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Sorry no this is not an update on this book or this series. I'm currently stuck on the storyline for the sequel to this book, but I have been working on a new book and I'm practically in love with it. I love the characters, I love the storyline I just love it and I hope you love it as well. 

The book is called Lost Wanderer. It's about a girl named Ophelia Matthews who just experienced the death of her parents all because of a drunk driver by name of Riley Andrews. Who is the bad boy from school, the boy who plays with girl's feelings, the boy who uses people to his advantage, the boy who is popular, the boy who caused Ophelia so much suffering and pain. 

Riley Andrews doesn't remember a thing about the day of the accident but since all the evidence leads to him he automatically thinks that he is the guilty one. So it's no wonder that Ophelia is lost in her thoughts, wondering if he is guilty or not.

She starts to wonder is he actually innocent? Wondering is the bad boy isn't so bad after all.


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