Chapter 2

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[Dear readers: from this chapter onward the POV switches from Bill to Dipper a lot, and occasionally to other characters. I'm new at using this point of view, so sorry if it gets confusing at times. Aside from context, the best indicator of who is talking is that Bill usually uses the nickname Pine Tree when talking about Dipper.]
      The twins woke up around the same time, excited for another day, only to be greeted with brooms and dust pans. "Whaaaat? We have to work today?" Mabel said, slouching her shoulders in disappointment. "You want a room in the shack? You gotta work," Gruncle Stan replied simply. "Plus we'll be paying you a little now," Gruncle Ford added as he walked by with a large box in his arms, smiling. "You'll be paying them," Stan replied. "With the money we both make from the shack," Ford added and continued walking. "Why I oughta!" Stan grumbled, shaking his fist at him, then turning back to the twins and saying, "Just get to work!" They reluctantly took the cleaning supplies and began working. Soos was still here, of course, but he only worked as a manager. However, something surprising was that Wendy was working here as well.
Dipper casually swept and shuffled in her direction, by the front counter. "Oh, hey Wendy," he said awkwardly. "Oh, Dipper! It's been forever man, how've ya been?" she asked. "Oh, good, good... So you still work here?" He replied. "Well, I haven't worked here for five years straight, if that's what you're wondering. I just needed some extra money, so I decided to work two jobs," she said. That makes sense, thought Dipper. They continued to chat for a bit while they worked. He was freaking out inside that he was able to see her again, and was dying to ask if she was single. Of course, he didn't dare.
      All was going well. The work day had gone by without too many problems, and it mostly consisted of talking and having fun with everyone. That is, until closing time came around.
      Just after closing time, someone came to the door. Dipper, being the closest at the time, went up to the screen. The guy was a fair amount taller than Dipper, with short, spiked up brown hair and black, rectangular glasses. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and hoodie. Dipper didn't recognize him, so he did what he would've done to any normal customer and said, "Sorry man, we're closed."
       He replied, "Oh, I'm just here to pick up my girlfriend." Girlfriend? Mabel doesn't have a boyfriend, Dipper thought, heart sinking faster than lead through a pool of tears, that could only mean...
       "Oh, babe! I'm comin'!" Wendy called from behind the counter. She picket up her jacket from the coat rack and hurried over. All Dipper could think of to do was run. Sneak away. Jump out the window. Anything to get out of that room, but something kept his feet planted on the ground. He felt literally sick to his stomach.
       Once Wendy got to the door, she opened it and he stepped in to meet her. "Oh yeah, you guys haven't met him yet. This is my boyfriend, Danny," she said, gesturing to the man. Mabel had run over to the door at that point. "This is Dipper and Mabel Pines," she said to him. "This is Dipper and Mabel?" he asked, surprised, "What's up, guys! Wendy told me about you before." He held up a fist to be bumped. Mabel smiled and accepted the fist-bump, but Dipper suddenly felt like he might actually throw up, though he wasn't entirely sure why. He was slowly losing feeling in his fingers as well. He covered his mouth and ran out the door, yelling, "Sorry! I think I ate too much snack food!" and kept running, ignoring the people yelling after him. He couldn't process what they were saying anyway.
      He sped down a path in the woods until he came to a small clearing and leaned his back against one of the trees, clenching his stomach. The nausea had passed for the most part, leaving a feeling like death in the pit if his stomach. His extremities still felt numb as he brought up one hand to run his fingers through his hair. She really does have a boyfriend? He thought, but just thinking about it made his heart sink even lower. "I told myself to stay positive... This was bound to happen... So why do I still feel like shit?!" he cried, frustrated with himself. Then he sank to the ground and rested his hands on his knees, adding quietly, "Maybe I put more hope in it than I thought I did..."
