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Charlotte pushed open the door with her hip, her black jeans scratching the wood as she held tightly to the cardboard box. She sighed as she placed it carefully on the floor, rubbing her hands together, the friction warming them up a little; the inside of the empty room was weirdly much warmer than outside.

Her very first apartment.

It was small but it was only her living there, and even though it was in the middle of London it was still not as expensive as she had imagined. Which was lucky as she had just left university and even though she didn't go out much, she still had the limited fund of a student.

She smiled at the sight of Simon who bustled in behind her, a heavy box clutched in his hands.

"I still can't believe I did it, I live in London" Charlotte chuckled in disbelief, throwing her arms out as she span in place like a child, her hair fanning out like a clean purple blanket being shaken before placed on a bed. After Simon put the box on the floor, he fell onto the sofa, the new smell filling his nose. He watched his girlfriend adoringly, and like every time he saw her he questioned how he managed to deserve her.

"Now you have no excuse to not come and see me" He smirked, shaking his head.

"Excuse me" She said, flopping down beside him, resting her head on his broad shoulder and her pale hand on his knee, "You can come and see me"

"Oh, is that right?" He questioned, looking down at her face and hooking his arm around her shoulders, his large hand placed over the one furthest from him.

She murmured a yes as she kissed his jawline.

When she pulled away, she wore a smirk and shook his knee playfully.

"Come on, we've got to get the rest of the boxes in" She jumped up energetically, followed by a laughing Simon.

The boxes were piling up and it was beginning to feel like a home, Charlotte could see herself loving this place. She could envision herself in the kitchen making coffee in the morning, laying on the sofa watching movies with Simon, ordering take out.

Charlotte settled a box on top of the stiff cushion of the sofa, she was about to turn to collect more boxes from outside her apartment when the slotted cardboard tabs peaked open, allowing light to shine into it and illuminate the contents.

Charlotte curiously dug her hands in, folding her fingers around the edges of the slots before pulling them open, completely revealing what was inside. Simon bustled in and out behind her, creating clusters of boxes, but Charlotte ignored him, completely immersed by the package.

On top of the pile was a photo frame; Charlotte carefully swooped it up, a smile coming to her face as she stared at the picture enclosed, remembering the night.

It was a shot of the sky, lit up with millions of stars, it was breath taking and it made Charlotte's heart swell. She absentmindedly traced her fingers around the frame, before she propped it up on the window sill.

Another photo frame was in the box and this one made Charlotte's heart swell even more, she thought it might burst. It was from the same night but it was shot of Simon. The image was slightly blurry from where Charlotte had quickly took the picture, but it was obvious what it was. Simon was wearing his Mario onesie and he was mid laugh, his mouth wide and dimples showing. The backdrop was stunning with its dark sky and shadowing bushes but it was nowhere near as beautiful as the foreground.

Charlotte subconsciously brushed her finger over the glass where the boy's face was presented, her smile growing. She placed the frame beside the other one, using the stand to position it.

She was about to fold the box closed and help Simon, but her curiosity got the better of her and she dug in deeper.

Her hand brushed a soft fabric and she pulled on the large blue material, the neat folding falling apart to reveal a long one piece. It was the Sonic onesie.

She brought it to her face and snuggled against it, the thick blue rubbing against her cheeks. It made her happy, it made her feel safe and comfortable. The sown fabric was special to her, it wasn't a worthless item of clothing, it was meaningful, it was priceless. The smell was a mix of both Simon's earthy aftershave and her fruity perfume, and the scent whisked in her nose creating a sense of welcoming and belonging. She buried her face in it even more until all she could see was crashing waves of soft blue, and the smell engulfed her senses, taking her back to the memory of the night.

"Charlotte! Come on!" Simon's shouts was what pulled her from the familiar memory that she reflected on regularly.

"I'm coming!" She yelled back, nuzzling her face against the fabric once more before gently laying it on the sofa beside the box. The small meaningful possessions already on show made the apartment a home.

She rushed out the door and instead of gathering a box, ran into Simon's free outstretched arms, causing them both to giggle as she planted a kiss on his lips.

The small meaningful possessions already on show made the apartment a home; Charlotte's home and she wished one day it could also be Simon's.

Because they were no longer just internet friends.

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