Be my Princess

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The server held several glasses on the tray , ready to pour wine into each.

Prince Edward held out a hand to stop him. "Thank you, but if you'll allow me..."

He took the glasses from the server and looked at me with a smile. "Ladies first.Would you prefer red or white?"

"oh.." i said. "MAy I have the red, please?"

Prince Joshua nodded in approval."A wise choice. The rich aromas of a fine Merlot, The depth of a Shiraz, the tannic bite of a cabernet...These are what wine should be about."

"haha, I suppose so." Prince Edward

It looks like Prince Joshua prefers red...

"But many women prefer the light, fruity flavors of a good white." Prince Edward

"That's also true.Might I try a glass of the white next?" me

Hearing that, Prince Edward looked slightly worried. "Of course. But dont force yourself...Wine is a quite a strong drink,After all."

"Thank you for the warning" Hes Right, though. I need to be careful not to drink much.

"We also have a fine selection of grape juice tonight and I would be happy to have some brought out if thst would be more to your liking." Prince Edward "Charles is equally known for the juice it makes from its fine grapes, not only the wine."

"Is that right? I would love to try some in that case."

We shared a smile and I brought my wineglass to my lips.


After enjoying the wine selection with Prince Edward and the others, I found the alcohol going to my head. Hmmm.... I feel all light and airy...

My cheeks were red and Prince Edward peered at me in concern. "You're looking rather flushed...Are you all right?"

"OH! Im Fine."

I havent had that much to drink....this really is powerful wine.

I fanned myself lightly with one hand and prince Edward plucked my wineglass from the other. "Lets have you finish with wine for the evening."


"The fine winemakers of my country would be aggrieved to hear that a lady was undone by their wines, after all." He offered a glass of grape juice as he gently chided me. "Here you are. This i also a product that our grape growers are proud to be able to offer you."

"Thank you..."

"Not at all"

He really is so kind....

I was lost in a haze of admiration as Prince Edward's eyes narrowed upon me.

"....Beautiful." he whispered


I tilted my head to one side and his long, white fingers brushed against my hot face.

"This Hue..." Prince Edward "Its as if the roses which lend their scent to the wine bloom anew in your lovely cheeks."


Just because my face is flushed from the wine...?

I Blushed and not only because of the alcohol this time. A low voice muttered from behind me.

"....Doesnt look like you need us here." Prince Glenn


Prince Joshua cleared his throat rather pointedly. "I think I've had my fill of wine. If you'll excuse me..."

"Leaving so soon?" Prince Edward

"I still havent greeted everyone that I shoud. I must be off."

Prince Joshua set down his glass and turned with a sigh.

"....I will take my leave as well." Prince Gleenn then set his glass next to joshua's and bowed, disappearing quickly into the sea of people that filled the room.

Suddenly things feel a bit awkward....

Avoiding Prince Edward's gaze, my eyes happened to stop on the entrance to the ballroom. The door was gapped slightly open as if someone had just gone through it. The back of a man could barely seen through the narrowing crack.

Is that....Prince Roberto?

Before I had time to be certain, the door had quietly swung shut.



I had left the ballroom and escaped to the balcony to breathe in the cool night air.

It may have just been the effect of the wine I had been drinking, but the wind carressing my face felt heavenly.

Perhaps I'll stay here awhile. there are so many people in the ballroom and I cant quite stop feeling nervous....

I wonder If that really was Roberto I saw before? Where could he have been going?

I looked up at the night sky and took a slow deep breath. There was a slight sound from the door to the balcony.

"Here you are." a stranger voice

I looked back with a gasp and there was Prince Roberto.

"Prince Roberto...."

"I waslloking at you." Prince Roberto.

"For me?"

"Thats right, you suddenly dissapeared, so I was worried that something had happened."

"Im sorry, I just wanted some fresh air...." me

He grinned and walked toward me.

"I lied." Prince Roberto


"I mean, not about being worried. I really was." Prince Roberto "But I lied about why I was looking at you, That wasnt the only reason."

He stopped beside me and smoothly took my hand.

"How about I steal you away from the party? We'll go , just you and me."

He lightly caressed the tips of my fingers as he murmured the invitation.

"Eloping into the dark with my fair princess....hmm?"

"P-Prince Roberto...."

"Come, sweet Alexia. Lets leave these stiff socialities."

His smile grew as he squeezed my hand tightly.

Prince Roberto held onto my hand and started leading me away.

A strong gust of wind filled the air with the sound of rustling leaves from the gardens.....

Almost as if to the hide the sound of our footsteps as we left the ball behind us...


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