"Awww, is this a bad time, Pine Tree?" said a sarcastic and... familiar strange voice. He looked up, surprised to be face to face with a man that had a bizarre appearance. He had wild, blonde-ish golden hair and wore a small black top hat, as well as a huge and semi-creepy grin, not to mention the eyepatch over his right eye. Dipper jumped to his feet, let out a small scream, and stumbled backward, only to be trapped by the tree. "Who are you? And... How much of that did you just see...?" Dipper asked, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I have been watching you for a while now," he replied with a sly expression. Dipper got a better look at him to see he was wearing a yellow tailcoat that almost matched the color of his hair, as well as slick black dress pants and boots. He must've only been a few years older than Dipper, though an inch or two taller. This man was a bit too close for comfort, and that last phrase didn't help. "So, the whole thing?" he said dejectedly.
      "Bingo!" said the man, pointing at Dip with both hands, a huge grin on his face once more. He couldn't meet this guy's eyes any longer after that. "Who are you, anyway?" he asked, staring at the ground. "Aw come on, you really don't remember me, Pine Tree?" the man said, bending over slightly to look Dipper in the face again, "How can you forget all the good times we had?"
       Something about the nickname he was using... Pine Tree... That was definitely familiar, but Dipper couldn't believe it; he never met a man like this before. He would definitely remember.
      "You know, I was gonna wait for ya to guess, but I'm starting to get bored! I think I'll jog your memory for ya, my treat! How's about it, pal?" he said, holding out a hand for Dipper to shake. Slowly and reluctantly, he held out his own hand to shake the psycho's.
As soon as their palms touched, the world suddenly became foggy. When Dipper looked up, what he saw was an illuminati triangle creature, staring at him and shaking his hand in place of the man he had seen not a moment before. It dawned on Dipper who he was dealing with in that instant.
"BILL CIPHER?!" he exclaimed. "Bingo!" Bill said in the same manner as he had before. Dipper shook himself out of his grip. "What do you want with us THIS time?! How are you not destroyed?! Are you going to trick me into making a deal with you?! Are you finally going to murder my entire family somehow?!"
"Yeesh, cool yer jets, kid," said Bill, putting up his little hands, "I sensed you were back in gravity falls, so I decided to pay you a visit! I thought I'd be the first person you wanted to see right now. And I have no idea what you mean by 'destroyed'. The last thing I remember is just after that puppet show! You can't destroy me by blowing up a puppet!" he added. Wait, then he doesn't remember the apocalypse he created?! Dipper thought in disbelief. Then, remembering why he was in the forest in the first place, he sighed, turned his head away, and pleaded quietly, "Can you please, just leave me alone right now?" He could feel the tears in his eyes becoming close to the surface, and he didn't want to show weakness in front of a demon, nor did he feel like dealing with him in the first place.
That impacted Bill more than Pine Tree realized. Both men remained silent. With a snap of his fingers, Bill turned the world turned back to normal, and he was in his human form again. For once, he wasn't smiling.
He snapped back to his normal attitude in an instant, but a bit toned down this time. "Alright you've convinced me. I'll go," he said, and floating in the air and getting extremely close to Dipper's face added, "Just gimme a call if you ever wanna chat!" With that, he vanished in a puff of blue fire.
Dipper's heartbeat still couldn't slow down. Bill being that close to his face made him extremely uncomfortabe. He decided it was because of all the horrible things he's done to him and his family, as well as the town. Who the hell does he think he is, acting like nothing happened?! After all he did to rip my family apart?! After he tried to end the world?! Dipper thought furiously. He hoped he never saw him again!
In his cave, Bill flopped down onto his hammock bed, hands behind his head, and sighed loudly. He couldn't stop thinking of Dipper. Ever since Bill had possessed his body, he had always craved a human body of his own. Maybe it was something about Dipper he was enjoying... An image of him near tears flashed in his head, and he immediately shook it out of his mind. Then, a sudden idea popped into his head. His face twisted into his usual grin. "I think I know what to do to brighten Pine Tree's mood!"

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