seventy seven

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The air was cold and bitter as it smashed into Charlotte, but the warmth of Simon's hand and the fabric of her onesie kept her weirdly warm. Simon swiftly stepped in front of her and slowly lead her to his surprise, Charlotte's heels clicking on the stone was the only noise, and even though Simon didn't notice he rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb rhythmically. It made her feel safe and comfortable, it further proved her thought: that her hand belonged in his.

Charlotte inhaled the sharp air but it only tickled her nose, she found herself content, looser than earlier, she was happy. As she investigated the dark garden of Simon's house, he turned on a speaker with his free hand and the quiet hum of music was what tore Charlotte's attention. She looked at him questioningly with an arched brow but her just replied with a smile as the voices began to quietly sing. She chuckled and shook her head slightly, her ponytail the only colour in the darkness of night. The song was fitting, and her heart exploded at how cute and special the whole night was, he had really planned everything making it goofy and personal. A thought flew through Charlotte's head and as she shook it from her head, shocked at her subconscious.

She had to marry this boy.

The slow twenty pilots song still lingered underneath Simon's voice as he ushered her to an outside table. The table had two metal matching chairs tucked oppositely under it and on it was two white plates and mugs. Simon pulled out a chair and gestured for Charlotte to sit, when she did he tucked the chair back until the table before sitting in the one across from her.

"What a gentleman" She complimented, it was more serious than a joke.

He just shot her one of his infamous adorable smiles and it made her stomach bubble, she was sure her ovaries were malfunctioning. She rubbed her palms on the blue saggy fabric on her legs as she looked around the table, waiting for Simon to explain.

"It's too late for dinner" He began, she felt his eyes watching her dotingly as hers roamed over everything, "But I promised you a candle lit dinner"

She quickly looked up and that's when she noticed the candle standing in the middle of the table, absentmindedly she held her forefinger a few inches above the lit flame.

"This is a fire hazard" She mumbled distantly, she was memorised.

"So what's for dinner?" She joked, her eyes blinking up to Simon's.

"Coffee and cookies of course" He chuckled.

"Ahh yes, a truly romantic dinner" She giggled, hooking her fingers on the porcelain handle and brought the mug to her lips. Surprisingly the coffee was still warm.

She broke off some of her chocolate chip cookie before plopping it into her mouth, "Can't help falling in love with you is a very fitting song, extremely good. I'm proud"

He leaned back into his chair loosing up more as he nibbled on his cookie, "Got to set the mood"

"The mood was set from the onesies, everything else just adds to the overall aura" She smiled, finishing off her cookie, the crumbs accumulating in the delving crotch of her large onesie.

The whole scene was perfect like something from a romance movie, and Charlotte couldn't help her creeping doubt. She was sure something would ruin it, she didn't deserve something as good as this.

He just smiled back at her but she could see the worry and wavering doubt behind his face.

"Simon this is really sweet, it's" Charlotte started, unable to find the words, "Let's just say that if my eyeliner wasn't as amazing as it is, I'd cry"

She quickly looked up at him and rushed "In a good way! I'd cry in a good way"

He couldn't help but laugh and it made her laugh too, their fits overpowering the tune escaping the speaker.

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