Chapter 10

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The thoughts were shoved to the back of Bill's mind as they pulled up to the shack, following Grenda's lead. She was deliberately parking on the side of the shack so they had to walk through the parlor, where the party was. It was pitch black; not a single light was on. As they emerged from the car, Dipper and Bill heard Shooting Star say, "Did Stan and Ford already go to sleep? Boooo." "Maybe they're watching a movie," Pine Tree suggested as they all walked toward the shack.
He turned the handle and opened the door. Bill, with his demonic sight, could see everyone standing and waiting in the darkness, but everyone else would've just seen black shapes and think it was part of the gift shop. Within twenty seconds of walking in, a burst of pinkish and bluish light filled the room, along with dots of multiple colors from the disco ball.
"SURPRISE!!!" said everyone except Dipper and Mabel in unison. They looked at each other, huge grins spreading across their faces. A sign lit with black-lights spelled out "Welcome Back to Gravity Falls Mabel and Dip", the same sign from their first day here painted over with special paint! Dipper observed the party attendants. They included Gruncles Stan and Ford, Soos (as DJ), Robbie, Tambry, Thompson, Lee, Nate, even Mayor Tyler! And, to his dismay, Wendy. Dipper would later learn that Danny had to work, thankfully.
"THANKS GUYS!!!" yelled Mabel, hooking her arm around her brother. "Let the party begin!" said Soos, doing the 'raise the roof' gesture with his free arm as he started the music. As everyone began dancing, the group walked over to Stan and Ford. "I thought we already had a welcome back party," Dipper mentioned, then added, "Not that I'm complaining." He wasn't usually one for parties, but ones with friends and family were enjoyable.
"Well, that was more of a 'catching up' party. This is a welcome back party!" said Stan, scooping him into a choke hold and giving him a good noogie-ing. He chuckled and squirmed in an attempt to get out of the position. "I'm seventeen, you know, Gruncle Stan!" Both his great uncles laughed hardly.
After a while of casually dancing, Pine Tree offered to get himself and Bill some refreshments, so he left momentarily. Shooting Star tugged on Bill's shirt, dragging him to the couch on the edge of the room and talking only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "Yo Bill, you gotta at least confirm this for me: do you have a crush on Dipper?" she asked with a suspicious smile. Bill returned the smile and nodded violently. She squealed and said, "I knew it! You do love him!" She punched him affectionately. "Oh, I know! You should ask Dipper to dance!"
"Ya think so?" he asked, quite liking the idea of dancing with his lover. But what if this was one of the things he didn't want to be seen doing in public? "I'll go ask Soos to play a slow song!" said Shooting Star, and upon seeing Pine Tree approach in that moment, she added, "Here he comes! Go on, ask!" With that she began working her way through the dense crowd.
"Here ya go," said Pine Tree, handing Bill his drink. Forgetting the dance for a moment, he poured the soda in his mouth from his arms-length in the air, cackling and saying, "I'm drinking it like a person!"
After he finished, he remembered the task at hand, mainly because Shooting Star had returned, spun him around to face her, and whispered frantically, "I did it! Soos is gonna play a slow song next! Now's your chance to ask him!" With that she spun him around again and pushed him into her brother.
"What was all that about?" Dipper asked immediately. "Oh, uh, Shooting Star was just freaking out about those vampires again. Hey, you wanna dance with me to the next song, regardless what it is?" Bill asked, resting his hands on his hips. Not thinking much of it, Dipper agreed. Suddenly, the music stopped for a moment, and Soos spoke into the microphone. "Now we're gonna take it doooown for a minute. Ladies, dudes, now's the time." Without much warning, a slow song came on, and Dipper had just agreed to dance with Bill to it! In public! What if Stan or Ford saw?! What if Wendy saw?! Someone is gonna think we're dating! I mean, we are, but people don't need to know that! He thought frantically to himself. Maybe they would just think it's a joke thing as friends? He hoped. Before any other thoughts could cross his mind, he felt Bill intertwine their fingers in Dipper's left hand, another hand on the small of his back, pulling him closer. Not knowing where to put his free hand, Dipper grabbed Bill's upper arm. His heart raced. Anyone that saw this wouldn't think it was a joke! Maybe they would if it weren't for my expression right now! He thought to himself, distressed, not to mention the way he's looking a me!
Pine Tree's expression gave everything away, to Bill's delight. His boyfriend was clearly and adorably nervous, but behind that was a hint of enjoyment as well, though he may not like to admit it. As they danced in sync with the music and with the crowd, Pine Tree still refused to make eye contact. Using his powers to bring his love into the mindscape, Bill made it so that they were completely alone. Before Dipper knew what was happening, the demon dipped him, supporting all his weight.
As he was swung into the dip, Dipper was forced to look at Bill, their faces mere inches apart as he was being fully supported, one leg pulled up against his lover's body. Bill looked at him with a confident, sly expression, seemingly ready to pull him into a kiss at any moment... But Dipper beat him to it. Without warning, he grabbed Bill's collar in order to drag himself upward enough to plant a huge kiss on his lips, though intending to pull away immediately after. However, Bill, though in sock, immediately started kissing back, and Dipper was trapped by his own primitive nature.
