Chapter 9

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[My own art! ^ Yay! It's better if you see the whole thing though, I tried]

      Fifteen or so minutes later, the new lovers emerged from the falls. Pine Tree shivered against the early evening wind as he got his clothes on. As they started walking, Bill noticed that he was still shivering. Even though his body was human, he wasn't sensitive to heat or cold. He unbuttoned his dandelion yellow tailcoat and wrapped it around Pine Tree, as he had seen other guys do before when their lady was feeling chilly. It was the 'gentleman' thing to do.
      "T-thanks Bill," said Dipper, stuttering not from the chill he felt. He looked over at Bill shyly. He looks... Dashing in just his dress shirt and suspenders. As soon as the thought entered his mind, Bill glanced in his direction and smirked. Caught off guard, Dipper jumped and stared straight ahead, muscles tensed. Suddenly, he felt Bill put an arm around his waist, hugging him slightly as they walked. His heart raced. He smiled lightly as they continued to walk like that, unable to completely hide his enjoyment.
Just before they got into the car, Candy's phone vibrated... Inside the tailcoat pocket. Pine Tree cocked an eyebrow, taking it out of the pocket. "Why do you have Candy's phone?" he asked. Bill snatched it back. "She wanted me to take it and, uh, keep her, Mabel, and Grenda updated on our little date~" he replied nervously, his tone growing cockier as he spoke. Luckily, it worked well enough for Pine Tree's cheeks to turn as pink as his nose and busy himself with getting in the car. Bill quickly checked the message as they stepped in. It read: BILL!!! THEY NEED MORE TIME!!! WE CAN DISTRACT MABEL FOR A FEW EXTRA MINUTES, DONT BRING DIPPER TO TOWN UNTIL SUNSET!!!
    Bill jumped at the 'text' while reading it, hitting his head on the ceiling. Pine Tree was already preparing to start the car, and the sun was still too far from the horizon to make it to the party with enough time for the rest of the gang to get it ready. Before he could turn the key in the ignition, Bill gently grabbed Dipper's face, turning it towards his own, and planted another kiss on his lips.
      Dipper's heart nearly stopped as he was swept into the passionate kiss. This again?! W-what does he think he's doing?! He thought to himself. With one eye open, he looked around as much as he could without turning his head. Ok, it doesn't look like anyone is still around... Maybe I could just take a minute or two to finally... Enjoy a kiss with my n-new boyfriend. The word 'boyfriend' still sent mixed feelings, but the fact that he could say Bill was his outweighed it. Slowly and only slightly unsurely, he reached over the seat and wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders, deepening the kiss.
      Their lips parted. Faces still inches apart, all either one of them could do was stare at each other. Dipper found it extremely difficult to keep Bill's gaze, and yet he couldn't look away from his one-good, golden, almost shimmering orb. Finally, he managed to say, "We should probably head back, before Mabel starts to wonder where we've been..." He forced himself from Bill's hypnotizing gaze and sat properly in his seat, taking the wheel.
"By the way, Shooting Star and those friends of hers are in town right now, how about we meet them at Greasy's Diner?" Bill suggested. Slightly confused, Dipper agreed and started driving towards town. When they got there, everyone was waiting for them at one of the tables, so they joined them.
"Man, I'm starving!" Dipper said as they sat, secretly attempting to avoid talking about the hike. Bill remembered that he forgot Candy's phone in the car, so he ran back to get it. "So, are you two boyfriend and boyfriend now?" Candy asked as soon as he left, adjusting her glasses and smiling. "B-boyfriends?! Pssshh, no way guys, we're just friends! Totally not, in a relationship! Just friends! B-Bros! Guy friends!"
      "Uh-huuuuhh~" said Mabel, wiggling her eyebrows and elbowing her brother. "MABEL!" he snapped, attempting to force back his blush but only making it worse. All three girls giggled like giddy fangirls until Bill arrived again.
"I'm baaack! What did I miss?" addressing the giggles. Dipper shot a warning glance at Mabel. "Oh, you know, just embarrassing the heck out of this goober," she replied, hooking her arm around her brother's neck. Bill wore a genuinely disappointed frown as he said, "Aww man, I missed the fun!"
As they ordered and ate, they mainly talked about the girls' adventures in town, to Dipper's relief. Apparently they stopped at some store [like Hot Topic] and met a group of 'hot vampire boys'. Whether they were actually vampires or just goth teenagers was unknown to her brother, but they went on and on about their experience. "But enough about us," Mabel said at last, "Tell us about your hike! I need details, man!"
"Oh, it was, uh, good," said Dipper with a nervous edge to his tone, not wanting to go into great detail, "We went to that waterfall where we caught McGucket's Gobblewonker. We explored the cave a bit and went swimming." He could feel his palms start to sweat.
"Cool, cool... But what else happened?" said Mabel, obviously wanting to talk about what he wanted to avoid. "Yeah, come on! That can't be everything that happened!!" said Grenda. Bill butted in with, "Well, I did a HUGE 'bellyflop' and technically could've drowned, but Dip here sure was quick to drag me out of the water and-"
"And, then we left! Cuz, you know, it was getting late," Dipper interrupted, voice cracking slightly. He hoped he wasn't sweating too noticeably. The group of girls looked at him skeptically. "Come on, Dipper! Don't leave out the good parts!" Candy teased. Desperately looking for a way out, he looked outside to see the sun was past the horizon. "Oh would you look at the time, we should probably head back to the shack," he said with fake disappointment, already on his feet. A collective sigh came from the rest of the group, including Bill.
"Yeah, you're probably right," said Mabel disappointedly. With that, Bill said, "Meet ya at the shack!" and grabbed Dipper's hand, half-running out of the restaurant. They all went into their respective cars, and as soon as they were on the road, Dipper pleaded, "Look, Bill, I'd like to keep us on the down-low for a little while. Please don't tell anyone that we... That I nearly performed CPR, or that we kissed at all during the hike." He had to look away halfway through (not just because he was driving).
Bill's heart dropped. How was he supposed to suppress the urge to shout to the heavens that Pine Tree was finally his? And why would he not tell anyone? Bill didn't get it. However, this relationship was probably going to be a little unstable in the beginning, anyway, and he didn't want to hurt his new (and first) love. "Alright, Pine Tree, you're the boss," he agreed, crossing his arms. "Thanks, Bill," he replied. The demon perked up; he wasn't expecting gratitude from his feisty little cinnamon bun. It felt good! He couldn't hide the smile growing on his lips. "Can I still kiss you on the cheek? Or your hand?" he asked hopefully.
"Oh yeah, that's f-fine, just, try not to do it when people are watching, especially Gruncle Stan or Ford..." he replied, slightly embarrassed at first, then his tone growing more serious, "Basically try not to do anything that's in front of anyone but maybe my sister and her friends, I think they're the only ones that would actually understand." The last part was said monotonously as he stared stone-faced at the road. Something about that made Bill's heart sink. Was it possible that he was feeling a new emotion? Sympathy, maybe?

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