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(Incoming Call Char_lotte

Simon_Minter Has Picked Up



"I'm too ill to look at a phone screen so you'll have to deal with ill me on skype" I muffled, my face buried into my purple bedsheets, my head thumping.

"Ah it's fine, I thought it was weird you skyped me. You really are ill" Simon chuckled but I couldn't see his face as my head hurt too much to move and my eyes were glued shut as they were burning. But I could imagine the adorable smile on his face and the dimples that would be present in his cheeks.

"If I move I will be sick. Literally" I groaned as I grimaced in disgust and pain.

"That's posh" Simon said and I could hear his grimace in his voice.

"Oh shut the fuc-" I was quickly cut off as I felt my throat burn and bile rise up but it soon left and just left me with a pain in my forehead like my skull was splitting.

"Urgghhhh. I hate my life" I moaned, pouting and pulling my bare, sweaty brows together "I'm too ill to drink coffee. I'm too ill to drink coffee!" I screeched, usually my voice would sound loud and irritated but instead it sounded faint and scratchy and it broke at the end like a pubescent teenage boy.

"Charlotte" Simon said concerned and exaggerated "You may be dying"

"I know" I sniffled, fake crying and this time with a bigger pout but it couldn't be seen as it was engulfed by my dark, fluffy cover.

"Anyway enough about my problems, what're your plans today?" I asked weakly before sniffling deeply as my snotty nose had started to run again, making my sheet sticky which caused me to grimace again and shuffle to a new spot, my hair (which was in a extremely messy bun) fell onto the right side of my buried face, the strands tickling my face. But it didn't bother me at all, at this point I was too tired and ill to care about anything but complaining.

"Recording" Simon sighed and I heard the scrape of his chair as he pulled himself closer to the desk.

"What're you recording?" I sighed, my eyelids feeling more heavy than painfully now.

"Golf with friends" He explained as his voice begun to sound more distant as he concentrated on something and my full head affected my hearing.

"Hmm, which friends?" I yawned, my nose wiggling and I readjusted my arms under my head so I was more comfortable.

"Josh, Vik -"

But the rest of his statement faded away into silence as I shut off my surroundings, the only noise I could hear was the pounding in my head and ears, and my breathing begun to even out. I could feel the small, quiet snores coming on as I drifted to sleep.

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