Chapter 5

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Finally, the end if the day came, and Dipper could relax for a moment. "WOOHOO!!! IT'S FRIDAY DIPPER!!!" Mabel screamed at him, making him spring out of his seat and nearly giving him a heart attack. "It's Friday already?" he replied. Without another word, she ran outside and began rolling around in the grass, until a raccoon came up to her and started attacking her. "Hey, that looks fun!" Bill said, running out the door and rolling around with Mabel and the raccoon. Though soon she was running inside to get Dipper's help with the extraction. Bill continued to roll around and cackle like the psychopath he was.
Once he got the raccoon out of Mabel's hair, Stan came over to them and asked Dipper, looking skeptically at Bill, "Does he have a place to go for the night?" Suddenly, Bill appeared out of no where and hooked his arm around Dipper and leaned most of his weight on him. "Nope! Is there any room at the shack for one more?" he replied. Stan thought for a moment before answering, "Well, there's a small space in the attic above where Dipper and Mabel sleep that no one uses, but it's pretty small; I don't know if it would be very comfortable." Bill smiled ear to ear and said, "That's alright! I can make it work!" Dipper's heart sank. He was looking forward to enjoying actual sleep tonight, but it looked like that wasn't going to happen. "Alright! Sleepover!" Mabel exclaimed, high-five-ing Bill.
It didn't take long to clear the space of junk and set up a little temporary sleeping area up there, as well as a wall for privacy made out of a sheet; it took just long enough for the sun to set. There was also just enough space to peek through so Bill could watch Dipper sleep all night... of course.
"Alright! We're done!" Ford announced. Then, suddenly, a poster that Mabel had stuck to the outside of the sheet had fallen off. "Good enough," Dipper said, climbing down and flopping on his bed face first. "Are you really gonna go to bed before dinner? Not to mention it's movie night!" Mabel said once she got down as well, frowning at her brother's limp form with her hands on her hips. "Oh boy! A human movie! I'm gonna watch it like a person!" Bill exclaimed. Dipper's heart skipped a beat, but Stan laughed heartily and slapped Bill's back. "Haha, this guy!" he said, grinning. Bill was nearly knocked off the platform, making a deep OOF sound, but smiling as widely as ever. "Come on, Dipper, it's the Ducktective Movie Special!" she pleaded, shaking him up and down on the bed. "You'd better, Dipper, she's even making me watch it," said Ford, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly. He sighed and sat up. "Fine, but I'm making no promises to stay awake," he said finally. With that, they all went downstairs to the living room and sat in front of the TV after a rushed meal.
     The living room was a bit different than the twins remembered. There was now a second recliner in addition to the big, old one and T-Rex skull that had always been there, making the space a bit more crowded, but otherwise the same. Somehow, in the confusion of everyone rushing to get a seat, Dipper ended up on the big chair with just Bill. He looked at Dipper with a mischievous expression. "Ok, I'm moving," said Dipper, starting to get up, but Mabel interjected with, "Too late! Movie's starting!" Stan cackled at his misfortune. He stiffened, slowly and begrudgingly sitting back down. He's way too close, thought Dipper. There was literally no space between the two. Although, the chair was comfortable... And Bill was nice and warm...
      The movie started off, and Bill was extremely excited about watching this 'Ducktective'! He hadn't even been in a human form since five summers ago, and even LONGER before that! But even the last time he was in a human body, he didn't get to enjoy all its pleasures. Just this whole day was full of firsts!
      Not too long into the movie, he felt Pine Tree relax next to him. Within seconds, his head was on Bill's shoulder, fast asleep. His heart raced. What was this human emotion? He wondered. It made him want to wrap his arms around the sleepy angel, and get hugged back. Making sure the other Pines weren't looking (for Dipper's sake), he slowly put an arm around his shoulder. He smiled warmly and contently as he continued watching the movie.
      Soon, all the Pines were dozing peacefully as the TV continued to play Ducktective. The soft sound of snores and the tired atmosphere made Bill want to join in. Though as a demon, he didn't need sleep, it was still possible for him. He looked at the sleeping Pine Tree in his arms. His face was so peaceful and adorable; he'd never seen him make this expression in front of him. It was even rubbing off on him. He adjusted carefully so he was as relaxed as possible, and allowed Pine Tree's warmth to envelop him a he drifted off to sleep.
