Chapter 7

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      As Dipper slept, Bill was lying awake. Mabel had said not to worry, that Dipper couldn't possibly stay mad at him forever. Apparently, Dipper can get a little testy when put under a lot of stress in addition to lack of sleep, something she had to deal with around midterms and finals.
      However, Bill still felt kinda bad that he was the cause of all this. And yet, he couldn't understand this 'bad' feeling he had in the first place. I mean, he's a being of pure energy with no weaknesses! Why should he care how one mortal felt?! But this mortal is diffrenet, he thought to himself. He couldn't explain it. He's possessed plenty of humans in all his infinite years, but that one was just... Different.
       Suddenly, after a minute or two, an idea struck. He knew the perfect way to lighten old Pine Tree's mood! He was pumped to tell Stan and Ford! They would think it's a good idea for sure, and they would probably be the best people to help him plan (because honestly he had no idea where to start with this) as soon as they woke up :D. He was going to throw his favorite Pines (and Shooting Star) a welcome back to Gravity Falls dance party!
     Three hours later, Bill was practically squirming in his bed with excitement. He had it all planned out; there would be all the human things, like soda, 'pancakes', and his best idea by far, a disco ball made of the resizing crystals! That would really make it a party!
      Just then, Bill felt Sanford's consciousness awaken, followed by Stanley's soon after. He silently raced down the stairs and burst into the den. "Ah, good morning Bill," said Ford, who was attempting to hoist Stan out of his seat on the chair. "You mind giving me a hand for a sec?"
      "Sure thing, Sixer!" Bill replied. Ford perked up at that nickname. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the man standing next to him. He was called that name by only one person...
      With one smooth motion, Bill heaved Stan to his feet, cracking his back in just the right way, apparently, because he replied with, "Thanks, pal! That felt great!" The suspicion left Ford's mind momentarily as he laughed with the two men.
      "So Stans, I had this great idea to throw a party for Dipper and Mabel!" he said, forcing himself to use their actual names. He had sensed Ford's momentary mistrust and decided he should probably tread more carefully, at least in front of him. He didn't want the whole Pines family after his head (again)! "Ya know, a kind of 'Welcome Back to Gravity Falls' party!" They considered this for a moment.
      "Sounds like a good idea to me! We had a small welcome back party then they FIRST got here, but if we plan this one on a larger scale, we can make a profit on this..." said Stan, rubbing his hands together with a wicked grin on his face.
"Sure, but it would also be nice for them to have a good time with everyone they haven't seen in a while, right Stan?" said Ford, elbowing his brother light-heartidly. "R-right! Of course! I was gonna say that next!" Stan argued.
They all moved to the kitchen for further planning. It was going to be a surprise for both twins, but Bill kept hidden the fact that the real reason he wanted to plan this party was for Pine Tree (he was growing closer to Shooting Star as well, but he wasn't in love with her, nor did he wrong her... Recently). Ford advised against the resizing crystals, saying they were 'far too dangerous for non-scientific purposes. The moment he suggested them, Bill had to explain that he and Pine Tree once talked about them while looking through his journal (which was a lie, but believable enough). Stan said they had to have more than just pancakes and soda, and they would have to hire someone (most likely Question Mark) to be DJ. Once they got minor details out of the way, they discussed how to get both twins out of the house. Bill suggested having Mabel's friends take her out shopping or whatever teenage girls do, so he called up the muscular one.
"Hey Grendo! We're planing a surprise party for Shoo- Mabel and Dipper, and we need someone to get Mabel out of the house for us. You and Candy can do that for us, right?" Bill said into the phone. He got no reply for an entire minute, and was considering hanging up. Suddenly, they thought they heard the sound of a speeding car getting louder and louder, finally screeching the tires to a stop in front of the shack. Bill cocked an eyebrow, and all three heads turned to face the front direction of the noise. With a sudden crash, the front door slammed open, revealing two teenage girls sprinting into the kitchen.
"HECK YEAH WE CAN DISTRACT HER!! IM SO PUMPED FOR THIS PARTY!!!" exclaimed Grenda. "Woop woop!" Candy replied, doing a 'raise the roof' gesture with her arms. They both sped up the stairs excitedly, returning with a laughing, confused, and sleepy Mabel slung over Grenda's shoulder. "DETAILS LATER!!!" Grenda yelled. Candy placed her phone on the table to contact them while they were out, since neither Stan had any use for texting and didn't have cell phones. The car screeched once again, and with that Mabel was taken care of for the day.
"What about Dipper? Couldn't he have just gone with them?" Ford asked. "Ya know, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind! I guess I have to distract Dipper for the day..." Bill replied innocently. "You sure? One of us can distract him for the day if you wanna keep planning," Stan suggested. "Nah, it's not a problem, Dip and I are bros! I'll just take him on a hike or somethin'!" answered Bill. The Stans shrugged and agreed to it. The rest of the time before Dipper awoke was spent organizing the party.

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