      Without warning, the delicate (and at times not so delicate) dance of tongues was put to a halt. Bill didn't have enough power to maintain his form and keep them both in the mindscape at the same time. They remained in the dip as the world unfroze around them, unable to do anything but stare into each other's eyes. As they were pulled back into reality, so was Bill pulled back mentally.
       Once they were back, he dipped Dipper so deeply that his body was nearly perpendicular to the ground, legs swinging above and behind Bill's back. His eyes were wide with fear and surprise, turning to sheer enjoyment as he was swung back onto his feet. Suddenly, there was an eruption of applause. As they did the insane dip, a crowd had gathered, forming a circle around them. "Haha, looks like the name 'Dipper' should go to this guy!" said Stan, pointing at Bill. The only thought that was going through his mind as he and Bill bowed was HOW MUCH DID THEY SEE HOW MUCH DID THEY SEE HOW MUCH DID THEY SEE?!
As the crowd went back to doing it's thing, Mabel, Candy, Grenda... And Wendy came over to them. "Your friend sure knows how to party!" said Candy to Dipper. "Yeah, he's like, a total rock star!" Grenda agreed. Dipper blushed, thankfully unnoticeable in the colored light. Bill looked very pleased with himself and gave everyone a fist-bump. When he got to Wendy, she said, "Man, Dip, have I even met your cool friend?"
"Uh, n-no, I don't think so," he replied nervously. "Pleasure to formally meet ya, Red!" said Bill. Secretly, he wanted to push her down the Bottomless Pit. This was the woman Pine Tree once loved, more than loved, and almost as soon as he got back to this town, she had broken his heart. Well, he does have me now, Bill thought, but she could easily come between me and my Pine Tree! Why doesn't he love me as much as he loved this bimbo?! His maintained, calm expression betrayed none of his true feelings as he fist-bumped his rival. Or so he thought.
"Woah! The black and white parts of your suit switched!" Mabel pointed out. [had he been wearing his yellow tailcoat, it would be bright red at the moment]. Dipper, however, was more concerned with Bill's glowing red eye, which luckily no one noticed before he changed back to normal. "Hahaha, yeah! I uh, got special clothes for the party!" he replied hastily, grabbing his suspenders nervously as he spoke.
Soon, everyone returned to dancing. They were all having a good time as the party slowed down and people began to leave. However, being this close to Wendy again made Dipper realize, he still wasn't completely over her. He needed closure, or he could never let Bill have his whole heart. He brought Mabel to the couch to all as the remaining party-goers stayed in the center of the dance floor. "What's up, brosef?" she asked as soon as they sat. "Mabel, I think I love Bill. Well, I don't think, I know now, but that's beside the point-" he said seriously. Before he could finish his thought, she squealed and hugged her brother so tightly that he was having trouble breathing! Releasing him, she said triumphantly, "Aha! You two love each other! Love love, love love love!" He clasped a hand over her mouth. "Mabel, shh!" he said quietly, "I was gonna say there's a problem! I think I still love Wendy, too!" Mabel furrowed her brow. "Come on, Dipper, I thought when you realized you love Bill that you would finally forget her and move on!" she replied, pulling his hand away from her mouth. "I know I know, I just need some closure! Look, I'm gonna talk to her about it real quick before she leaves and I'll be done. We can go on just being friends," he reassured his sister. She looked skeptical, but allowed it.
"Well, she's leaving now. Do what you gotta do," she said, returning to the crowd. Candy and Grenda had already left, though, and so did everyone except Wendy and Soos, really. Dipper was caught a little off guard, but nonetheless, he set in motion the plan he had been devising for the past five to ten minutes. He ran to Bill, saying, "Oh man! Your coat is still in the car! I'd better go get it before we forget it out there!" Without waiting for a reply, he zoomed out of the building toward the car, then off to Wendy.
Bill knew something was up. He slipped away from the group and watched Pine Tree from the window. He sighed in relief as he saw him actually go into the car and get the coat. However, his heart sank as he saw him running toward where the rest of the parked cars were instead of back to the Mystery Shack. Making sure there were absolutely no witnesses, he silently went out the back door and assumed his invisible, triangle form.
"Hey, Wendy, wait a sec!" Dipper said as he ran towards her car. She had been climbing in just as he ran towards her, and stood as she spotted him. "What's up, Dip?" she replied. He took a deep breath. "Look Wendy, you know I liked you when we first came to Gravity Falls five years ago, but... I'm actually still in love with you! And now that you have Danny, it's become clearer to me more than ever that I need to move on. I've even found someone else," he said carefully, "I know that if I get this over with now that I'll be able to get over you." Before he knew what he was doing, his lips found their way to Wendy's cheek. She looked shocked at first, but smiled lightly. "Well someone went and matured on me! I'm proud of ya, dude," she replied in a light tone, punching him affectionately, "And good luck with your girl!" Dipper laughed nervously. "A-actually, it's uh, not a girl," he said, embarrassed. Her eyes widened a little in surprise, but the shocked expression was replaced with a genuine smile. "That's great, Dipper! Is it your friend from earlier?" she asked. He nodded meekly. "So, still buds?" he asked. "Yeah man! Of course still buds!" she said, holding up a fist to bump, which he accepted, a smile creeping across his face. He turned on his heel, heading back towards the shack.

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