       It was around 2 AM, and everyone was still asleep. Dipper woke up peacefully to the sound of the television, still playing re-runs of Ducktective. He tightened his grip around the pillow he was cuddling. As he slowly became aware of his surroundings, he began wondering where Bill was. He had a sudden epiphany, and slowly looked up at his 'pillow'. Sure enough, to his dismay, there was Bill, in his arms, and Dipper in his. He froze. How did this even happen?! Do inter-dimensional demons even need sleep?! He thought frantically, Well, I was asleep, and therefore had no control over this situation! But what scared him the most was how good it felt to be where he was... In Bill's arms. He didn't want to move, or wake him, but he knew he had to. If someone saw them in the chair like this, he would never hear the end of it. Oh god, what if Mabel already took a blackmail picture?! He thought. This pushed him to slowly start getting up. However, he was suddenly trapped by Bill's tightened grip. He looked back at him in horror. "Where are you going, Pine Tree~?" he said quietly and playfully, looking at him with an expression to match his one of voice and cocking an eyebrow. Dipper's heart raced. There would be no escape without causing a ruckus, waking everyone up and only making matters worse. He simply froze, unable to do anything else. However, he was still exhausted and soon collapsed back into the chair, sitting stiffly against the demon. Bill burrowed into the chair and hugged Dipper closer, getting comfy.
        If he was being honest with himself, it felt really damn good to be in Bill's arms, even if he was an inter-dimensional demon, and a man. He sighed, wanting to relax, but far too fearful of someone waking up and seeing. As if reading his thoughts, Bill whispered in Dipper's ear, "Ya know, we can always go up to our room~" which made his heart skip a beat. Making sure to be as quiet as possible, Dipper whispered back frantically, "But what about when Mabel comes up?!"
      Bill's grin grew wider. Pine Tree was actually more concerned about someone seeing them than it actually happening! What 'it' was was still uncertain to him; he was just excited to have Pine Tree to himself. "I'll know if and when she gets close. Chillax!" he replied. Suddenly, they heard someone stirring on the chair next to them. "Quick! Pretend to be asleep!" Bill whispered frantically. Dipper, confused, did what he was told; he went limp and closed his eyes.
      Gruncle Stan stretched in the chair and slowly looked around the room. What he saw was Bill getting up and carrying Dipper like a limp noodle princess. He chuckled. "Is Dipper really that tired?" he asked quietly, so as not to wake the other sleeping Pines. "Yeah, lil Pine Tree fell asleep watching the movie! So I'm just gonna bring him up to his bed," Bill replied. "I should probably get to bed, too," said Stan, trying to get up and collapsing back into his seat. "Well, looks like I'm staying here for the night. See ya guys in the mornin'," he said, staring ahead with a stone-faced expression, a single drop of sweat falling from his forehead. Bill nodded, saying "Nighty night!", turning around, and hastily heading up the stairs.
      Once out of earshot and in the room at the top if the stairs, Dipper said, "Thanks, Bill, I can walk the rest of the way." Bill reluctantly set him down, but as soon as he did, Dipper's knees gave out and he managed to start falling backward. The demon grabbed Dip's hand and put his free one on the clumsy teen's back for support. All Dipper could do was grab into Bill's sleeves. He opened his eyes to see his rescuer's face extremely close to his, and being fully held up by his strength. He blushed and looked away, trying to get up. Bill helped heave him to his feet. Their bodies were still mere inches apart when he stood, and Bill's hand was still in his, their fingers somehow intertwined. Dipper stared at the ground, avoiding his eyes.
     "S-sorry, I'm tired... I think I'll just go to be-" he started to say, but without warning, Bill's lips suddenly found their way to Dipper's. His body quivered. Somehow, it didn't feel wrong! It only lasted a few seconds, but the feeling of Bill's lips on his own stayed. They looked at each other, Dipper in disbelief and Bill with a newfound excitement. Afraid his heart would beat out of his chest, Dipper pushed himself away and ran into his room.

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