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Missed Skype Call From Simon_Minter

Missed Skype Call From Simon_Minter

Missed Skype Call From Simon_Minter

Missed Skype Call From Simon_Minter

Incoming Call From Simon_Minter

Char_lotte Has Picked Up



"Don't look at me" I exclaimed, laughing as I flail my arms around to hide my face.

"Too late" He chuckled. His laugh and voice was amazing. omg.

I peered through my arms and pretended to get scared, jumping backwards on my bed so my back was pressed up against back bed frame.

"What is that?"

"What is what?" He questioned. Could he stop with that voice?

"That massive thing on my screen" I pointed to my camera referring to him.

"Wow, okay" He said deadpan glaring at me "I understand I'm beautiful but don't be scared, it's what angels look like"

"It's scary. Please stop" I was completely lying. It was scary how magnificent his face was. I didn't know how I felt about it.

"Sorry but I can't just look at me" He began posing and I chuckled lightly covering my mouth with my hand.

"You have a beautiful smile" He blurted then I could see in his round eyes he regretted it.

I could feel the blush creeping underneath my pale foundation.

"You blushing!" He exclaimed gesturing to the camera and laughed, showing his dimples.

"Am not, you little scrub" I screeched.

"Oh but you are. Scrub"

"Hey don't use my words against me. You are the scrub"

"Oh, Charlotte, how you are wrong. I believe you are indeed the scrub" He said in mock sophistication.

Was it wrong how I liked it way too much when he said my common name? I usually like Char but I liked the way my name sounded in his mouth. Weird.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my crossed legs leaning forward a tad, glancing at the computer.

"What's that ring?" I asked intrigued at the gold ring on his pinky.

"Oh this?" He lifted his hand into view, showcasing the jewellery.

"Yeah is like a spell compartment that holds dark magic of your wizard clan?" I asked innocently and skeptical.

He burst out laughing at my accusation.

"No, saw nothing" He swiped his hand over the camera, and I played pretending to be brainwashed.

I asked the question again as if I had never said it before, "What's that ring?"

It was weird how comfortable I felt just talking to him. This was our first skype chat and it felt nice, it felt normal like we did this a lot, like he didn't live miles away from me but actually round the corner. I didn't really feel comfortable with anyone.

He chuckled lightly (cutely may I add) "Oh this" He swiveled round on his finger "It's kind of a tradition in my family. All the guys have one: me, my dad, my brothers"

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