17: Revenge on another boy

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I'm currently laying on my bed thinking about tonight's events. I smiled at the thought of Luke and I playing paintball but a tear fell onto my cheek as I thought of Luke and the other girl. I can't believe he did that. He played me and I fell for it. I hated myself for believing he liked me.

Throughout at the night I kept tossing and turning and I got myself out of bed. I check the time and it was 3 in the morning luckily it's a Saturday.I quickly did some work on the laptop and printed it. I got dressed in my clothes, grabbed my phone,wallet and climbed out from the window. I drove towards a gas station not too far from my house. It was open 24/7 so I went inside and grabbed a shopping basket. I looked for the items that I'm searching for. Finally after what it feels like to be 10 years I'm satisfied with what I got. I walked towards the counter to a guy a bit older than me but maybe just a couple of years older. I put my basket onto the counter and he looked up and gave me a smile. Not going to lie but he was pretty good looking when I looked into his eyes I was shocked. He had the same coloured eyes as Luke a green hazel kind with specs of gold in it. He cleared his throat. I looked down straight away.

" So what are you doing with these items in 3 in the morning?" He says. I looked up again and smirked. I look on the counter to see the items I had.

4 rolls of toilet paper

4 cans of whipped cream

4 packets of pushpins

4 packets of cotton balls

4 cans of spray paint

4 packets of condoms

4 packets of cans.

" I'm on a mission, don't tell anyone" I said with a wink.

" And what is this mission of yours?" he asked.

" Revenge on a boy who played with my feelings"

" And who is the lucky boy?"

" No one you need to know"

" Why is it four of everything?"

" His name is in 4 letters"

He finished scanning the items and I gave him the money. I walked out of the gas station and drove to Luke's house. I've been there a couple of times with Bella to hang out. I never saw his brother I guess he is in college or something. But now as I stand in the front of his drive way I have so much hatred and anger in me that I need to let out. I remember telling me 2 days ago that his parents were away and will be back on Saturday in the early afternoon. I grabbed my items and went to work.


I'm standing on the drive way again but now I'm looking at my artwork and it was horribly beautiful.

Toilet paper all over the bushes and drive way.

Whipped cream smeared on all the windows.

Pushpins stabbed into his car tyres.

Cotton balls in the pool

Spray paint on the garage door with the word Luke on it.

Condoms all over the place.

And cans which I dumped all the contents of are everywhere.

Beautiful I thought. I checked the time and it's 7 in the morning now.Luke won't be awake till 11 leaving him with little time to clean the whole house before his parents get back.Then all of the sudden I hear a car coming into the drive way.

" Hey what do you think you're doing?" I heard a guy shout. His voice sounded familiar. I thought about my options. I could just run but that means I would have to leave my car. If I drove away with my car he'll see my face and report to the police. In the end I thought I couldn't run away I've been caught. I turned my head to see the guy from the gas station. What was he doing here? Did he follow me?

" Were you following me?" I asked.

" No I wasn't this is my house. Why did you do this?"

" This is not your house, you are lying this is Luke's house"

" You must be Stella" I sighed.

" You must be Tyler, Luke's older brother" he laughed and held out his hand. I took it and shook it.

" Please to finally meet you." He took a step back and looked at the mess I've made. I looked away thinking he was going to be mad.

" This is horribly beautiful" he said. I looked up and smiled.

" That's what I said earlier haha"

" Could've told me you were planning to do this for Luke" I rolled my eyes.

" Well I didn't know that you know him so, in my defence not my fault". He chuckled.

" Damn mom will be pissed."

" Thats the whole plan." 


GUYS 400 views OMG. Hope you enjoyed this chapter cos I sure did.

OMG how do you guys feel about Luke's brother Tyler?

I wonder if Tyler and Stella will get together? hmmm...

In other news guys, it's like 42º here in Perth, Australia. It's cray

Peace Out. 

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