4: I'll show him

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"So how do we find the x in this equation?" My mind blanked out as I was sitting next to the window just looking out onto the oval. I'd rather be outside than doing stupid maths. Lucky this is the last period.
"Miss Williams,seeing as you're so focused in this class what is the answer?" Mr Holbrey asked. I looked at the board and read the question. 'Find the x in this equation'
"Well it's simple really" I tell him
"If it's so simple why don't you stand up and show us the working out then?" I gave him a half smile and stood up. I grabbed the whiteboard marker and circled the letter x.
"It's right there sir. Aren't the glasses you're wearing supposed to help you see things." The look on his face is priceless. He once gave me a B- because I forgot to show my working out on my test last month. Karma. I know it's not a big deal but meh. The whole class were laughing at both of us and I gave him a wide smile and say back down.
"Miss Williams you have detention after school".
I gave him 2 thumbs up and rolled my eyes.
The bell rang signalling that it's finally home time. As always teachers don't let you out even if the bell rang. They say "The bell doesn't dismiss you I do". Mr Holbrey was still continuing on the lesson but I've had enough. I stood up and made my way out of the classroom.
"Miss Williams where do you think you're going?" He asked.
"The bell rang duh".
"The bell doesn't dismiss yo-"
" yeah yeah yeah the bell doesn't dismiss you only you do. Seriously sir it's lunch time" I turned my body around and head out the classroom door. I received a text from Bella saying she's at our spot waiting for me. I went to put my phone back in bag when I suddenly collided with something. The collision hit me hard where I nearly fell but somehow didn't lose my balance. Two strong muscular arms held my back catching me. I looked up to see Luke the new guy. I slapped his arms away and straighten myself up.
"Look where you're going asshole" I finally said while grabbing my books from the floor.
"Hey you're the one that wasn't looking where they were going". Once I finished grabbing my books I looked up and stood up straight.
"So you saw me but didn't move? Why?" I asked. I tried looking into his eyes making him scared or threatened at least. But nothing he just kept smiling.
"If I moved I wouldn't have bumped into you. And if I didn't bump into you then I wouldn't have talked to you." He started walking away leaving me in the middle of the hallway. But he stopped turned around and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes and put my sunglasses on. All of the sudden all of the classroom doors open and a flood of students left the class to go to their lockers. I didn't turn back to see Luke's face but I'm sure he's gone now.
I walked out to go to my usual spot there I saw Bella sitting at our table. Our table was far away from other tables. Away from the so called popular, away from the nerds just away from everybody. Bella has been my best friend since the start of middle school and here we are still together for senior year. She's like my long lost twin. We did everything together and we are always there for each other. She too is a badass and I was surprised that she was still my best friend when I was with Aaron you know the good girl. So that's why she was more than happy when she found out that Stella the other badass is back.
"Girl where were you? I was going to send the search and rescue team for you". I laughed at her comment and sat myself down. The line to the food was long. But luckily Bella already got our food. I looked at the tray in front of me and my mouth was watering. Hey I know I'm badass but I also love my food. And today was nachos. I was about to grab a bite when someone took my tray away and dropped it to the ground. I looked up to see who it was that now made me hungry even more.
Stupid effin Aaron.
"What the hell Aaron?"
" You're hot when you're angry babe"
"Don't you babe me"
" I've missed you you know. I forgot how hot you are as a badass"
" yeah well I changed for you"
Our fight somehow got louder and now everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us.
"I know I made you change but now seeing you like this. I want to get back together how about that babe?"
"For the last time quit calling me babe" I shouted.
He rolled his eyes and put a lollipop in his mouth.
" I don't want to be with you. You hurt me and now I'll hurt you back."
"Please I know you're a badass but deep down you're still little miss goody two shoes and one day you'll come running back to me".
"I've changed... I'm not that girl anymore. I'm not a girl you can mess with again". I said proudly.

"Oh really? Prove it then" he said with a smug look on his face. Oh I just want to slap that smug look off of his face. I'll show him. I flicked my hair and looked into his eyes while leaning closer to his face. He looked like he was going to win and was closing his eyes. Ha he thought I was gonna kiss him. I quickly grabbed his lollipop from his mouth and put it into mine. He opened his eyes straight away shocked. I have him a wink and walked out of the cafeteria.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter. I'm still writing on my phone so that's why I've been pretty slow haha sorry.
I'm excited for the next chapter hope u r too. This story will be update till tomorrow. :)))))
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Oh and I don't have a cast yet (boo)
So if you have any suggestions please comment I'll be so happppyyy.

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