Chapter 12

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Once the two got down to the bottom of the tree, Bill jumped out of Wendy's body. Sure enough, as soon as she opened her own eyes, she blinked hard and collapsed. However, upon standing, Bill found he had lost the strength left in his legs, as well.
Dipper caught Wendy as Bill left her body. He gingerly laid her limp, scratched, bruised form on the ground. He felt a horrible feeling like death in the pit of his stomach. This was my fault. She had no reason to be in this state: exhausted, beat up; what did she do to deserve it? Just then, there was a loud crash in front if him. "Oh my gosh, Bill?! Are you ok?" he said frantically. Bill had collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness as well. He stepped carefully around Wendy and rushed to his love. He dropped to his knees beside him and held the blonde's head in his arms like precious, fragile stained glass. Aside from a lump now forming on his head, he looked fresh and new. His hair was silken to the touch, and Dipper couldn't help but run his fingers through it lovingly.
Without warning, Wendy's eyes fluttered open and she shot up into a sitting position. "Woah, what happened?" she said, studying her wounds. Dipper's shoulders jumped and he jerked his head in her direction, face turning an alarming shade of crimson. He quickly (and carefully) laid Bill's head down on the ground and sat criss-crossed as casually as was physically possible. "Oh, uh, you remember Bill Cipher?" Dipper said carefully. "Oh, I heard you talking about it with everyone else, I meant how did you get my body back?" Dipper's heart sank. "Wait, what?! You heard all that?!" he said, practically panicking, "How?!"
"Yeah, it was weird. I thought I like, passed out by the car, but when I woke up I was sorta like a ghost. Everyone else was running into the forest, so I ran after them to see what all the commotion was about, ya know? Then I... Kinda heard every word you said after that, aside from whatever you said up in the tree, cuz I waited down here," she explained. His heart somehow managed to sink lower. At least she didn't hear what he said in the tree, right...? That still didn't make him feel much in that moment. He face-palmed himself in sheer embarrassment.
      Wendy put a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the face with a look of sympathy. "Hey man, don't worry about it. You know we'll all support you, whatever choices you make. Even Ford will eventually," she said. Dipper smiled, trying to force back his tears of joy and gratitude. If he talked, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it back anymore, so he simply nodded. "Let's head back to the shack, ok? I'm sooo ready for bed," she said lightly. Dipper took out his phone and let everyone else know the situation was take care of, then picked up Bill in his arms through great effort, princess-style. Wendy attempted to stand, but as soon as she did, she couldn't fully support her own weight and learned against a tree.
"Are you ok?!" Dipper exclaimed. "Yeah man, it's cool, I just need a walking stick," she said casually, breaking a dead branch off of one of the trees and using it as a cane. He couldn't help but feel awful, but if he kept apologizing he knew he would keep getting the same response, anyway.
      Soon everyone else joined them, immediately bombarding Wendy with questions. She motioned secretly for Dipper to go on ahead, seeing how he was struggling to hold Bill at this point. He nodded and kept walking through sheer willpower.
Once he got back to the shack, he immediately tossed Bill onto the couch, nearly flinging himself onto it in the process. He sat on the edge as he waited for everyone else to arrive, looking into the face of his love. He still looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Dipper had never really gotten a chance like this to study his face because he usually tried to avoid looking at it. His hair shimmered in the colored lights of the party, almost like strands of pure silken gold. His whole face, chiseled yet soft, was seemingly too perfect for a human. Even his eyepatch didn't take away from his beauty. If anything, it made his face more interesting to look at. Dipper forced himself to look at something other than Bill; he was starting to feel uncomfortable, like the kind of uncomfortable that made him want to kiss this man. He ran into the kitchen and got an ice pack for the slight lump forming on his head from when he fell.
Soon, the rest of the group arrived and gave Wendy first aid. Once she was taken care of, she simply drove home, not caring about her wounds or exhaustedness. Assuring them all she'd be fine and wouldn't fall asleep in the car or anything, she took off.
      "Ok, I don't know about all of you, but I'm hella tired," Mabel announced. A collective groan of agreement came from Soos, Stan, Ford, and Dipper. "Let's talk about this in the morning," Ford sighed, going immediately to his room and shutting himself in. "Agreed," said Soos, then whispering to Stan, "Is it cool if I crash here tonight Mr. Pines?" Stan sighed and agreed as he went to his own room. Dipper picked up Bill so he could have the couch. "Ok, I'll just bring Bill upstairs I guess," announced Dipper, painstakingly climbing the mountain of stairs. Mabel said she would be up after she got Soos a pillow/blankets.
      Once he got them into the room, he looked up at the impossible task that was Bill's little perch. "Yup, not even gonna try," he said to himself. He was very uneasy about it, but he laid Bill in his own bed, lying next to him with as much space between them as possible. "Night, Bill," he said, turning the lamp off. Suddenly, he felt the demon's body against his own, wrapping an arm around his torso and hugging him from behind, sending shivers throughout his body. "Goodnight, Pine Tree~" he replied. Dipper frantically got out of his grip, propping himself up on his elbow and facing him. Bill sat up in a similar position, resting his head on his fist. "How long have you been awake?!" he exclaimed. He looked at Dipper with a sly grin that said everything. He never passed out. The humiliation never ends, does it? He thought to himself in distress. "Where's my goodnight kiss?" Bill said in a silkily seductive voice, sending Dipper's heart aflutter. With his free hand, the demon cupped his Pines' face and gave him a simple, loving kiss. It seemed like a fleeting gesture to Dipper, only lasting a second or two. He wanted more, but he knew Mabel would be up soon. He sighed and laid down as Bill did, contenting himself with the feeling of warmth and security this psychopath gave to him as he cuddled him from behind, slowly slipping into a deep sleep.
As soon as he felt his love fall asleep in his arms, Bill took out a piece of paper Ford had discreetly slipped him earlier. It read:
We need to talk. Meet me in the dreamscape tonight.

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