Chapter 11

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      "Wait, Dipper!" Wendy called. She stood before him the second he turned around. "Kiss me again," she said in a smooth voice, eyes narrowed sassily. "W-what?! But I just got over you! Did the conversation we had mean nothing?!" he exclaimed, thoroughly confused. "Come on, Dipper! Admit it! You'll never get over me!" she said, voice changing in the middle of her sentence to one that was all too familiar. She stared furiously at Dipper through catlike eyes.
     "B-Bill?! Is that you?! What are you doing out here? Give Wendy her body back right now!" Dipper exclaimed with nearly equal fury in his voice. He was used to Bill being... Bill, but he went too far this time.
      "No thanks, I think I'll keep it for a while!" he said, turning and dashing into the woods. He didn't have a specific destination in mind, he just wanted to get far away from Dipper so he couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted with this vessel. He could barely do anything to Pine Tree's body when he first possessed him, because he needed to be alive in order to get the journal.
      "Bill, get back here! Why are you doing this?!" he called after Bill, beginning to chase him. That made him stop in his tracks, unknowingly levitating and engulfed in blue flames from rage. He clenched Wendy's fists and said, "How can you say that when you just kissed this bitch right in front of me?! When we just started dating, Dipper?" He was so furious he didn't even care to use nicknames.
Oh no, he saw us?! Dipper thought. Then, remembering the problem at hand, he shouted, "Look, Bill, just give Wendy her body back so we can talk!"
"Oh, sure, I bet you wouldn't want your precious Wendy to get hurt!" he said in her voice, gesturing widely with his arms. "I don't want either of you to get hurt!" Pine Tree replied. Bill stood up straight, squaring his shoulders. He was at a point if near tears as he practically screamed in his own voice, "Yeah? Well it's a LITTLE LATE FOR THAT." He turned and ran on solid ground, still engulfed in sapphire flames.
They continued to run through the pitch black forest, with only the symptoms of Bill's rage lighting the way. They ran until Dipper felt like his legs would give out at any moment. One misstep would send him tumbling, and he definitely wouldn't be able to get to his feet again. He continued the chase, feet like thunder through the silent forest and lungs ablaze, until finally, he collapsed. A branch of thorns cut his arm as he came tumbling down, but he was just glad he didn't face-plant in the bush. Bill seemed to take no notice and continued to run, farther and farther out of reach, until the last light of blue flames flickered out of sight.
      Bill had noticed Dipper's fall as he ran. Had it been any other time, he would've ran back and carried him home. However, the thought only flashed in his mind momentarily. He shook his head furiously and maintained his speed.
      This body was durable, but she, too, was burning out. He ran until he had to stop, resting her hands on her knees and gasping for breath. He looked in every direction for an alternate route, a place to hide, anything! But all there was were trees! Trees... He still had enough energy to climb, so he picked out the tallest pine and raced to the highest branches. He was full of stinging cuts and bruises on every available piece of showing skin, but they were side-splitting hilarious compared to the state of his heart. He climbed down a few branches so he could curl up in a ball, hug himself, and wait for Dipper to pass.

