to the subway tunnels opened and Loki stormed out. He was wearing a black suit jacket that stopped just above his knees, with black dress pants, tie. He stormed past me and gestured to the car.

     One of the soldiers jumped to attention, racing in front of the parked car, and opened the passenger side door for us. Loki waved his hand and the guard trotted back to his original position.

     "I'll meet you there," I started to walk away from the parked car that was supposed to take Loki to the plane bound for Germany.

     "Where do you think you're going?"

     I turned back to face the godling. "My wings aren't going to fit in that human transportation and I'd rather kiss the Other than be stuck with you in an enclosed flying plane for several hours. I'll fly and meet you at the airport."

     "There's no way I'm allowing you out of my sight. We need to stay together so we can go over the plans. Not to mention you're supposed to be watching me at all times."
     "If the plane goes down, I'll be the first to know."

     Loki growled. "I said no. Think of what flying will do to your dress. You'll ruin it."

     "Do I look like I care? Hel, if ruining the dress gets me out of this stupid thing, then point me in the direction of the nearest muddy field."

     "You are impossible. I don't understand why Thanos tethered you to me. I'd have had a much easier time on my own." Loki crossed his arms, like an angry child.

     "I don't really care what you think my king should have done. It's over and we're stuck together so get over it your highness. Now, I'll accept that I have to travel in the deathtrap metal contraption, but I still can't get into the ground vehicle with my wings."

     Loki smiled. "Come here." He gestured with his finger.

     I frowned, discreetly bringing my hand closer to my knife holsters in case Loki decided to try something. I walked closer to him. When I was within kicking distance, Loki surged forward and whipped me around so he was facing my wings. I don't have any idea how he didn't get hit by them.

     He ran his fingers gently over the grey feathers and I shivered in spite of myself. My wings remembered the pain from the last time he'd touched them. It wasn't a fun memory. Because of our initial meeting, my wings are now more sensitive as well.

     Loki chuckled when he saw me shiver. "I won't harm you."

     "Somehow I find that hard to believe."

     He didn't respond. Instead, he pushed his hands onto the bare skin of my back where the dress revealed my shoulders and upper back. The opening stopped just short of my mid-back. Loki's hands were cold and my skin prickled from the physical contact. He whispered something I couldn't hear and then my back felt as if it was being ripped apart. I didn't cry out from the pain, but it did make my bite my lip, hard.

     I could feel Loki's hands leave my back and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned around to face him and nearly lost my balance, despite the spell Loki had put on my heels. The god caught me in his arms and I tried to pull away. After I disentangled myself from Loki, I once again tried to walk on my own, I nearly fell over. Something was very wrong, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

     I turned to ask Loki what he'd done when I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye. I froze. Now I knew what Loki had done to me. I didn't like it, in fact I hated him for it. He was going to pay for it, big time.

     I glared at him with all the fire of my father's eyes. "What the Hel did you do to me?"

     Loki frowned. "I assumed it was obvious."

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