Chapter 22

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Previously: "Yes Taylor! Of course I will marry you" she exclaimed. "Really?" I asked. "Yes" she replied. I reached into my hoodie pocket and pulled out a box. We both stood up and I got down on one knee. "Eden... I love you so much! I care deeply and greatly for you, Xander, Lily, and Jenna." I said and put the ring on her finger. she was
crying... But not sad, depressed tears... They were happy tears.

Eden's POV:

I stood up and kissed him. "I love you" I said pulling back. "I love you too" he replied pecking my lips again. We were hugging until we were interrupted by Xander. "Mommy I feel yucky" he said sitting in front of the toilet. "Alright buddy" I said squatting down next to him and rubbing his back. "Babe can you get the thermometer" I asked Taylor. "Yeah" he replied, running out the door. He came back a few minutes later with the thermometer and took Xanders temperature. It was 103.5. "Oh my god!" I screamed. Xander was throwing up as well. Taylor and I switched spots and I grabbed some fresh clothes for Xander and grabbed the girls and told them to get in the car.

I went back into the bathroom and Taylor and I changed Xander. Then we put a ice pack on his forehead. Taylor carried him out to the car and we buckled him in. I sat in the middle of the van next to Xander so he could feel comforted. Taylor drove to the hospital and when we arrived, I ran in carrying Xander. I ran over to the front desk. "My son needs help" I said. "What's wrong" the lady asked. "He has a fever of 103.5, has been throwing up, and he has a big lump on his stomach" I replied. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to calm down... A nurse is coming to get him" she said. A male nurse came down and he took my baby out of my arms. At this point I was crying. "M'am I'm gonna need you to fill out some paper work" the lady at the front desk said. She handed me a clipboard with papers and a pen. "Th- thanks" I said through my tears. (This may not seem very realistic... Idk... I didn't know how to write something like that).

I sat in the waiting room and filled out the papers. About 5 minutes after everything had happened, Taylor was walking in the door with Jenna and Lily. My phone started buzzing indicating I had a phone call. It was Jj.

Phone call; J: Jack and E: Eden

J: hey
E: h- hi
J: why are you crying babe?
E: Xander... He's in the hospital
J: oh my god! Alright well we are at your house but we will get there right away.
E: thanks J!
J: no problem... Do you want us to take the girls.
E: that'd be great
J: okay we are on our way.

15 minutes later they arrived.

"Hey baby" Jj said embracing me in a hug. "Hi jack" I replied. I waved at Gilinsky and he smiled, but his smile faded shortly after. "What's wrong" I asked walking over to him. "Are you marrying Taylor?" He asked. "You weren't supposed to see that" I responded. He stormed out. "Don't you at least wanna stay for Xander?" I asked him. "You know what... I..." He started to say but instead he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled back abruptly.

"Jack... No I'm sorry..." I said. "We almost had a child together" he said. "And Taylor and I have a child together... actually 3" I said. "I love you" he said. "I'm sorry I don't feel the same way... The only reason I would still be with you is for Jacob... And aren't you dating Madison" I asked. "Nope we broke up cuz I realized I couldn't move on from you... But obviously you could move on from me" he replied. "Jack I have been moved on for quite a while now... I'm sorry" I replied and I decided on walking away before I started crying again.

I found Taylor in the waiting room standing in the corner talking to someone on his phone, while Jack was coloring with the girls. I walked over to Taylor and put my arms around his waist. "Hey baby" I whispered. He turned around and pecked my lips, before continuing to talk on the phone. "Yeah I understand that... But is there anyway we can reschedule?" He said to the person on the other end. "My sons in the hospital... We really can't reschedule?" "Alright fine... It's over... I quit, bye" and with that he ended the phone call.

"What was that about?" I asked. "I was supposed to go to a meeting tomorrow and I told them I couldn't make it and I asked to reschedule, but they said no so I quit and I'm not going on tour with them" he explained. I hugged him. "I love you so much Taylor" I said. He hugged back. "I love you too" he replied.

About an hour later

Jack and Jack took the girls back to the house and it's just us waiting to see Xander.

2 hours later

"Parents of Xander Lee Caniff?" A doctor said walking out into the waiting room. "I'm sorry but-" he started to say before I cut him off. "Is he okay? Please tell me he's alright" I said. "He's fine... For now" the doctor said.

So I was working on a new book for y'all but it got deleted... I'm sorry I have been very inactive lately... I was grounded. Anyways have fun wondering what happens next... I still need to finish my research but I already have most of the book planned out. Anyways... Love ya! Xoxo Taylor's main hoe - 💟jcsister💟

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