5: Joining forces

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Heyhey welcome back. :)))
In the beginning I planned to post outfits and other pics but my internet isn't working here and I'm overseas right now. So when I get back I'll post the outfits and other pictures.
Get ready for chapter 5 where you finally get to see more of Luke.

Beep beep beep
Stupid alarm clock. I checked the time and it's 7 in the morning. I got up to get ready for school. I know I'm supposed to be a badass and you're probably wondering why I haven't skipped school. Well I do care about my education still and last time I checked I still have As and I'm planning to go to a top university after high school. Sounds stupid I know. But this whole badass thing is only for high school. I doubt that this act works in the real world.
I did my usual morning routine and checked myself out in the mirror. I'm wearing black leather pants with a grey tight crop top and my beautiful leather jacket. Oh mustn't forget about my heels. I went downstairs and bumped into someone.
"Aye" I shouted.
I looked to see who it was. And my eyes could not believe it.
" Ok Stella lower your voices mum and dad are probably still sleeping" he said while putting his finger in front of his mouth gesturing me to stay quiet.
" Puh lease they're probably already left to work" I say myself on the kitchen counter and grabbed a muesli bar and ate it.
"Sooo I heard from Anne you're back to your usual self" I nodded. He gave me a questioning look and I explained to him what happened between Aaron and I. Axel was angry for sure. He keeps telling me that he'll break whoever breaks my heart. And that he's going to go to Aarons house right now to give him a piece of his mind. After 10 minutes of his rant he finally stopped and breathes.
"Are you done?" He nodded.
" Axel I love you and as much as I would like to see you break Aaron I have a plan so don't worry about me k?"
" You sure? Cos no one hurts my little sister except me" I rolled my eyes
" Yes I'm sure. Now I gotta go otherwise I'll be late for school."
" Hey can you give me a ride? I heard Aunt Anne is working at your school. I haven't had a chance to see her." I nodded and we both went inside my car.
We caught up with each other. I found out that Axel now has a girlfriend  like AN ACTUAL girlfriend. Now my brother has always been a player so I'm glad he finally found someone. He used to go to my high school and was absolutely popular and also the captain of the basketball team just like Aaron. But instead of being a jerk and a dick. Axel was and is still nice and totally down to earth unlike some people. We finally reached the school car park.
Axel got out of the car first which made everyone turn their heads and stared at him. I'm still inside the car and I can tell all the girls must be going crazy right now. I hate to admit but Axel is alright looking but he's my brother so admitting that is disgusting. Bella though thinks he is absolutely gorgeous. Ugh eew.
I put my sunnies on and got out of the car. We both walked into the school and Bella was waiting for me in front of my locker. Her eyes were open wide and was smiling.
"Omg Axel you're back". Axel smiled and greeted her. Even though Stella is a badass she's still a girly girl on the inside.
"Bells I gotta go Axel wants to see Anne".
" Oh I'm actually on my way to the office how bout I go with you?"
" How bout the both of you go and I'll get ready for homeroom. I can't be bothered going to the office anyways. Bye". I waved at them and they both walked away to the office. I turned my head and saw that Luke was leaning against my locker staring at me. I walked towards him. Ok well not walked but strutted my way there.
"Good morning beautiful"
" It is a beautiful morning isn't it?" I said while opening my locker. I was about to open the locker door when Luke slammed it shut.
"What the hell you doing Luke?"
" Listen Williams. I know what happened between you and Aaron. And I saw that little argument at lunch yesterday. You planning anything?"  I looked at him confused. How did he know about Aaron and I.
" What's it to you?" I asked while leaning against my locker.
"I hate the guy."
" A) I don't like cheaters B) He had a fling with my little sister and broke her heart. C)... Actually no that's all"
I gasped. A fling?
"When was this fling?"
" a month ago"
A FREAKING MONTH AGO??? I've been with Aaron for 6 months and in the 5th month he cheated. Oh hell nah.
" oh hell no. He cheated on me not only with Stacey but with your sister too?"
" aye listen not Anastasia's fault. She didn't know the guy. They
were both drunk"
" whatever. I sure do have a plan not sure if you can join though"
" Please I promised my sister I would break him"
"Mr the new badboy of school doesn't know how to break him?"
"Well I know I could just punch him and whatnot but I wanna really destroy him"
I think for a minute.
It could be wise and smart to use Luke after all for my plans I need someone strong. We also do need some eye candy to look at. Ugh why is he so beautiful. But does that mean I have to work with his sister who was with my ex?
"I promise Anastasia will stay out of the way"
I looked up at him. Oh did I just say that out loud. I hope he didn't hear what I said about him.
"Fine you can join give me your phone I'll add in my number" he handed me his phone and I quickly typed in my number and gave it back to him. I quickly grabbed my books and head off.
" Oh and Stella?" Luke said. I turned my head to see him.
" You think I'm eye candy huh?"  Great so he did hear everything. Damn it.
Yes Luke you are an eye candy ugh. Haha.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I'll keep you all updated soon.
In the next chapter you'll get to hear about the plans on dear Aaron.
How do you feel about finding about the fling with Aaron and Anastasia?
See u soon xxxxx

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