      As he lay there on the forest floor, face in the mud, Dipper heard distant voices calling his name, getting louder and louder. "I'm over here!" he called with as much voice as he could muster. Soon enough, Mabel, Stan, Ford, and Soos appeared before him, four flashlights shining directly in his face. "Dipper?! What the hell happened?" his sister exclaimed as she heaved him to his feet. "We heard yelling and ran after you dudes!" Soos added.
      "Bill has Wendy's body, he's still somewhere in the forest. We need to fan out and search for him! Uh, her? Them! He couldn't have gone far, I mean, Wendy is still human so-"
      "Woah woah woah, Bill?! As in the guy I just hired? He POSSESSED someone?!" Stan exclaimed. Ford froze. His heart sank as he realized what they were dealing with. "Bill Cipher..." he said quietly, then grabbed Dipper's shoulders. "How long did you know Bill was Bill Cipher?!" he exclaimed with a mix of anger and terror. And how was he still alive?!
      Dipper knew this was the inevitable outcome of that stupid triangle staying at the shack... Better to tell the truth now than make the situation any worse. "Since the second day we came back to Gravity Falls," he said with more confidence than he felt. Ford released him in shock, a grave look upon his face. "Wait a second, that dude was Bill? The triangle guy?" Soos said in disbelief. Dipper nodded solemnly, then pleaded, "That's not important right now! We have to get him to listen to reason so we can get him out of Wendy's body!"
       "It's enormously important! Not only is he alive, but Bill Cipher infiltrated the shack, and a member of my own family knowingly let him in!" Ford said furiously. "Well, I'm sorry, ok?! I couldn't help it because I'm in love with him!" Dipper replied. Immediate regret. Despite the current issuer of Bill-Wendy, he blushed insanely, a horrible feeling rising from the pit of his stomach. "Love?" Stan said in a tone like he might actually have heard Dipper wrong. Ford and Soos straightened their backs and raised their eyebrows in pure shock.
      "Look, that is enough!" Mabel exclaimed, clenching her fists. She couldn't sit idly by while her brother suffered like this. She continued, convincing herself more than anyone else as she spoke, "Even if that guy is Bill Cipher, he's clearly not the Bill Cipher we've all come to hate! Haven't any of you noticed how he's acted in the short time we've known him?! It's no wonder we didn't see who he was; he's become a whole different person, and that's thanks to this guy!" she pointed at Dipper, "He's become someone that can experience love, joy, friendship, and kindness! He's become human!"
      A deep, thoughtful silence followed. "You know, if nothing else, you can't argue with a face like that," Soos said carefully. Ford sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge if his nose. "I still can't believe that-!" he made one last attempt to argue, but his brother put an arm out in front of him and said, "Let the kid love who he wants, even if it is a demon from another dimension that tried to kill us all at one point. Dipper seems pretty serious about this. We can't change the kid's heart, so we gotta respect it. And Mabel's got a point; Dipper really changed the guy for the better!" "He still stole someone's body, he hasn't changed at all!" Ford argued. "All he did was steal it! It's not like he's hurting any of us or her! If this is the best he's got, then he is different! Maybe instead of destroying him, the blast from the mind eraser made him less evil or something!" Mabel said stubbornly. He never officially agreed that Bill had changed, or that he was ok with Dipper lying to all of them, but there was clearly no way he would win now. All he said was simply, "We'd better go find them."
      They fanned out in search of Bill-Wendy, Dipper and Mabel continuing along the original path he took. Once they were out of earshot of the other three, there was something Dipper had to do before continuing the search. He stopped Mabel in her tracks and pulled her into a huge bear hug. "I can't thank you enough for what you did back there," he said, nearly tearing up. "Hey, no problem. What are twins for?" she replied, hugging him back with enough force to leave him gasping for breath when she released. They both smiled and laughed as they began walking again.
      "Biiiill?" called Dipper. "BIIIIIILLL?!!!!" called Mabel a second after. "Oh, so now I have the entire Pines family chasing after me!" they heard in the trees above them, followed by a moment if silence, then Bill cursing at himself for revealing his location. "Go get 'em, tiger," said Mabel to her brother, continuing to 'search' and calling Bill's name. With that, he began to climb upwards.
      "Just get away from me!" Bill yelled in Wendy's voice as Dipper climbed. At this point he just wanted to get as far away from the man that broke his heart as possible. He was far too exhausted for anything else and refused to accept defeat by giving up his new toy. Maybe he could just jump out of the tree. "Bill, please! Let me explain what actually happened!" Dipper said desperately. He was almost offended by that. "Why should I listen to anything you have to say?!" he snapped.
      "Because you don't know the whole story!" Dipper replied.
      "What does it matter if you kissed her?!" Bill shouted. "Ok, first of all, it was on the cheek! Second, it was to I could move on! If I never got it out of the way, I might still be in love with her, deep down somewhere, even if you and I eventually come to a point where we spend the rest of our- well, my- life together!" Dipper replied. Bill's heart nearly stopped. That last part made him think. Closure? Do humans really need something so trivial so badly to forget something, that he was willing to sorta-cheat on me? Bill wondered, and 'rest if his life together'? Does he really love me enough to want spend what little life is offered to mortals, with me?
       Dipper was nearly in the same level of the tree as Bill by now. "I wanted to be able to give my entire heart to you, Bill, and no one else!" he continued, then added in a lighter tone, "Plus, if this is how you're gonna react if I cheat, did you really think I'd do anything like that ever again?"
      A small smile crept across Wendy's face. The demon desperately tried I hide it, but nothing was working. He looked down at Dipper with a cocky grin, chin up, and said, "What kind of love confession was that? You didn't even say the three most important words, ya dingus!"
      "Shut up, Bill?" Dipper suggested, laughing from embarrassment. "Those are the ones!" he replied sarcastically, almost cackling, but stopping himself. He remained stubbornly silent for a while, trying to decide whether or not to give up on his argument and hand over the chick. "You know what? I want you to say you love me in my own body," he said, then crossed his arms and added quickly, "but you're still a buttface!" "Alright, I guess I kinda deserved that," Pine Tree replied. "But maybe we should wait until we get down from here to have a reunion," he added, looking down nervously at the ground far below.
      "Heheheh, good idea," Bill admitted. He pushed this body way past it's limit; when Red woke up she would probably faint.

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