7: All my fault

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I was gonna update this chapter tonight but I'm too excited about this book. Anyway as shoutout to @Frenchdivine thanks for your support darl x

Why is it that Monday feels like the slowest day and Saturday and Sunday felt so quick? Like how does that work?
It's a Monday and for the first time I'm the one who's actually waiting for Bella. At least it's lunch time now but I felt like I've been at school for 10 years. Ugh.
I turned my head and saw Aaron pushing Luke against the lockers.
"What do you mean?" Luke asked with a smug look on his face.
I quickly walked towards the fight where most students were standing with their phones out probably recording the fight. I pushed a couple of people out the way.
"DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT YOU TOLD PEOPLE THAT I HAVE STDS". One side of me felt good that Aaron was angry about this. But the other I was worried for Luke.Then that's when it happened. Aaron punching Luke and Luke punching Aaron. It went for a few minutes. Why was I just standing there like an idiot?  I could Luke was winning the fight but one of Aarons friend Scott went in and helped Aaron. I am an idiot. What I'm going to do next will be so stupid. I stepped into the fighting zone and started punching Scott. He saw me and slapped me. Oh he just made a bull very angry. I kneed him in the crotch he went down on his knees and I punched his face. And with that he fell down.  I looked up and Aaron looked at me. Luke was on the ground. I looked in Aarons hand it was a knife.
Did he just stab Luke? 
I ran towards Luke and knelt down beside him. I saw a cut on his stomach. I had to get him out if the principal found out well we'll all be expelled. Before I could help him out I heard yelling.
"What is going on here?" The principal stood next to me and realised what happened. He sent Scott and Aaron to the office and called the ambulance.
I couldn't leave him all alone in the hospital room. It was my fault for gods sake. I texted Bella to tell her where I am and what had happened. She's on her way to the hospital right now. I looked at Luke he looked so peaceful and beautiful sleeping. I felt so bad.
Who knew Aaron was a filthy fighter. I thought Luke was tougher tho. I mean he is a bad boy or at least that's what I heard from other people. He didn't seem like a bad boy but just a player. He is nice though. He reminded me a lot of Axel.
"Hey there" Luke was finally awake.
"How do you feel?" I asked
" Great how's Aaron?" I shrugged.
" Not sure"
There was a long pause.
" I'm sorry it's my fault I dragged you in this"
" Hey I'm the one who wanted to be a part of this".
I was about to say something but the door creaked and it was opened. In came a middle aged woman with beautiful brunette hair and dressed very nice. I saw her eyes the same colour as Luke but it looked like she's been crying.
"Oh Lukey are you ok?" She asked.
"Mom I'm fine really." 
I looked at her and she looked at me.
" Who's this lovely girl?" She asked. I gave her a smile and she smiled back.
" Hi Mrs.Samuels I'm Stella friend of Luke".
She shook my hand.
"I'm glad Luke has a friend you're not sexually involved with him are you?"
I shook my head quickly.
"No no no"
She laughed and so did Luke.
" Well Anastasia will be here soon so. Oh have you met here Stella?"
I shook my head.
" Well stay you'll see her soon" I looked at Luke and he looked at me. I can't be in the same room as the girl who had a fling with my ex. Even though it wasn't her fault. I mean she didn't know he was with me but I get angry easily and I can fight in a hospital room.
" Sorry Mrs.Samuels but I have to go."
" Call me Lily please. And I understand. Thank you for staying with Luke." I smiled.
I gave Luke a squeeze on his hand and he smiled. I felt so freaking bad still.
I stepped out of the hospital room and bumped into someone.
"Oh sorry" we both said.
I looked up to see a girl a bit younger than me. She is beautiful. Her hair was in a messy bun and she looked like she's been crying." 
" I'm Stella" I said. I was trying to be nice. I mean the girl was crying. I can't walk away from someone crying.
" I'm Anastasia". I stopped smiling and I looked into her eyes.
" You must be The Stella?  I'm sorry that your boyfriend cheated on you with me. I honestly didn't know"
"He's my ex now and I know Luke told me. I'm honestly over it now. I shouldn't care about Aaron anymore" I said. She nodded and I walked away.
Oooh so Stella just met Anastasia and I'm surprised Stella didn't punch her or anything but she did say she's over it. Anywayyssssssss. See y'all soon. I'm kinda excited for the next chapter.
Peace out✌🏾️

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