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Angela's POV

Saturday, July 2nd

I woke up around 11, at Sams house, without Sammy by my side. Weird.. I got up and walked to the kitchen in only pajama shorts and Sammys jacket.
"Babe?" I called out.
"In here!" I heard Sam yell from the kitchen. I walked in and saw Sam by the stove, and Skate and Christina sitting at the island table. Christina pulled a stool by her and made me sit down.
"I woke up early so I ended up cleaning and making breakfast." Sam smiled while setting a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of me. I inhaled the smell and smiled. Sam walks behind me and wraps his arms around me.
"By the way, your morning look is beautiful." He whispered in my ear making me blush.
"Okay, stop or my breakfast will be all over the both of you" Christina joked. Sam gave me a quick kiss and walked back to the stove turning it off. Skate took his and Christina's plates and put them in the sink. Sam walked back over to the table and stood on the other side as Skate sat back down.
"So I'm gonna hang at G's house today. He wants to hang out and shoot a vine or something." Sam explained.
"Sounds fun babe! Have fun! I'm just gonna go home, watch a movie or something." I tell him. I hop off my chair and give him a kiss and walk home.


Nates POV

After Angela left Sam went upstairs to get ready for Jacks.
"So we're alone..." I turn to Christina and smirk.
"Hey hey hey, don't get any ideas. I was actually thinking we could go back to my place and hang with Angie? I want my best friend and my boyfriend to get along you know?" Christina tells me. I nod and she grabs my hand pulling me out the door.


Christina's POV

It's a really big deal that Angie and Skate get along. I think they could be great friends. And I know for a fact that Angie wouldn't try anything with Skate so no need to be jealous! Perfect!

We walked into my house and I heard music blasting from Angie's bedroom. Nate laughs when he hears Linkin Park. It's Angie's favorite band. I hit his arm lightly and he throws his hands up in defense.

We walk upstairs to Angie's room and see her door wide open and her speaker on the desk beside her bed. She's walking around the room, singing, dancing, head banging. It's hilarious. She gets soooo into her music!

Nate clears his throat making Angie turn to look at us as her face turns pink of embarrassment. She turns off her music and sits on the edge of her bed.

"What's up guys?" She says crossing her legs.

"We wanted to hang out with you today." I told her.

"Oh. Ok" she says getting up from her bed. "What should we do?"

"Something crazy" Nate says making me and Ang laugh.

"Like?" We say simultaneously.

"I don't know. But I'm starving." He says.

"You just ate. Like 30 minutes ago." Angela says

"Don't judge!" He says making us laugh again.

"Well let's go to lunch and figure out the 'crazy' thing we have to do today" I say with air quotes. We all agree and walk downstairs. Nate grabs his keys and we walk to his car. He drives us to a Coney Island on the corner. I sit down by Nate and Angie across from me. The waiter comes by.

"Can I start you all off with something to drink?" He says

"Just a water" I say

"Pepsi" Nate says

"Mtn Dew" Angie says. The waiter writes it down and looks back up but only at Angie.
"I'll be right back with your drinks" he smiles and walks away. That was weird..


~Nates POV~

So he was definitely flirting with Angie.
I wasn't gonna let that slide. She's my best friends girl..

After getting our drinks, talking a bit, then ordering, the waiter comes back with our food. We all ordered burgers, Duh!

"Here you go beautiful" he smirks at Angela setting her plate down in front of her. I clear my throat making Christina, Angie and him all look at me.
"Yes?" The waiter asks.
"Well I don't appreciate you talking to her." I say to him, cockiness obvious in my voice.
"And whys that? I see you already have a girlfriend. You don't need two. Let her have some fun." He says smirking again.
"Okay buddy, let me get something straight. She is my sister. She has a boyfriend. And that boyfriend happens to be my best friend. So before you try anything suggest you leave her alone or you'll have me to deal with." I say to him. The girls watching me in awe, like they can't believe what I'm saying. The waiter chuckles and walks away. I get mad and start to get up but Christina pulls my arm back down.

"I'm your sister?" Angie asks me.

"Might as well be, Sams like my brother. So consider yourself family!" I say smiling while eating a fry. Christina laughs and kisses my cheek.


~Angela's POV~

After the incident with the waiter, we all got to talking and we decided that our 'crazy' thing would be getting tattoos. I mean, I have a few on my back and my upper arm. Skates got a few on his chest and arm. And Christina, she only has a few.

We walked into the tattoo shop that Skate prefers. His tattoo artists name is Romeo.

(Skip to after all three tattoos)

Skate ended up adding a rose onto his arm, while me and Christina got matching tattoos. I know what your thinking but hey, I've known the girl since I was born so whatever. We ended up getting two hands that are pinky promising with the quote 'make a promise' under mine and 'keep a promise' under hers, since that's been our way of trusting each other since we could speak in full sentences. She got hers on her hip and I added mine onto my sleeve.

That day, me and Nate actually became like brother and sister. And boy, let me tell you, he is annoying. But he is really funny, sarcastic and a nice guy. Christine found a keeper.

Later that night, we arrived back at my house. Sam was already waiting on the couch. I walked you him and kissed his cheek and walked upstairs. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Where have you been?..."

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