Chapter 1

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      It had been five years since Dipper and Mabel Pines had been to their Gruncle Stan's shack of scams in the woods. After the twins had nearly died various times in Gravity Falls, their parents found out and wouldn't allow them to visit for another summer until they were at least 17. Not like they would've been able to see Stan or Ford before then, anyway, because they only recently returned from their sailing trip. Luckily the twins' parents never found out about Weirdmageddon, either, because of Mayor Tyler's "Never Mind All That!" Act. However, they still found out about the rest of their summer. But that wonderful day, when we finally go back, is today, thought Dipper.
     The trees wizzed by, the rain spattering in huge drops against the bus windows. The musty smell of drenched leaves filled the air, as well as a foul mix of petroleum fumes. However, it couldn't dampen the mood of either of the twins.
Mabel flailed her arms, making the sleeves if her sweater go insane. "Woooo! We're finally coming back to Gravity Falls!!! I-CAN'T-WAIT A-NY LON-GER DIP-PER," she said as she shook her brother's shoulders violently.
"Aaah-aaah-aaah I-know-that-you've-been-say-ing-that-for-ho-urs-sss-" he managed to get out as he was being shaken. She finally released him from her grasp and smushed her face against the window with an enormous grin, a cycle that had been repeating itself for, like Dipper said, a few hours now. At least she mixed it up every few times by hugging her knees in her seat and rocking back and forth with the same semi-creepy grin on her face.
They were both super pumped to see the people they hadn't seen more than a few times since back then Personally for Dipper, he couldn't wait to see Wendy... The three year age difference between them seemed like so little to him now. Sure, she was 20 and he was 17, but she was WAY more likely to date him now than when he was 12 and she was 15. He just hoped to god she was single. I gotta remember to stay positive if she does have... someone else, he thought, maybe I can find a different person to like if it doesn't work out. It's a big town, after all.
After 30 more minutes of pure anticipation and excitement, especially from Mabel, they were finally pulling up to that wonderful, still-falling-apart, amazing-it's-still-standing building: The Mystery Shack. As the bull rolled up, a large banner greeted them saying "Welcome Back to the Shack Mabel and Dip" (they ran out of space for 'Dipper'). The sight of it brought a smile to Dipper's face, and an even bigger grin to Mabel's, if that was even possible. Everyone was there: Stanley, Stanford, Soos, Melanie, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, and even a few townsfolk, some of which Dipper didn't recognize. Must be some shack patrons, he decided. Everyone was wearing raincoats, boots, party cone hats, and huge grins. Even though the twins would sometimes facetime their friends and family in the Falls, it still hit them, especially Dipper, how long it had been.
As soon as the bus doors opened, ignoring the rain, Mabel ran out to everyone yelling, "HEY GUYS!!!! THE MYSTERY TWINS ARE BACK IN GRAVITY FALLS!!!" Dipper contained his excitement but quickened his pace, waving as he walked. Mabel lunged at Candy and Grenda, seeing as how they were the closest ones in the line of fire, knocking all three of them over. Dipper walked around the pile awkwardly and greeted everyone. "Hey, since when is this kid almost as tall as me?" we're the first words out of Stanley's mouth. Ignoring the fact that Dipper was a few months away from being a legal adult, he got him in a choke hold and gave him a good noogie. Stanford chuckled and said, "How's it been, eh, Dipper?" To this Dip smiled awkwardly, seeing how he was still in the choke hold and being noogied.
After a long rest of the day, late into the night, the twins opened the familiar door to their old room in the attic. It smelled of mold and... goats? But it had been clearly cleaned up recently. The room was set up the same way it was when they last lived here, but a little blander. This would be fixed by Mabel, the 'interior decorating master' (her exact words). Dipper didn't particularly care; he was just glad to flop down on his bed, no matter how bug-infested it was, or how much dust erupted from it as he landed. The day had been full of partying and chatting with people about things from the past five years, like Stan and Ford's sailing trip, Soos and Melanie's ownership of the shack (which they decide to give back to the Gruncles, at least until they wanted to retire) and even their engagement! It was all in all a very enjoyable experience, and neither of them could wait to live here all summer.
"Alright, that's over there... This goes here, sweet! It's really comin' together!" Bill mumbled as he removed his furniture in bizarre places and positions. He had inhabited a cave after recently gaining enough power to enter our world in his human form. He had been stuck in the stone form until about a month prior, and didn't recall anything before the whole Weirdmageddon fiasco. He had just finished hanging deer teeth from the ceiling, which was, by the way, 50 feet in the air. (He had been hanging upside down and stringing various things to stalactites all day. "Now, what's missing..." he pondered, "Oh, I know just the thing! An inter-dimensional portal which may or may not destroy this world with it's very existence!" Eh, I don't know why I was stuck in that stone, but for some reason I feel like that idea is lame, like, been-there-done-that, he thought to himself. But what else could alleviate his boredom?
Suddenly, Bill felt two very familiar presences enter Gravity Falls. He twiddled his fingers, continuing to use his legs to hang upside down. "Shooting Star... And Pine Tree... Back in Gravity Falls once again, eh? Interesting..."

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