Be my princess

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I had been nearly done with my work for the day when my boss suddenly ask me to stay late

I thought for sure that I Would miss the Interview, But somehow I made it.

"It says here that you graduated from the academy of art with a degree in fashion design" the interviewer said and asked me "Do you have experience in chlothing sales?"

" I did Work part time in a highend boutique when i was student"

"And designing?" the interviewer asked me again

"...I dont have any work experience, no."

No matter how i tried , I couldt seem get the designing job that i Had always Dreamed of and so i made my living instead by woking as a lowly office drudge.

But still i havent been able to give up on my dream to be a real fashion designer and so I continue sending my resume to every opening there is

"well, we will contact you with our decision within a week"

Another "no" huh....?


I thrudged home exhausted and there was a letter waiting for me from another company that i had interviewed with that week.

Slitting open the envelope i headed fo my room and the door had not even closed behind me before I saw the words : "we regret to inform you that..."

"i knew it!" i said to myself

Leavig the rejection letter in the garbage can, i threw myself onto my bed and thought about never getting up and out of it again.

nothing ever seems to go my way...


I had come to a cafe in the city to meet an old school friend after work

"so this is where you always are went you dont work late?" My friend told me

"Yeah, this place always makes me as if Im far away in some foreign country, fred from my own everyday stressed..."

"I know what you mean, escape from reality right?" she said and added " So hhow are things going with the search for a new job?"

"awful, Ive been rejected so many times that it's almost fumy. All that is left now is some sketchy start up and...." i said " The Impossible Dream"

"The Impossible dream?" she aske

"a place that would nevr want someone like me" me "i sent my resume even though i knew it could never happen"

"Sent it where?"

"Y-you probably dont know..."

"really?....oh, sorry! that's my boyfriend. I have to take this."

she took the call from her boyfriend and stood up to leave the table, her phone upnto her ear.

I pulled my Favorite magazine, DRESS< from my bag

On the cover was a design by the brand of my idol, in incomparable Jean Pierre.

I couldnt help being captivated by the graceful lines of that perfect design and a bitter smile crossed my face.

(An amazing Designer like this would never accept me...) i said to my self

Jean Pierre. It was the very last design firm that i had sent my resume to.

I know my friend would know the brand. Everyone did, but I was too embarassed to tell her that i had applied there.

My cellphone rang just then and i looked at the screen.


If they're actually bothering to call then maybe.....!?

"thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me the other day"

"and thank you for comming in " HR Manager said " Im actually calling today in regards to that interview... Im afraid that we.."

oh!...ITS OVER

i ended the phone and heaved a sigh. my eyes stared blanklt at the florist across the street.


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