Chapter 6

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He awoke with a start. Confused, he looked around to find himself safe and sound in his bed. The sun wasn't up yet, and Mabel hadn't even come back to her bed. He spotted Bill, sitting in his perch and staring at him with a wide, creepier-than-normal grin. Dipper couldn't keep his gaze and laid back down. Was that part really a dream?! And when did I even fall asleep?! He wondered frantically.
"You fell asleep in my arms as I carried you up here, where's my thanks?" Bill said, resting his head on his hand and reading Dipper's mind. He opened his eyes wide and stared at him. So, the first part wasn't a dream, but that last part... Oh boy. He said thank you monotonously and went back to staring at the ceiling. "No problemo, Pine Tree!" He replied, then added just loud enough for Dipper to hear, "I should visit your dreams more often~" He shot straight up and jerked his head in Bill's direction. However, the demon was now lying on his side facing away from him. Dipper laid back down ever so slowly.
He attempted sleep after that, but the speed of his heart and/or Bill's continuous gaze prevented it. Now that he had a little time to think down about what happened, he was getting a little cranky. A while later, after the room had become slowly illuminated, the first ray of pure sunlight peeked through the window. Dipper was still awake, and his last but of calm slipped away as he noticed this. I've been up long enough for the sun to rise?! He thought furiously. Sure, he got a good few hours sleep, but after a restless night two days ago, that wasn't enough to conpensate. He threw off his sheets and shot up in a sitting position, looking at a shocked Bill Cipher straight in the face. "Can you please at least pretend to sleep?! I haven't slept for a SECOND since we came up here! I'm lucky I got any sleep at all tonight, unlike last night!" Dipper exploded, clenching his fists. He turned his face away as soon as the words left his mouth. He almost immediately felt stupid for snapping. He was used to relying on a few hours sleep, but he had to admit it was getting to the point of ridiculousness.
When Pine Tree shot up, Bill was taken aback. He honestly thought Dipper was asleep, though that would explain why he couldn't enter his dreams a second time. Perhaps he just wasn't thinking, or maybe thinking too much? As Pine Tree yelled, Bill found himself shrinking back. He didn't like being yelled at by him. The second he said 'I'm lucky I got any sleep tonight unlike last night', Bill's heart sank into the depths if his (nonexistent) soul. Pine Tree didn't even get any sleep the previous night? He thought, feeling a knot in his stomach. Another new human emotion to cope with, on top of all this!
"I... I'm sorry," he said sheepishly, something neither he nor Dipper were expecting, nor thought he was capable of.
As Pine Tree slowly looked up, he suddenly found Bill sitting next to him on the bed. Pine Tree's lips, which would've been on his forehead had he not turned his head, on Bill's. Both their eyes widened in surprise. The demon's heart was being filled with a whole new level of the emotion he only just began to understand. Dream is so far from reality, he thought to himself. He slowly closed his eyes and cupped Pine Tree's face gently.
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Mabel, rubbing her half-open eyes, shuffled into the room. She yawned as she said, "What was all the yelling abou-" as she became aware of her situation, her eyes widened and jaw dropped to the floor. "WHAT the HELL...?" Then suddenly, a huge smile spread across her face. "Dipper! Why didn't you tell me you two were a thing?! You finally find someone to get your mind off of Wendy and you don't tell me?" she exclaimed quietly. Dipper's face was turning an alarming shade of red at this point.
He desperately shoved Bill forward into the bed and sat up, as flat against the wall as he could be. "M-Mabel, I, I-it's not what it looks like, I swear!" the words fumbled out if his mouth as he frantically tried, and failed, to explain that this was actually an accident. "Uh-ho yes it is," Bill butted in, half lunging himself at Dipper to put an arm around him, wearing one of his biggest grins, "Why keep hiding it, eh Pine Tree?" All of his muscles tensed. He looked at Bill stiffly in rage.
"Should I give you two some privacy and sleep downstairs~?" she teased, hands on her hips. A strong sense of embarrassment and fury welled up inside him, fueled not only by Mabel's teasing, but the lack of sleep and confusion from the kiss as well. It was just too much for him at once, and he lost his last thread of control he had left. He ran for the spot on the roof; he was down the stairs, around the corner, and up the ladder faster than Bill or Mabel could figure out what had just happened. As soon as he got outside, he locked the hatch behind him and curled up in a ball on top of it. Why he thought that would be enough to stop an inter-dimensional demon, he didn't know. All he cared about was being alone and calming down.
He buried his face in his knees. Why did Bill have to kiss me at just the wrong moment?! He must've known she was coming! Though I suppose, if I hadn't turned my damn head, it wouldn't have been half as bad! He thought furiously to himself. Why did she have to choose the worst time to come in? Now she's gonna think that I love Bill!
His heart stopped as soon as those three words crossed his mind. The warmth and security he felt while sleeping on the chair flashed in his mind, followed by the kiss they just shared... It couldn't be possible... Could it? The image of him trying to eat pancakes and getting over-excited about small things like rolling around in the grass flashed in his mind as well. His curiosity with the human world and occasional innocence was... Actually charming...
He shook his head violently. That's just how demons lure in their prey! Not to mention that now's not the time to be thinking about this! Not when you were just humiliated in front of your sister! Oh god, everyone is gonna think I like guys! Even Wendy! If it were any other person he got caught kissing, he wouldn't be feeling this so strongly. But he knew deep down he couldn't argue that the kiss was meaningless, without lying. But this wasn't the kind of thing he could easily lie about. Maybe he could at least convince Mabel it was a dream? Or at the very least swear her to secrecy. Oh lord, if anyone else found out...
      There was a loud knock beneath him. "Pine Tree?" Bill called, "It's me, can you -please- let me up?" Dipper begrudgingly crawled to the edge of the roof, hugging his knees and resting his chin on them. He stared out into the horizon opposite the rising sun, refusing to budge.
"Dipper, come on! I didn't mean to hurt you!" said Mabel. "And neither did I! This time..." Bill exclaimed. Great, now they're both here. "Can you just leave me alone, before you wake up the whole town?!" Dipper exclaimed. He needed time to rethink EVERYTHING. There was a moment of silence, then muffled voices followed by movement away from the hatch. One of them had left, at least. He could only guess who was still there. "You can go now, Bill!" he grumbled.
"Look, Pine Tree, I'm sorry ok! I actually didn't know she was comin'! Hey, maybe I'm just getting rusty but I was a little distracted, ya know," he replied. Dipper clenched his fist, turned his head and scowled in Bill's direction. However, he couldn't help but believe the apology. He sighed, exhaustion crashing over him like a tsunami. Taking a deep breath, he crawled over to the hatch and opened it up. He carefully maneuvered around Bill and down the ladder without a word, without daring to look him in the eye. As he got to the bottom of the ladder, he froze and said simply, voice slightly wavering, "I'm going to bed." Then, he made his way to their room with more confidence in his stride than he felt. Actually, inside he was doing his best not to curl up in a ball in the nearest corner.
As soon as he got into his bed, he pulled the covers over his head and wrapped himself up tightly, making his own little world of blankets and darkness. At this point he was too exhausted for deep thought, so he didn't really have any other choice than to sleep on the matter of Bill. Before he even re-entered the room, Dipper was already fast asleep.

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